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顾家北 微信推送词伙 2014年6月
Shouldgovernments make decisions about people's lifestyle, or should people maketheir own decisions?
This question seems difficult, but if you take \as anexample of a lifestyle choice, it becomes a lot easier. Here's my paragraph: In some cases, governments can help people to make better lifestyle choices. In theUK, for example, smoking is now banned in all workplaces, and itis even prohibited for people to smoke in restaurants, bars and pubs. As a result, many people who used to smoke sociallyhave now given up. At the same time, the government has ensured that cigarette prices keep going up, and there have been several campaigns to highlight the health risks ofsmoking. These measures have also helped to reduce the number of smokers inthis country.
学习点1:in some cases 引导段落的好处,就是作者暗示这个观点在某些时候有道理,为下面一段的折衷铺垫。
学习点2:for example 未必要放在句子前头
学习点3:at the same time,去替换大家用烂的inaddition, besides 学习点4:可能也是最大的学习点,就是这个文章的题目本来很难写,非常难以解释,很多学生可能会采取套句和重复的方式凑字,而SIMON选择的方式举例。 你们会发现,SIMON所有提倡的东西都是我说提倡的,因为你们出国就知道,他们就只认可这些,这是他们的文化和习惯! 【6.29】
今天我推送的是一个口语逆袭法在书信写作上的运用。 口语逆袭法在G类信件上的应用
在普通类(general training)中,作文的第一部分是写信,往往需要考生想一个场景,譬如说你要去参加一个课程、你要去辞退工作,等等。很多同学遇到的问题就是在考场上那么短的时间不能想到很好的故事,这样会影响第二部分的写作。 然而口语逆袭法可以帮助你解决这个问题。
譬如说下面这个话题2014年4月24日的亚洲地区雅思书信题目,写信给上司告诉你要去上课。有些学生在考场上想不到什么课程,就会很纠结。然后如果你能够用雅思大作文的思路,就会很容易捕捉到观点。大作文我们常说的话题:1 手机 2 学习外语 3 工作压力 4 工作和家庭的平衡 5 儿童的教育 6理财 7 全球化 8 环保技术 等等。其实都可以是你去参加的课程。
如果你熟悉大作文的这些话题和词伙,那么基本上就是可以偷梁换柱写到信件里。 write a letter to your manager because you will take a three-day training course, and in the letter, you suggest When is the course; what can you learn; who will take your work 下面是我的例子: Dear John,
I am writing this letterto apply for three days’ leave, during which time I hope I can attend a class about Spanish.
The course will be delivered by a local language school early next month. It will coincide with arelatively short working week of our company, so I am sure that my absence would not have a profound effect on my joband my colleagues’.
This course providesme with opportunities to pick up Spanish and, more importantly, deepen my understanding of social norms and beliefs of Spanish people. As our company is about to expand the operation in Spain, I feel the need to acquire this language.
I believe that Anderson can take over when I am on leave. He has been working with me for a couple of years and familiar with all my tasks and responsibilities.
Please inform me atthe earliest date about your decision, if you approve my idea, because the places are limited for this class. Yours sincerely, Adam
这是口语逆袭法的另外一个应用。 【6.28】
Families who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes thatsupport the state education system. To what extentdo you agree or disagree with this statement? Here are their ideas for a 'completely disagree' answer:
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
difficult to calculate the tax reduction
more government staff (公务员) would be required for this process we all pay for public services (公共服务)that we may not need e.g. police poorer people would pay more tax than wealthy people state schools (公立学校) benefit the whole of society
high quality state education leads to equal opportunities (同等的机会) for all a well-educated workforce (教育水平很高的员工队伍) is the key to a prosperous nation (富贵的国家)
? ?
companies need educated staff
we should all be happy to contribute to public services [6.27]
Memorising essays does not help you tackle IELTS. Whenever you use a memorised essay or paragraph, you can register for the next exam. So start practising and this is the only pathway to success.
Mostparents believe that it is a good idea to teach children about money. Why is itimportant for children to learn about money? What's the best way for parents toteach their children about money?
Many children today live in aworld where they are encouraged to spend money on various items, and improvingtheir ability to managemoney is important. They shouldlearn how to deal with financialmatters in reallife. 微博抽奖学生的段落
Children are willing to get new staff,instead of old ones, and this is a primary cause of teaching them about money.When parents and their children go into a store, children normally require to receive some gifts, such as dolls or Lego bricks. Money are meaningless forthem and they do not understand that parents must work to earn money, whichmeans that children should aware of the concept of money. 点评:
这个学生一些语法错误,譬如说require to receive gifts, money are,should aware of 已经注定拿不到6.5或者7分。 Staff也是比较明显的拼写错误
最后一句话,小孩不知道父母赚钱辛苦,因此就意识不到金钱的概念,没有太大逻辑,破坏了CC的分数 句子结构和扣题尚可。
Teaching children about money can help them understand how to make
well-informed buying decisions andavoid unnecessary expenses. The youth oftoday are exposed to many advertisements and encouraged to spend money on
advertisedproducts such as toys, snacks and electronic products. They are insensitive to prices and debt. Unless parents teach them the importance of balancing spendingand saving, these children may not be able to make ends meet in adulthood.
Another reason is that adults do not knowmuch about money, and because of this, we encountered the mortgage crisis, eventhe global financial crisis in 2008. Debtors fail to repay their home loan permonth and owe in credit card debt. As a result, they may lose their entirefortune. To help the next generation avoid the mistakes of their elders, it isimportant for children to be taught the essentials about money. 点评:
这个段落和上面一段其实是类似的意思,这段话因此是没有作用的 我写的段落(7.5分)
Another reason is that children who have financial literacy can use money effectively to meet their needs. Those who go into debt because of overspending may work hard to repay debt and have no energy for doing anything meaningful and creative. In contrast, those who have the habit of saving money can divert these resources to some activities that may benefit them in the rest of life, such as running a business or attending a course.
To teach children about money, parentsshould turn day-to-day activities into learning experience. For example, tripsto the bank or ATM machine can be a good opening for a discussion aboutparents’ value and how they use money. Therefore, pocket money has providedchildren with opportunities to spend money whether they copy their parents’spending behaviours. 点评: