高三一轮英语复习核心语言知识积累检测3(有答案) 下载本文

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Part1 Key words and phrases

1 recognize ____________ (n) 2. base ____________(adj) __________________ (n) 3 fluent __________(n) 4.south ____________(adj) 5. a flat tyre

6. take steps to do step in

7. society _______________ (adj) benefit ______________(adj) influence




8. present ____________ (n) _________________ (反义词)___________

(把9-----12 记牢并举例) 9. even if// even though 10. have a good command of 11. at one’s request 12. take up

13. Everything comes with a price and there is no such thing as free lunch in the world.


14. Multimedia is made use of _________(make) our class more efficient.

15. They tried their best to make use of the chance ________ was offered_______(study) hard.

16. The number of students_________(attend) Chinese universities _____(be) rising steadily.

17. The story ______(base) on an account of an actual South Sea expedition is inspiring.

18. It is requested that all the rules _________________(obey) . 19. It _____________________(recognize) that fluent spoken English

can help you a lot in hunting for a job.

20. Her appearance is beyond _______________________(recognize). 21. With spring _____________(approach) , grass begins to


(A. come off B come up C come across) 22. He was presented ________ the first prize. 23. It is no use ____________(cry) over the spilt milk.

24. The tool came into use two years ago. Although it

______________________(用处很小)now, we should still _______________________________(充分利用)it.

25. There are many spelling mistakes; _______________(虽然如此),it


is quite a good essay.

26. Meals can stretch for hours---- there is no such thing as

________(rush) a meal in Brazil. 27. 用what和how 写出感叹句。

28 The college changed the way _______ // ________// the world

thought about design.

高三一轮复习核心语言知识积累检测3答案 Part1 Key words and phrases

1 recognize ____________ (n) recognition

2. base ____________(adj) __________________ (n) based base/basis

3 fluent __________(n) flency 4.south ____________(adj) southern 5. a flat tyre 轮胎扁了

6. take steps to do 采取措施干 step in 踏入,步入 7.





_______beneficial_______(adj) influence




8. present ____presentation________ (n) _______absence___ (反义
