2019届高三英语一轮总复习Module4Carnival区域过关集训外研版必修5 下载本文

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Module 4 Carnival


1.For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the __________ (hide) message “Meet me.”

[答案] hidden

2. It was a fair trade—I got a pleasure, and she had yet another __________ (taste) treat.

[答案] tasty

3.Not only did it get us close to nature and give us __________ (relax) from heavy school work, it also promoted the friendship among us.

[答案] relaxation

4.__________ (dress) in school uniforms, we all feel a sense of pride as students of the great school.

[答案] Dressed

5.I compared the copy with the __________ (origin), but there was not much difference.

[答案] original

6.When her mother came in, she pretended __________ (finish) her homework. [答案] to have finished

7.I feel that a man in __________ (confuse) cannot focus on the required work. [答案] confusion

8.I picked up a copybook yesterday __________ (mark) with name and class. [答案] marked Ⅱ.选词填空 1.hidden, hiding

①He found a __________ place in order not to be found by the police. ②They hid the treasure in a __________ place in the mountain. [答案] ①hiding ②hidden

2.come to an end, put an end to, at the end of, by the end of ①I don't know how they ________________ the quarreling. ②________________ last month, we had learned five modules. ③That endless argument ________________ at last. ④I'll go to college ________________ this month.



[答案] ①put and end to ②By the end of ③came to an end ④at the end of Ⅲ.单句改错

1.We come here once a year expecting a quiet relaxed holiday.____________ [答案] relaxed→relaxing

2.On many trains and buses, there are some special seats marking out for senior citizens.____________

[答案] marking→marked

3.The little girl was finally found hiding behind the door, from where she could hear what her parents said.____________

[答案] hiding→hidden

4.There was no need for us to buying so much food.____________ [答案] buying→buy

5.Breakfast normally consists in fruit juice, cereal, bread and tea or coffee.____________

[答案] in→of Ⅳ.单句写作

1.If we stay at home, it is comfortable and _______________ (没必要花钱). [答案] there is no need to spend money

2.There is no need ____________ (打扮) for it is a friend party. [答案] to dress up

3.Many families struggle to ________________ (收支相抵). [答案] make ends meet

4.The boy __________________ (假装正在做作业) when his mother came in. [答案] pretended to be doing his homework

5.She bought a pair of shoes in the big store ____________ (标记着) Nike. [答案] marked with