17年专插本公共课英语真题详解 下载本文

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详解:be/get/become familiar with sb./sth. 熟悉某人/某物。故答案选 B。 语法迁移:表示从过去某时刻到现在一直在做同一件事,用现在完成进行时,结构是 “has/have been doing”,能够翻译成“一直...”。

22. The manager demanded that all employees on time. A. be B. are C. to be D. would be 考点:虚拟语气。 句意:经理要求所有员工必须准时到岗。

详解:在表示“建议、要求、命令”等语气的动词后面的宾语从句,从句的谓语应该用“should+ 动词原形”的结构,should 可以省略。本题关键词是 demanded,意为“要求”,故答案选 A。

23. Rarely so much attention from all around the world. A. has drawn a discussion B. has a discussion drawn C. a discussion has been drawn D. has a discussion been drawn 考点:倒装句。 句意:一场讨论很少能吸引如此多的、来自全世界的注意力。

详解:否定或半否定词放置句首时,句子的主谓要进行部分倒装。即把助动词、系动词或情 态动词放在主语之前,实意动词原形/动词的过去分词仍然在主语之后。题目中的 rarely 意 为“很少;不常”,属于半否定词,表示否定意义,且位于句首,因此需要把主谓进行部分 倒装。另外,a discussion 与 draw 之间的逻辑关系应为主动,故答案选 B。

24. She is one of the top students in her class she studies very hard. A. because B. so C. unless D. though 考点:连词的辨析。 句意:因为努力学习,所以她是班里尖子生之一。

详解:because 因为。so 因此;所以。unless 除非。though 尽管。结合句意,选 A。 语法迁移:one of+(最高级)+复数名词+in/of... 意为“在...中,是(最)...之一”。

25. The brown bear escaped from the zoo, which was a to everyone in the town. A. harm B. violence C. hurt D. threat

考点:名词的辨析。 句意:这头棕熊从动物园里逃脱出来,这件事对于镇里的每个人都是一个威胁。 详解:harm 伤害。violence 暴力。hurt 伤害;受伤。threat 威胁;恐吓。under threat 受 到威胁;处于威胁状态下。结合句意,故选 D。 语法迁移:escape doing sth. 逃避做某事。escape being done 逃避被...。

26. Many people believe that one has, one is, but actually it is not true. A. the more money; the happier B. the more money; the more happy C. the less money; the happier D. the less money; the more happy 考点:固定结构的使用。 句意:很多人认为越有钱越幸福,然而事实并非如此。

详解:“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”意为“越...越...”。happy 的比较级是 happier,故排除 B、D。结合句意,选 A。


27. I hadn’t realized she was my former teacher she spoke. A. as B. since C. until D. while 考点:固定结构的使用。 句意:直到她开口说话,我才意识到她是我以前的老师。

详解:not...until...,直到...才...。结合句意,故选 C。as ①虽然,引导让步状语从句;②因 为,引导原因状语从句;③正如,引导定语从句;④作为;⑤当...的时候,引导时间状语从 句。since 因为;既然;自从。while ①然而,表轻微对比;②尽管,引导让步状语从;③ 当...的时候,引导时间状语从句。

28. My father is very busy, and Sunday is the only day he can relax. A. where B. that C. which D. when 考点:定语从句。 句意:我的父亲很忙,星期天是他唯一可以休息的日子。

详解:先行词是 the day,把 the day 代入横线后的定语从句“he can relax”中,得出“He can relax on the day”即除了加入先行词 the day,还需要加介词,即“on which”,表示时间,选 when。故答案选 D。that 和 which 只能充当定语从句的主语或宾语。where 代指地点。

29. I would like to stay in the small town due to its weather. A. general B. soft C. mild D. gentle 考点:形容词的辨析。 句意:因为它温和的天气,所以我愿意待在这个小城镇。

详解:general 普遍的;大致的。soft 柔软的;柔和的。mild 轻微的;温柔的;(天气)温 和的。gentle 文雅的;高尚的。结合句意,得知答案选 C。

语法迁移:would like to do sth. 愿意/喜欢做某事。due to 由于;因为。

30. It is widely recognized that beauty not only in appearance but also in heart. A. lies B. takes C. sits D. gives 考点:动词的辨析。 句意:普遍认为,美丽不仅取决于外表,也取决于心灵。

详解:lie in 在于;取决于。take in 吸收;领会;欺骗。sit in 出席;照看。give in 让步; 屈服;投降。结合句意,得知答案选 A。

语法迁移:①not only...but also... 不仅...而且...,常考主谓一致,Not only A but also B...谓语 的数采用就近原则,即谓语用单数还是复数,需要看 B。B 是单数,谓语就单数,B 是复数, 谓语就复数。②not only...but also...的 also 可以省略。

Part II

Reading Comprehension(40%)

Direction: In this section, there are four passages, each of which is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. Choose the best and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1

This past fall semester, at Duke University, there were two students who were taking Organic Chemistry. They did pretty well on all of the tests and the midterms and labs, etc. , such that going into the final they had a solid “A”. These two friends were so confident going into the final that the weekend before finals’ week, even though the Chemistry final was on Monday, they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and have a party with some friends up there. So


they did this and had a great time. However, with the aftereffects of alcohol and everything, they overslept all day Sunday and didn’t make it back to Duke until early Monday morning.

Rather than taking the final then, what they did was to find Professor Aldric after the final and explain to him why they missed the final. They told him that they went up to UVA for the weekend, and had planned to come back in time to study, but they had a flat tire (爆胎) on the way back and didn’t have a spare and couldn’t get help for a long time and so were late getting back to campus.

Aldric thought this over and then agreed that they could make up the final on the following day. The two guys were overjoyed and relieved. So, they studied that night and went in the next day at the time that Aldric had told them. He placed them in separate rooms and handed each of them a test booklet and told them to begin.

They looked at the first problem, which was something simple about free radical formation and was worth 5 points. “Cool,” they thought, “this is going to be easy.” They did that problem and then turned the page. They were unprepared, however, for what they saw on the next page.

It said: (95 points) Which tire was flat?

译文:上个秋季学期,杜克大学两名学有机化学的二年级学生。他们每次测验的成绩都 不错,期中考试和实验课等等的成绩也很好,以致期末考试时他们已经稳稳当当地拿到了 A。 这两个朋友对期末考试充满了信心,在考试周到来的前一个周末,尽管周一就是化学考试, 他们还是决定去弗吉尼亚大学和朋友们聚聚。他们不仅去了,而且玩得很开心。可是,由于 宿醉等等原因,整个星期天他们都睡过去了,直到周一清早才回到杜克大学。

他俩没有当时就参加考试,而是在考试结束之后找到阿尔德里克教授,跟他解释为什么 他们没能参加考试。他们告诉他周末他们去了弗吉尼亚大学,本来是打算按时回来学习的, 可是回来的路上他们的车胎漏了气,又没有备用轮胎,好长时间也没找到人帮忙,所以回到 学校就晚了。

阿尔德里克教授仔细想了想,然后同意他们第二天补考。两个人兴高采烈,愁眉尽展。 那天晚上他们好好准备了一下,第二天按阿尔德里克说的时间来考试了。他把他们安排在不 同的教室里,给了每人一份考卷,告诉他们可以开始(答题)了。

他们看了第一道考题,挺简单的,是关于自由基的形成,占 5 分。“太棒了,”他们想, “看来不会太难。”他们做完那道题,翻到了第二页。对于这一页的考题,他们可是毫无准 备。

上面的问题是:(95 分) 哪一只轮胎瘪了?

31. The two students decided to visit their friends at the weekend because . A. they didn’t want to take the exam B. they were invited by their friends

C. they were not worried about the exam at all D. they forget the arrangement of the final exam 31. 题目:这两名学生决定在周末探访朋友是因为 。

A. 他们不想参加考试。 B. 他们收到朋友的邀请。 C. 他们根本不担心考试。

D. 他们忘记了期末考试的安排。 解析:从文章第一段 did pretty well、had a solid “A”和 These two friends were so confident going



into the final that the weekend before finals’ week...的 confident 得知,两名学生根本不担心考 试。因此本题选 C。

32. They didn’t return as planned because . A. they got lost on their way back

B. they slept beyond the time to come back C. their car broke down on their way back

D. they couldn’t get help when they were in difficulty 32. 题目:他们没有按计划回到学校是因为 。

A. 他们在回程途中迷路了。 B. 他们睡过头了。

C. 他们的车在回程途中坏了。

D. 当遇到困难时,他们无法求助。

解析:从第一段最后一句“with the aftereffects of alcohol and everything, they overslept all day ”得知,因为宿醉,而且“overslept”正是“睡过头”的意思,锁定本题选 B。oversleep=sleep beyond the time。

33. How did the Professor arrange the make-up exam? A. He made the exam booklet very long. B. He gave them different exam papers. C. He asked a very surprising question.

D. He gave them very limited time to finish the paper. 33. 题目:阿尔德里克教授是如何安排补考?

A. 他把考卷的题目出得很冗长。 B. 他把不同的考卷分发给他们做。

C. 他在试卷里出了一道让他们摸不着头脑的问题。

D. 他留了非常少的时间给他们完成答卷。 解析:结合全文,锁定最后一段,即文章最后一句“It said: (95 points) Which tire was

flat?”,一般补考试卷的内容是根据所学内容而编写的,但教授却出了一道与课本内容无关 的题目。因此本题选 C。

34. When they took the first glance at the exam booklet, they thought .

A. it was easy B. it was too much C. it was too difficult D. it was reasonable 34. 题目:当两名学生看了一眼考试试卷时,他们觉得(考卷) 。

A. 太简单了。 B. 题目太多了。 C. 太难了。 D. 合理的。

解析:从文章倒数第二段““Cool,” they thought, “this is going to be easy.””得知本题选 A。

35. It can be inferred from the passage that . A. the students didn’t like Professor Aldric

B. the two students had difficulties in their studies C. Professor Aldric was very clever and humorous