单词记忆 词根词缀 下载本文

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单词记忆法: 1.联想记忆法

2.比较,词群记忆法 3.典故神话记忆法 4.词根词缀记忆法

单音节(无法划分,直接记忆) 多音节 合成词&词根词缀


雅思考试使用最高的构词原则:形容词以al结尾,如何变名词与动词 听说读写对词汇的要求:短时间多次重复,时间单词量计划表 背单词的方法


ab- , abs-

1.从,来自from 2.离开 away from 3.表否定 not ab-

absence n.(ab否定-sence拉丁词汇存在to be ) absent a. absorb vt.(ab离开sorb吸收。to swallow up,to suck拉丁语) absorbed a. be absorbed in doing.

absorption n.吸收融合of (nutrition),专心in doing sth.


abstract a./n./vt. 提炼(abs离开tract拉,抽出) abstraction n.抽象化,提炼

ad- 朝,去 (ac,ab,af,ag,al,an,ap,ar,as,at) ad-

adapt (apt适应,倾向于同fit) be apt to do/tend to do

admit ( mit送,放出send,词源同mission使团使命。允许进入,承认,同意) adult (ul同ol,词源old,t为过去分词后缀。)

adolescent青少年(adol, ad,ol,同上,esce起始动词后缀,即成长中的,ent名词后缀)

adventure (vent来come,ure名词后缀,通常词根以t结尾时使用.venture冒险,为缩写) advent n.到来arrival

1词根为首字母为b,f,g,l,n,p,r,s,t,前缀同化为ab-,af-,..at- affect (af-同ad-朝,fect词源同fact做,制作 make,do)

1.真心实意的做,打动影响 2.真正做了,侵袭

3.做出来的样子,假装。She affected a calmness she did not feel.她强装镇定

agree (ag-同ad-朝,gree感激高兴满意,pleasing)

2词根首字母为c,k,qu,前缀同化为ac- access (ac-朝向,cess/cede走) account (ac-,count 数数)

accuse vi/vt (ac-,cus同cause原因。有理由指责别人) accusation

3词根首字母为sc, sp, st, v前缀缩写为a-

avenge v.复仇 (a-去,venge惩罚,报仇punish) avenger n.复仇者

-count 计算,思考

counter n.柜台,计算器,计算者

v.反驳these arguments are not easily countered. discount n./v. 打折,忽视 counter-反对,相反

counterattack n/v. 反击 launch a counterattack(against sb.)

counteract vt.(act行动)抵消 counteract the stress and tension.

-mate 伴侣,配偶 classmate, deskmate workmate (colleague)

roommate / bunkmate bunk:铺位(bedmate X) inmate

-ess 女性 actor, actress waiter, waitress prince, princess host, hostess god, goddess poet, poetess

con- (com,cor,col) together共同一起

1.词根首字母为b,p,m,前缀尾字母为m, 即com- communicate compose组成(pose摆)

combat 斗争(bat打,同beat. baton警棍,接力棒,都是用来打的) compete 竞争(pet追求)

2.词根首字母为r,l,前缀尾字母为r,l,即cor-,col- corrupt collaborate

in,im,ir,il 1.否定 impossible irresponsible illegal inorganic


ingenious a.聪明的,天才的=genious

inform v. (form 形成shape。 原意使成型,后演化为教导,通知)

impose v.征收(pose摆,将他人财务摆到自己口袋,征收) import export inbox收件箱( notifications信息)

outbox发件箱(draft草稿箱draftman 起草人) sent 已发送信

opt- 选择choose option n. optional. a.

optimistic a.乐观的(仍然有选择)pessimistic a.悲观的

optimum a.最优的,最适合的(mum词源同maximum,minimum,极,最) adopt vt.采纳,收养(ad-朝,去。不断去选择) re-


repeat v. (peat同pet,追求.词源同compete) react v.重做 resort vt.再分类

recover vt.恢复,重新盖上(cover覆盖,保护)

ex- 出

expense n.花费(pense称重,称银子weight) export

experience (peri尝试,ence表名词) exhibit v.(hibit拿)


-ment 动词+ment 变名次

agreement, payment, development, movement, management, treatment, argument, statement, equipment, entertainment, punishment -ture

future, nature, culture, picture, furniture, adventure, temperature, architecture, lecture

-tion 动词+ment 变名次

evaluation, civilization, globalization, attention, attraction, option, information, action, competition,situation,production,friction,explanation,dictation,


scholarship, friendship, championship, worship,hardship,


witness, happiness, weakness, -th

truth, faith,bath,depth,youth,length,strength -sim ...主义

communism, socialism,heroism, capitalism,

形容词后缀 -ious

various,delicious,curious, precious -al

musical, political,technical,typical, mental, official,central, casual,mineral, original,signal, national,


vulnerable, reliable, responsible, valuable, available, miserable, -tive

sensitive, relative,native

-ful 充满...的 源于full

beautiful, powerful, colorful, painful, thankful, grateful, meaningful,careful -less 不具备...的

careless, homeless, selfless, jobless, aimless,

动词后缀 -en

fasten, frighten,soften,broaden,sharpen,threaten,strengthen


maverick 特立独行的人 NBA 球队 达拉斯小牛队

2000年启用的新队徽 1980年的旧队徽

第一条翻译过来是未打上烙印、无主的牧养动物,尤其特指没有母亲的小牛 第二条第二条则是指独来独往,标新立异的人