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美联英语提供:GRE长阅读样题解析 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平

短阅读见证完之后咱们再一起来领略一下长阅读吧,一般情况下大概包含3-5段,以下就是一篇长阅读。 长阅读

Animal signals, such as the complex songs of birds, tend tobe costly. A bird, by singing, may forfeit time that couldotherwise be spent on other important behaviors such as

foraging or resting. Singing may also advertise an individual’slocation to rivals or predators and impair the ability to detecttheir approach. Although these types of cost may be important,discussions of the cost of singing have generally focused onenergy costs. Overall the evidence is equivocal: for instance,while Eberhardt found increases in energy consumption duringsinging for Carolina wrens, Chappell found no effect of crowingon energy consumption in roosters.

To obtain empirical data regarding the energy costs ofsinging, Thomas examined the relationship between song rateand overnight changes in body mass of male ni

ghtingales. Birdsstore energy as subcutaneous fat deposits or “body reserves”;changes in these reserves can be reliably estimated by measuringchanges in body mass. If singing has important energy costs,nightingales should lose more body mass on nights when theirsong rate is high. Thomas found that nightingales reached a

significantly higher body mass at dusk and lost more massovernight on nights when their song rate was high.

These results suggest that there may be several costs ofsinging at night associated with body reserves. The increasedmetabolic cost of possessing higher body mass contributes tothe increased overnight mass loss. The strategic regulation ofevening body reserves is also likely to incur additional costs, asnightingales must spend more time foraging in order to build uplarger body reserves. The metabolic cost of singing itself mayalso contribute to increased loss of reserves. This metabolic costmay arise from the muscular and neural activity involved in

singing or from behaviors associated with singing. For example,birds may expend more of their reserves on thermoregulation ifthey spend the night exposed to the wind on a song post than ifthey are in a sheltered roost site. Thomas’s data there

fore showthat whether or not singing per se has an important metaboliccost, metabolic costs associated with singing can have an

important measurable effect on a bird’s daily energy budget, atleast in birds with high song rates such as nightingales.

考生如何掌握详略阅读的这个度呢?下面这个题是阅读里面比较难的一种题型“推论题”,特征词就是“infer”。至于怎么解答呢,我们会在后期的课程当为考生详细讲解。 It can be inferred that the “reluctance” mentioned in thepassage is being ascribed to.

A most composers since Mendelssohn.B Schumann and Brahms.C the music-listening public.D music critics generally.E Haggin exclusively.

下面这个题是我们比较熟悉的“写作用意题”,特征词是“inorder to” The author mentions Schumann and Brahms primarily inorder to.

A provide examples of composers who are often comparedwith Mendelssohn. B identify certain composers who are more popular thanMendelssohn.

C identify composers whom Mendelssohn influenced.D establish the milieu in which Mendelssohn worked.

E establish a standard of comparison for Mendelssohn as acomposer.

下面这个题是我们比较熟悉的“主旨题”,特征词是“primarypurpose”,或者是“main idea”。 The primary purpose of the passage is to.

A compare the different types of cost involved for certainbirds in singing. B question a hypothesis regarding the energy costs ofsinging for certain birds. C present evidence suggesting that singing has an importantenergy cost for certain birds.

D discuss the benefits provided to an organism by abehavior that is costly in energy.

E describe an experiment that supports an alternative modelof how birdsong functions.

当然,除了以上这几种考点题型,还有其他的题型考点,后续课程中再带大家一一详细学。 阅读难度剖析

考生们在看完这些阅读题型,需要掌握解题技巧,下面一起再来看一下GRE阅读的难点: GRE阅读题材广泛,学术性强;






