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译林版英语8B Unit1 Past and present Ⅰ概况 1. 考查pollution的词汇信息。考查名词词缀tion,由动词pollute加ion变成名词pollution。 2. 考查married的词汇信息。考查形容词词缀ed。动词marry去y变i加ed变成形容词married。 3. 考查impossible的词汇信息。考查否定词缀,形容词possible加否定词缀im变成其反义词。 4. 考查lonely的词意。考查对alone与lonely的辨析。alone是孤单的,强调物理空间上的一个人;而lonely是孤独的,强调的内心的感觉,带有感情色彩。 5. 考查time的搭配。on time准时;按时;in time 及时;at times有时;at a time,一次;from time to time时而不时。 6. 考查study skill部分的事实句和观点句的区分。 7. 考查use的用法。(1)考查be used to doing的用法,注意to后面加的是v+ing形式。(2)考查对used to do st、be used to doing sth和be used to do sth的辨析。 8. 考查现在进行时的运用。(1)三个基本用法;(2)两个特殊句型;(3)since的用法。 9. 考查单词environment、abroad、southern和communication的拼写。 Ⅱ详细讲解 1.Was pollution a problem then? (1)pollution的基本含义 做不可数名词,意思是污染。 (2)pollution的核心考点 考查名词词缀。由动词pollute加ion变成名词pollution。 1. The air ______(pollute) makes a lot of people feel sick. 答案:pollution 分析:考查名词词缀,动词pollute变成名词pollution 2.When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and we’ve lived in this area since then. (1)married的基本含义 做形容词,意思是结婚的。 (2)married的核心考点 考查形容词词缀, 动词marry去y变i加ed变成形容词married。另外一个考点是延续和非延续的问题,get married是短暂性动词,而be married才是延续性动词。 2 .His life became worse and worse after he got ________ (marry) to a lazy woman. 答案:married 分析:考查形容词词缀,动词marry去y变i加ed变成形容词married。 3. How long have you _________(结婚) 答案:been married 3.It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before. (1)impossible的基本含义 做形容词,意思是不可能。 (2)impossible的核心考点 考查否定词缀,形容词possible加否定词缀im变成其反义词。 4.I think it’s ____(possible)for me to get there before 8:00 as there is only 10min left. 答案:impossible 分析:考查否定词缀。通过添加否定词缀im,形容词变成其反义词。 4.Now I feel a bit of lonely from time to time. (1)lonely的基本含义 做形容词,以ly结尾的形容词。意思是孤独的。 (2)lonely的核心考点 考查对alone与lonely的辨析。alone是孤单的,强调物理空间上的一个人;而lonely是孤独的,强调的内心的感觉,带有感情色彩。 5. When you feel helpless and ___, just remember you are not _____ in the world because friends are around you. A. alone; alone B.alone; lonely C. lonely; alone D.lonely; alone 答案 C 分析:考查alone与lonely的区别。本句句意:当你感到无助且孤独的时候,就记着你在世界不孤单,因为你身边有朋友。alone是孤单的,强调实际上的一个人;而lonely是孤独的,强调的内心的感觉,带有感情色彩。故选C。 5.Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. (1)time的基本含义 做名词,意思为时间。 (2)time的核心考点 考查time的固定搭配。on time准时;按时;at times有时;at a time,一次;from time to time时而不时。 6.Mrs. Black is never late for work. She always gets to the office_____. A.on time 答案 A 分析 考查time的词组。句子大意为布莱克夫人上班从不迟到。她总是能准时到办公室。on time准时;按时;at times有时;at a time,一次;from time to time时而不时。故选A。 7. Don’t try to do everything at once. Take it a bit . A. at times B. at a time C. at all times D. at that time 答案 B 分析:考查time的词组。句意为不要尝试一次做所有事情。一次做一点。at times有时;at a time,一次;at all times,总是,一直;at that time当时。 故选B。 6.事实句和观点句。 事实句是真实的。通常包括人名、日期、事件和数字。观点句陈述我们的想法、感觉和信仰。可能不是真实的。 8.Which of the following sentences is an opinion? A. Many changes have taken place in my hometown. B. The new shopping mall is a good place to have fun. C. Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province. D. I have moved to a new school this term. B. at times C.at a time D.from time to time