新编剑桥商务英语初级 下载本文

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Module 1

§1.1 Business Topic World of work

商务话题篇 工作领域

1、world of work字面意思:工作的世界

2、world of work = job description工作领域-工作介绍

PartⅠ Reading:Training and workshops 培训与研讨会 ↓ ‖

不可数 seminar

一、J&C Training Company is a company providing training for other businesses. Look at the courses J&C Training offers and tick the ones that you find interesting. Compare with a

partner and explain why the courses interest you.J&C培训机构是一家为其他机构提供培训的公司。查看J&C培训机构提供的课程,并就你感兴趣的课程打“√”。与搭档比较一下,并说说为什么对这些课程感兴趣。

1、Selling techniques 销售技巧 2、Health safety in the workplace 工作场所的健康与安全

3、Cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际

4、How to give effective presentations 如何做好口头报告

5、Business English intensive courses 如何通过互联网建立公司

6、How to deal with difficult customers 如何应对挑剔的顾客

7、How to set up a business through the Internet 如何通过互联网建立公司

8、Public speaking 演讲 9、Team building 团队建设 10、Speed reading and memory supertraining快速阅读与记忆超能训练

二、Match the job(1~4)with their definitions(A~D).将以下工作与A~D的解释连线。

1、author 作者 2、speaker 演讲者 3、trainer 培训人员