内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/11 6:22:19星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Installation and Commission of Water Pump: The rotating direction of the water pump shall be correct when the pump is installed for the first time or replaced. The pump shall be checked to determine whether there is air in pump or if there is no water when the pump starts. In this case, remove the end cap at outlet of the pump and filled the pump fully with water. Then replace the cap and start the pump again. The maintenance of the pump shall follow the brochure of pump explanation. Be sure to periodically fill lubricating oil.
水泵的安装和调试:水泵的初次安装和更换新泵时,应注意水泵叶轮的转向,若水泵启动后不出液,则应检查水泵内是否有气体。打开水泵出水口一侧的堵头放气,放出水泵内气体并充满水,重新装填堵 头,启动水泵即可出水。水泵的保养应按水泵的说明书进行,并定期加注润滑油。
Be sure that no water gets on the motor using the sampling valve. 使用取样阀时应避免将水滴溅到电机上。
The pipes connected to the pump shall be cleaned before installation. 外接管道需仔细清洗后安装。
The feed water shall be checked often to reach the quality standard of pure water specified by US Pharmacopoeia (24th edition).
The distiller shall be cleaned in the following conditions: 蒸馏水机出现以下情况时,需要进行清洗:
When the production capability of the distiller is distinctly low; when there is dirt on the surface of the heat exchanger. The distiller shall be chemically cleaned by manufacturer. 当蒸馏水机的生产能力显著下降时,当确信有污垢沉积在换热器的表面时,对蒸馏水机进行的化学清洗需要由制造厂来进行。
Periodical monitoring shall be done when the system is in normal operation. The inlets and outlets of pure water and water for injection shall be sampled and tested and each point shall be tested at least once a month. The use points of the water for injection shall be alternatively sampled and tested at each point and at least once a week.
系统正常运行后应定期对水质进行监测:纯化水及注射水进、回水口应每天取样检测,纯化水用水点应轮流取样,必须保证各个用水点每月至少取样一次,注射水用水点应轮流取样, 必须保证各个用水点每周至少取样一次。
Chemicals Preparation: 药液配置:
Chemicals put into purified water for pretreatment shall be a flocculant and scale inhibitor both in concentration of 1.0 ppm.
Alkali lye shall be added after class I reverse osmosis for pH=14. 一级反渗透后加碱液:pH=14。
RECORDS 记录 RECORD 记录 MF-01-0001-01 MF-01-0001-02 MF-01-0001-03 MF-01-0001-04 8.
CHANGE HISTORY: 变更历史 8.1. 8.2.
Summary of Current Revisions Made 本次修订概述 8.2.1.
Add an attachment IV: Cleaning Record of RO Membrane. 增加附录 IV :反渗透膜清洗记录
Last Change: Dec.05, 2001 上次变更:2001年12月5日
LOCATION 存放位置 Maintenance, Engineering Maintenance, Engineering Maintenance, Engineering Maintenance, Engineering MINIMUM RETENTION 保存期限 10 Yrs. 10 Yrs. 10 Yrs. 10 Yrs. 文档大全
Pump Maintenance 泵的维护
Date ________________________ Initial & Date
Check radiator, pump motor, cover and cooling fan shaft ___________________________
检查水泵泵电机散热片,冷却风扇盖板和叶片 Clean Pump 清洁泵
RO Maintenance 反渗透膜的维护
Check pressure difference between inlet and outlet on the safety filter. If it is >0.15 MPa then replace the filter and document on a Maintenance work order.
如果压差大于0.15 Mpa,必须更换保安过滤器滤芯,并在维护 单上作记录。
Check UV lamp to assure it is working and that the number
of hours have not exceeded the limit posted on the UV. _____________________________ 检查紫外灯,确保其正常工作,如果超过规定时间应予以更换。
High Pressure Pump 高压泵
Check high pressure pump to assure that it is in operation And that no error is displayed on the panel.
Conductivity Meter 电导仪
Assume that the conductivity meter is in operation. 确保电导仪处于良好的工作状态. Record Readings: 记录电导仪读数:
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Ref. PM-01-0001 Attachment I
MF-01-0001-01 Rev. 04/2002
PW 纯水:_____________________ WFI注射用水:_________________
__________________________ __________________________
更换石英砂 Exchange Sand PW-405-FLTR-01 原型号 Old Model NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号 Old Model NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号,编号 Old Model And Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 新型号 New Model NO. 更换人及时间 By And Date 新型号 New Model NO. 更换人及时间 By And Date 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换活性碳 Exchange Active Charcoal PW-405-FLTR-02 更换精滤滤芯 Exchange Precision Filter Core PW-405-FLTR-03 更换人及时间 By And Date 文档大全
实用标准文案 更换药洗滤芯 Exchange Precision Chemical Filter Core PW-405-FLTR-04 原型号,编号 Old Model And Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号,编号 Old Model And Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号,编号 Old Model And Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号,编号 Old Model And Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 原型号,编号 Serial NO. 上次更换时间 Last Exchange Date 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换人及时间 By And Date 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换反渗透膜 Exchange RO membrane PW-405-ROU-01-1/2/3 PW-405-ROU-02-1/2 更换人及时间 By And Date 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换中间水箱放空滤芯 Exchange Vent Filter Core Of Interspace Tank PW-405-FLTR-05 更换人及时间 By And Date 更换纯水箱放空滤芯 Exchange Vent Filter Core Of PW Tank PW-405-FLTR-05 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换人及时间 By And Date 新型号,编号 New Model And Serial NO. 更换紫外灯管 Exchange UV Lamp Old Model And 更换人及时间 By And Date 其它维护记录或说明(Other Record Or Note)
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Ref. PM-01-0001 Attachment II
MF-01-0001-02 Rev. 04/2002