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Unit 6 Happy birthday Part A Let’s learn Ⅰ. Teaching Objectives

1. Try to listen, say, read numbers from 1-5. 2. Enable Ss to listen, say and understand the Chant, and do the actions while reading chant. 3. Let Ss use these number words in certain circumstances and know the importance of them. Ⅱ. Teaching Importances able to read numbers from 1-5.

able to sing the chant with actions correctly. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulty

Use these number words in real situations. Ⅳ. Teaching Aid

CAI, word cards, video, Ⅴ.Teaching Procedure: Step 1:Warm up and review 1. Daily Greeting T: Good morning, class.

Ss: Good morning, teacher. How are you Fine, thank you. And you We’re fine.

2. T plays a song: Happy birthday. Ss try to sing with teacher.

3. CAI shows a head with many numbers in it. Let Ss look and find out the numbers. 2. I say you do Each student prepares five pencils. T says the number and Ss show the correct pencils according to T. Step2: Presentation

1.(1) The smallest natural number is ( ). (2) The smallest prime number is ( ). (3) The smallest xxposite number is ( ). (4) The smallest odd number is ( ). (5) The smallest even number is ( ). Keys: 1 , 2, 4, 1, 2

2. T shows a pencil and says: I have a pencil. T: I have two pencils/ three pencils/four pencils/five pencils.

3. T writes five numbers in English on board. Let Ss show fingers and writing follow T. 4. Sentence pattern: Show me…

T says “Show me three crayons.” “Show me four rulers.”… 1

Ss show things according to T saying.

5. Game: Each one prepares a calculator. Listen to T saying the numbers, and press the right numbers on


6. Listen to the PPT reading numbers, and read after the standard pronunciation. A Let’s chant

1. Let Ss know “ Jump” meaning. Do the actions with Ss.

2. Game: T says the numbers, if the odd number stays on the seat. If the even number jumps according the numbers.

Step 3 Consolidation & Extension 1. Game: What’s missing

T shows 1-5 numbers cards on board. Then let Ss close their eyes. Move away the number one by one. Let them guess. Who is missing : Follow me.

If S1 stamp 4 times, others should do the same. Ⅵ. Homework

A Let’s learn & Let’s do for three times. the numbers in English for parents at home. the useful numbers in daily life. Ⅶ. Blackboard Design Unit6 Happy birthday

one two three four five Ⅷ. Self-examination

Unit 6 Happy birthday