外研版高中英语必修二-Module4-第1课时教案-新版 下载本文

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Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts

Period One Introduction, Reading and vocabulary, Function

课题 Module 4 Fine Arts—Western, Chinese and Pop Arts Period One 第一课时:Introduction, Reading and vocabulary, Function 教学 第二课时:Listening and vocabulary, Everyday English, Speaking 总体 第三课时:Grammar1 & Grammar 2 and Vocabulary 框架 第四课时:Writing 模块 教学 目标 Aimed at carrying out quality education, based on students’ development, letting students grasp the vocabulary, grammar, function in this module, strengthening students’ language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing set in this module, developing students learning strategies. Through learning this module, students are expected to learn about the artists and their painting styles, be capable of introducing their favorite artists and their works, be interested in art, improve their aesthetic consciousness, love life and develop their sense of cooperation. Aimed to cultivate students’ integrated language capability in various student-centered tasks or activities. 多维教学目标:(配课件) 第 一 课 时 Language objectives: To enable the students to grasp the new works, phrases and the structures to give opinions about likes and dislikes Skill objectives: To enable the students to match descriptions with paintings, choosing the 1 / 7

correct answers and filling in the form in the aspect of reading To enable the students to give opinions about certain paintings Culture awareness, emotions and attitudes objectives: To enable the students to have ability to enjoy and evaluate various paintings and drawings To enable the students to be able to find the beautiful scenes around us, love art and love life To develop the students’ capability and awareness of co-operation and competition in their study by pair work or group work. 教学重点: To enable the students to speak out opinions about some paintings with some expressions To enable the students to grasp the new works and phrases in this part Teaching procedures: PWP Teaching Model Step1. leading-in activity I will use the paintings The Smile of Mona Lisa by da Vinci 教 works by Zheng Banqiao学 过 程 on the screen to lead in the topic. Meanwhile, I will introduce the key new words: artist, paint, traditional, brush, ink. T: Hello, class, do you know who painted the picture The Smile of Mona Lisa? T: Yes, it was da Vinci, who was a famous artist. T: What about this one? This is a typical Chinese traditional painting. Do 2 / 7

and the you know what tools do the artists use to create a Chinese traditional painting? T: Yes, Xuan paper, a soft brush and ink are needed. T: Do you want to enjoy more artists’ works? OK. Today, we’ll learn more about some western and Chinese arts and artists. First, let’s learn some new words. I’ll make sure that the students work in pairs to catch the meanings of the words on the screen and pronounce them correctly. (We can also lead in by way of a short video showing painting.) Step 2. While—reading 1)Scanning During the start of the period, let the students scan the passage to find out the answers to the questions on Page32, which are about the topics. ⑴Match paintings 1-4 with descriptions in paragraphs A-D. ⑵Say which paintings are mentioned in paragraph E and F. 2)Detailed reading During this period, I’ll allow students enough time to read the text and then I let them work in groups to do the following two tasks: ⑴Do the multiple choices on the screen. ⑵Fill in the form on the screen, which is mainly about the famous artists. 3)Language points I’ll let the students, in groups, learn and practice the key words and phrases in the form of transformation of sentences, completing sentences or 3 / 7