某小型SUV循环球式转向器设计 下载本文

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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 某小型SUV循环球式转向器设计

系 别: 专学业生名姓称: 名: 学 号: 指导教师姓名、称:



摘 要


关键词 汽车;安全;转向器;研究;设计;


Design of a small SUV recirculating ball type steering gear


Car is more than just a simple means of transport, is now a convenient means of transportation. With people's living standards also follows constantly changing, getting better, people also began to pursue material enjoyment. Cars are no longer just rich's symbol, it gradually into the warm family, just as a simple means of transport. As the demand for cars is growing, also show a growing momentum in the development of automobile industry, in such circumstances, gradually caused proliferation of cars, traffic jams and so on. And with them came the problem can't be solved, for example, traffic accidents also occur frequently, almost all the people who died in a traffic accident. Traffic safety has become the urgent need to resolve a problem. How to avoid traffic accidents have become the issues to be considered. First of all, the individual, need everyone to work together, to comply with traffic laws; secondly, the car itself to solve the problem, the performance is closely related to traffic safety. For example, steering gear and the role it plays is beyond doubt. Steering gear, according to his name, it is easy to see that it is associated with the car's steering, driving all the time without using the Steering, so the importance of steering is self-evident, so steering system that we need to understand and master. Keywords automobile; safety; steering gear; research; design;