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Couple 力偶 Fundanmental 基础的 Negligible 可以忽略的 Moment力矩,力偶 Equilibrium 平衡 Preceding 以前的 Pulley 滑轮,皮带轮 Relegate 归类,委托 Component 分力,分量 Scalar 纯量,标量 Truss 桁架,构架 Unknowingly 无意中,不知不觉的 Lowercase 小写的 Visualize 想象,设想 Patently 明白的 Perpendicular 垂直的 Vector 矢量,向量 Squash 压缩,压碎 Tangential 切线的,切向 Subscript 下标,脚注

Nonetheless 尽管如此 Abbreviate 缩写,简写 Membrane 薄膜,隔板 Revolution 回转,旋转 Cylindrical 圆柱的筒形 Conical 圆锥形的 Hemispherical 半球的 Ellipsoidal 椭圆形的 Torispherical 准球形的 Induce 引起,导致 Symmetric 对称的,平均 Curvature 弯曲,曲率 Resist 抵抗,耐得住 Equate 立方程式,使。等于 Meridional 径向的 Substitution 代入 Alloy 合金, Crystal 结晶,晶体 Aggregate 集合,集合体 Electrostatic 静电的 Conductor 导体,指挥 Wrought 精致的,可锻的 Cast 浇铸,铸件 Ferrous 含铁的 Nonferrous 不含铁的 Intake 吸入,入口 Air-intake 空气入口 Manifold 集气管,多样的 Refractory 难溶的耐火的 stock原料,库存 specimen试件,试样 appropriate适当的合适的 gauge测量仪器,标距 yield屈服,产出 transverse横(向,截)的 sketch草图,画草图 friction摩擦,摩擦力 destructive破坏性的有害的 indentation压痕,凹痕 level-off整平,恢复水平 endurance耐久性 hign-stress low-cycle fatigue高应力低周疲劳 disparate根本不同的 phenomenom现象,征兆 impact碰撞,冲击 notch切口,缺口,开槽口 pendulum摆,摆锤 diffusion扩散,发散 elevate提升,抬高 turbine涡轮机 rupture断裂,破损 crack破裂,裂缝,裂解 propagate扩展,扩张 anisotropy各向异性现象 longitudinal纵向的径向的 anneal退火,韧化 normalize正常化,正火 refine精制,提炼 temper回火,使缓和 machinability机械加工性能 coarse粗粒的,未加工的, martensite马氏体,马丁体 hypoeutectoid亚共析的 hypereutectoid过共析的 homogenize均匀化 reverse颠倒,反转,回动 unhindered不受阻碍的 precipitation沉淀作用,沉积,析出 facility 设备,装备 presentation 表示,展示 encompass 包裹,包含 bulk 大多数大体积大量 thermodynamics热力学

momentum动量,冲量 diffusion扩散,分散,传播 compressor压缩机压气机


precipitate使沉淀,析出,沉淀物 crystallize结晶,晶化 electrolyze使电解(电离) impose发生影响将。强加于 quote引用,引证

designate指明,指定,表示 humidification增湿作用湿润 sedimentation沉积沉淀 agitation搅拌,搅匀,搅动 centrifugation离心作用,分离 terminology术语,词汇 volatile挥发性的,易挥发的 solute溶质,溶解物 solvent溶剂,基本组成 extraction萃取,提炼 leaching浸取,浸提 semipermeable半渗透的 immiscible不互溶的 settling沉降,沉淀

Succession 系列,顺序进行,依次 Purification净化,提纯

Inconsequential 无关紧要的,微不足道的

optimum 最优,最有利的 invariably 一定,必定,不变的,永恒的

endothermic 吸热的,吸热反应的 estimable 可估价的,估计的 mole 摩尔

thermochemical 热化学的 interrelate 互相有关,互相联系

constituent 构成的,组成的,成分,要素

simplfy 简化,使单纯 vessel 容器,槽,罐,船只 leakproof 不漏的,防漏的 gage 量测仪器,尺度 monoblock 整体的单层的 code 规范,标准

discontinuity 不连续,不均匀 transition 过度,转折 flange 法兰,凸缘,折边,安装凸缘 gasoline 汽油

hemispherical 半球形的 clad 覆层 titanium 钛

dish 碟,盘,碟形使成碟形 segmental 部分的分片 gore 三角地带 torispherical 准球形的 contour 轮廓,等高线,使与轮廓相符

knuckle 转向节万向接头 reinforce 加强,补充 toriconical 准锥形

hopper 漏斗

unstayed 未加固的无支撑的 manway 人孔 handhole 受控 skirt 裙座 anchor 锚,钩子 anchor bolt 地脚螺栓 saddle 马鞍,鞍座 installation 安装,装置 earthquake 地震 erection 竖立,安装 petrochemical石油化工的 degradation 降级,退化 substitution 代替,取代 prevalent 普遍的,流行的 assembly 组合,装配 assurance 确信保证,保险 adverse 不利的,有害的,敌对的

radiography 射线照相,X光探伤

encounter 遭遇,碰到 jurisdiction 权限,管辖权 erosion 腐蚀,冲刷 lethal 致命的,致死的 sustained 持续的,不衰减的 transient 瞬态的,过渡

predominantly 主要的突出的 reactor反应器,反应物 kinetics动力学

accessory附件,辅助设备 inconceivable不可想象的

coefficient系数 parameter参量,参数


descriptive描述性的,说明的 tubular管的,筒形的 cybernetics控制论 encyclopedia百科全书 forge向前迈进迎头赶上 generalization通则,归纳 subject-matter主题,要点 mesoscale中间尺度 microscope微观尺度 macroscale宏观尺度 dynamics动力学动态特性 continuum连续介质 insight见识,理解 synthesis合成,综合 optimization最优化,优选法 integrate使结合,使一体化 combustion燃烧,氧化 composite合成的,复合的 rigorously严格的,严厉的 conceive想出,想象

similarity相似性,类似 analogy类似,相似(性) whereby由此,从而,靠… nomenclature术语,专门用语 differential微分的差别 humidifier增湿器加湿器 fractionater分馏器分馏塔 pollutant污染物,三不污染者, empirical根据经验的,实际上的 homogeneous同类的 ,均匀的, concentration浓度浓缩,聚集 obsolete已废弃的过时的 reaactant组分,成分,反应物 sequence序列,连续 versatility通用性,多面性 originate起源于,由。。引起 coordinate使协调使同等,坐标 pulverize磨碎,粉碎

systematic有系统的成系统的 roast煅烧,烘烤 assumption 假设,设想前提

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specification技术要求,详细说明,说明书 corkscrew 螺旋状的 certification 证明,确认鉴定 margin 差距,边界 mode 形式,状态,振型 criterion 判据,准则指标 cavitation 气蚀,汽蚀 circulate 循环

aerate 曝气,充气,使暴露于空气 fountain 水源,喷泉 sump 污水坑,水坑 foundation 基础 suction 吸,吸入

clog 阻塞 debris 碎片

inducement 诱因,吸引力,刺激物

bucket 桶,吊桶,挖斗 trench 渠 multiple 许多的 diffuser 扩散器,扩压器 vane 叶轮,叶 volute 蜗壳 prime 最初的,灌注

variant 变体异体,变型 advent 来到,来临

exotic 外来的,由外国引进的,外来物

reasoning 推论,推理 logarithmic 对数的 circa 大约在

automaton 自动机器人 unostentatious 朴素的,不虚饰的

adjunct 附属的,附件 limb 四肢

whatsoever 无论什么 engender 产生 lavish 浪费,滥用 telescopic 套管式的 chatter 颤动 reflection 沉思 orifice 口,孔口 resonant 共振的 lock 水闸

evolution 进化,发展 encase 包住,把。。装入箱 overflow 使溢出,溢出 servomechanism伺服机构

Cancel out 相约,相消 Statically determinate 静定的 2-in-square 2平方英尺 Pounds per square inch 榜/平方英尺 SI=system international unit 国际单位制 Sodium chloride 氯化钠 Sodium nitrate 硝化钠 heat exchanger热交换器 in common共用,共同 more often than not 常常,通常,多半 Cast iron 铸铁 Wrought iron 可锻铸铁 Ferrous metals 黑色金属,铁合金 Nonferrous metals有色金属 Vade mecum手册 gage pressure 表压 percentage elongation to fracture断裂延伸率 anchor bolt地脚螺栓 Reduction of ross-sectional area at fracture断裂截面收缩率 young's modulus of elasticity杨氏弹性模量 Brinell Hardness Number布氏硬度值 Vickers Hardness Number韦氏硬度值 Rockell Hardness Number洛氏硬度值 Positive-displacement pump 容积泵 centrifugal pump 离心泵 Lift pump 抽扬泵 screw pump螺杆泵 Reciprocating pump往复泵 check value止回阀 Jet pump 射流泵

1。In this section, we shall consider the conditions that the forces and couples acting upon a body must satisfy in order for it to be in equilibrium.在这一部分,我们将研究为了使一个物体保持平衡,作用在其上的力和力偶所满足的条件 。

2。In particular,these results apply to bodies of finite extent , since such bodies can be thought of as consisting of a large number of very small pieces, or particles. 特别是,这些结果也适用于有限尺寸的物体,因为这样的物体可认为是大量的微体或质点组成。

3. It is important to note that Eqs. (1.1) hold for any system in equilibrium, regardless of the material of which it is comprised.重要的是要注意到,方程式(1.1)适用于任何平衡系统,而不管组成该系统的物质是什么。

4. They also apply to moving systems under certain conditions , since Newton's first law ,upon which they are based, applies to particles moving with constant velocity as well as to particles at rest . 在某种条件下,他们也适用于动力系统,因为他们是建立在牛顿第一定律的基础上,而牛顿第一定律既适用与匀速运动的质点,也适合于静止的质点

5. The force was found by passing a cutting plane through the member and is , therefore , and internal load.该力是利用穿过杆件的横截面求得的,因此叫做内力或内载荷。

6. Becoming used to it now will make later work more convenient .现在习惯用它将使后面的工作更方便。

7. A shell of revolution is the form swept out by a line or curve rotated about an axis(a solid of revolution is formed by rotating an area about an axis).回转壳是由一条直线绕过一根轴旋转形成的曲面(回转体是由一个面绕一轴线旋转而成的)

8. The analysis of the membrane stresses induced in shells of revolution by internal pressure gives a basis for determining the minimum wall thickness required for vessel shells. 对受内压回转壳的薄膜应力分析为确定容器壳体最小壁厚奠定基础。

9. About three-quarters of the elements available can be classified as metals, and about half of these are of at least some industrial or commercial importance.大约现在元素四分之三可归于金属,而大约一半的金属都有一定的工业或商业的重要性。

10. Individual crystals are composed of unit cells repeated in a regular pattern to form a three-dimensional crystal-lattice structure.单个晶体是由单元颗粒按有规则模式重复而形成的三维晶格。

11. A piece of metal is an aggregate of many thousands of interlocking crystals immersed in a cloud of negative valence electrons detached from the crystals' atoms.一块金属是成千上万相连晶粒的集合体,而这些晶粒沉侵在从晶体原子中脱离出来的带负电的价电子云。

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12. The bonding forces ,being large because of the close-packed nature of metallic crystal structures, account for the generally good mechanical properties of metals. 由于

金属结晶结构致密本质导致的这种很大的结合力是造成金属一般都具有良好的机械性质的原因。 13 It is predominantly based on mechanical forces which are used to change the appearance and/or physical properties of the materials being worked, while their chemical properties are left unchanged.它(指机械工程)主要以机械力为基础,这些力用于改变被加工材料的表面形状和(或)物理性质,而材料的化学性质则保持不变。

14 The expansion of the chemical process industries on the one hand advances in the chemical and technical sciences and on the other hand have made it possible to lay theoretical foundations for chemical processing.


15 The traditional level of size and complexity at which they have worked on these problems might be termed the mesoscale.化学工程师所研究问题的传统范围,从复杂和规模上来讲,也许都可以称之为是中等尺度的问题。

16 Future research at the mesoscale will be increasingly supplemented by dimensions the microscope and the dimensions of extremely complex systems—the macroscale.未来的中等尺度研究将越来越多地由微观尺度的研究和极端复杂系统的宏观尺度的研究来补充。

17 It is also distinguished from fluid mechanics in that the study of transport phenomena makes use of the similarities between the equations used to describe the processes of heat ,mass,and momentum transport.


18 Moreover, if the differential equations and boundary conditions are the same ,a solution need be obtained for only one of the processes since by changing the nomenclature that solution can be used to obtain the solution for any other transport process.


19 It is important that engineers have an understanding of the physical laws governing these transport processes if they are to understand what is taking place in engineering equipment and make wise decisions with regard to its economical operation.

如果工程师想要了解在工程装备中所发生的情况,并就操作的经济性做出明智的决策,那么他们应该对控制这些传递过程的物理定律有所了解,这一点很重要。 20 For example , consider a simple heat exchanger ,i.e., a pipe used to heat a fluid by maintaining its wall at a higher temperature than that of the fluid flowing through it.


21 The fluid enters with a certain concentration of reactant and leaves the tube with a decreased concentration of reactant and an increased concentration of product. 流体以某种反应物浓度进入管子,而以减小了的反应物浓度和提高了的产品浓度排出管子。

22 The versatility of chemical engineering originates in training to the practice of breaking up a complex process into individual physical steps, called unit operations, and into the chemical reactions.


23 The complexity of chemical engineering results from the variety of conditions as to temperature,pressure, etc., under which the unit actions must be carried out in different processes and from the limitations as to materials of construction and design of apparatus imposed by the physical and chemical character of the reacting substances.


24 Every industrial chemical process is designed to produce economically a desired product from a variety of starting materials through a succession of treatment steps. 每一个工业化工过程的设计都是从各种原材料出发,经过一系列的生产加工歩骤,来经济地生产出期望的产品。

25 One design may have low reactor cost , but the materials leaving the unit may be such that their treatment requires much higher cost than alternative designs. 也许一种设计方案中的反应器费用并不算高,但从反应器出来的物料后处理费用可能远高于另一些反应器设计方案中的处理费用。

26 The design of chemical reactors is probably the one activity which is unique to chemical engineering, and it is probable this function more than anything else which justifies the existence of chemical engineering as a distinct branch of engineering.

化学反应器的设计也许是一种只有化学工程领域才涉及的工作。并且可能正是因为这种功能才奠定了化学工程作为工程领域的一个特殊分支而存在的合理性。 27 The first question concerns thermodynamics , the second the various rate processes chemical kinetics , heat transfer, etc . 第一个问题与热力学有关,第二个问题则与各种速率过程,例如化学动力学及传热学等有关。

1.Some are buried in ground or deep in the ocean ;most are positioned on the ground or supported on platforms; and some actually are found in storage tanks and hydraulic units in aircraft.某种(压力容器)是埋在地下或海洋深处,多数是安放在地上或支撑在平台上,还有一些实际上在航天飞行器中的储槽和液压装置中。 2. Because hemispherical heads are thinner are thinner than cylindrical shells to which they are attached, the transition area between the heads and shell must be

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