美国量化宽松货币政策对中国经济的影响 下载本文

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2 Christopher J Neely. The Large-Scale Asset Purchases Had Large International Effects[D].FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OFST.LOUIS Research Division Working Paper, October 2010.

3 Daniel L Thornton. Would QE2 Have a Significant Effect on Economic Growth,Employment,or Inflation?[D].Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis Working Paper,29th November 2010.

4 “Quantionative Easing Explained”. Bank of England.2011.

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附 录1

Financial Crisis Counter Measures under the Continuous Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy

I. Introduction

The financial crisis began with the US subprime housing market has spread across the world’s main financial markets in Europe and Japan since 2007 summer . It extended from the United States financial industry to its real economy and has evolved into the global economic crisis. Since March 2009, British, American and Japanese had implemented Quantitative easing monetary policy that was commonly known as “printing money”. On 3rd November, 2010, the Federal Reserve announced to buy in $600 billion U.S. Long-term national debt at the end of June 2011,and as well as to maintain the federal funds rate at from zero to 0.25% level. only after more than a year, the Federal Reserve announced again to buy in American government loan on a large scale, which declared the U.S. second round of Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy (Quantitative Easing Monetary Policy, hereinafter referred to as QE2) has officially opened.

As an \to the central bank buy in the long-term assets such as the treasury bonds through the open Market operation to affect the long-term interest rates and to increase the money supply so as to promote growth, stabilize prices and encourage employment. The continuous extreme monetary measures produced adverse effect on the global economy, especially the Chinese economy.

II. The U.S.’ QE Policy Effect

The FED's two rounds of quantitative easing monetary policy stimulated the U.S. economic recovery, promoted employment, solved the financial market liquidity shortage, avoided more financial institutions collapse, and ended in domestic economic recovery and stable financial market. A. The Short Effect

Firstly, it stabilized the financial system, and avoided the further crisis deterioration. Secondly, it promised sufficient liquidity for banks which fell in financial difficulties. Thirdly, it helped the financial institutions which were on the verge of bankruptcy and



prevented systemic financial risks and the further spread panic. All these ended in stable financial system. B. In The Medium Term

After the financial crisis, the financing costs for banks in the capital markets increased, and with the decline in the quality of the loans that have already been issued , banks have to take loans back to balance the balance sheet, which resulted in direct credit crunch. The FED reduced the long-term interest rates through buying in long-term bonds to directly inject capital into the credit system. Lowered real interest rates could indirectly affect the business lending rates and reduce the borrowing costs, which could stimulate the enterprise investment and avoid further economic crunch. Meanwhile, Quantitative Easing Monetary

Policy made people expect future prices and promoted personal consumption growth, which curbed deflation continues spread, and promoted the economic recovery. C. In The Long Term

The decreased interest rates and the increased money supply may result in the local currency exchange rate devaluation, which would bring about higher export. On one hand, domestic lower interest rates would cause capital flow abroad. On the other hand, the increased money supply would encourage people’s expectation on inflation and local currency depreciation, so as to put money into other currency conversion to ensure safety.

Capital flowed abroad would bring local currency depreciation pressure. And local currency devaluation made the export products prices of the United States lower, thus made the people of the United States increase consumption of products, which promoted export and restrain import so as to improve the international payments and increase effective demand.

III. The Impact of QE Policy on China

Under the highly integrated global finance and economy, quantitative easing monetary policy may play a certain role of stimulation in the U.S. economy, but it was also a double-edged sword. In other words, to some extent, quantitative easing would bring about risk of big asset bubble and threaten the global economic stability. As to China, the world's second largest economy, the impact would be incalculable. A. Increased China’s Inflation Pressure

The quantitative easing monetary policy brought about substantially increased money supply, which in the long term would lead to a fall in the intrinsic value of the currency and trigger inflation. In addition, quantitative easing monetary policy had a domino effect.