2018小学六年级上册Unit1-Unit2单元测试题 下载本文

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测试时间:60分钟 总分:100分

姓名____________ 题号 得分 一 听 力 部 分 二 三 四 五 六 笔 试 部 分 七 八 九 十 总分 听力部分(40分) 一、一、 听音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。10分

( )1、A. park B. bark C. back ( )2、A. sleep B. sweep C. sleeping ( )3、A. hungry B. hurry C. angry ( )4、A. lake B. late C. like ( )5、A. at 1:30 am B. at 3:30 am C. at 3:30 pm


1、( ) A. B.

2、( ) A. B.

3、( )A. B.

4、( )A. B.


5、( )A. B.


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听音,根据你所听到的问句选择相应的答语。10分 1、( )A. He is dancing. B. He is going to dance. 2、( )A. I’m jumping. B. I’m Lingling. 3、( )A. I got up at 6:30. B. She gets up at 6:30. 4、( ) A. The dog is running. B. The cat is sleeping.

5、( )A. The old man is sitting on a bench. B. There is a bench in the park.笔


五、按照字母格式抄写下列句子。注意大小写和标点符号。10分 1. Katie’s sister, Sally, is often late. 2. She runs to the breakfast table at 6:45 am. 3. There is an old man in the park. 六、找出不同类的单词,把字母代号填入题前的括号内。10分 1、( )A. always B. wave C. often 2、( )A. usually B. never C. them 3、( )A. have B. lunch C. breakfast


4、( )A. gets B. has C. eat 5、( )A. sitting B. throwing C. play 七、单项选择。10分 ( )1、Listen! He_______.

A.cry B.is cry C.is crying

( )2、Dongdong gets _______ early every day. A.for B.on C.up

( )3、He usually waves_______ goodbye. A.they B.their C.them ( )4、Katie_______ her face at 6:00am A.wash B.washs C.washes ( )5、He is never late_______ work. A.at B.for C.off


1、 children the playing in are park the.

____________________________________________________ 2、always gets Lucy early up.

____________________________________________________ 3、makes her she bed 6:00 am.

____________________________________________________ 4、is Mingming not listening.

____________________________________________________ 5、very is dog the angry.

____________________________________________________ 九、句子翻译。将正确答案的代号填入题前的括号内。10分 ( )1、She always gets up early every day.

A.她通常每天起得很早。 B.她总是每天起得很早。

( )2、Don’t throw stones at the dog, Mingming.

A.别向狗扔石头,明明。 B.向狗扔石头,明明。

( )3、The dog is looking at the children.

A.那只狗朝孩子们跑去。 B.那只狗正看着孩子们。 ( )4、The dog is very angry.

A.那只狗很饿了。 B.那只狗很生气。
