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? 在校大学生人数急剧增加.

? There was a sharp increase in the number of the students in universities. ? 我们是绝对不会支持这种做法的.

? We will never give any support to such behaviors. ? 你必须好好照顾病人.

? You must take good care of the patient. ? 这本杂志一发行就销售一空.

? The magazine was sold out immediately after its issue 汉语动词转换成英语名词

? 专家建议立刻削减军费开支.

? Some experts suggested an immediate reduction in military expenditure. ? 熟练掌握一门语言不是一件容易的事情. ? The mastery of a language is not easy. ? 你选择哪一个?

? Which is your choice?

? 这个国家的和平遭到破坏,是美国政府的干涉造成的.

? The destruction of peace in this country resulted from the intervention of the US


汉语动词转换成英语形容词 ? 我们对他的工作极为满意.

? We are very satisfied with his job. ? 我们为他的身体健康担忧. ? We are anxious about his health. ? 他们怀疑他是否会准时来.

? They are doubtful whether he will come on time. ? 工人们给政府施压,要求改善工作条件.

? The workers are pressing the government for better working conditions. 汉语动词转换成英语介词(词组) ? 他们正在准备参加这次晚会. ? They are preparing for the party. ? 许多人反对这项计划.

? Many people are against the program. ? 所提建议仅供参考.

? All the suggestions are for your reference.

? 我不必排队等车,我是在始发站上车.

? I don’t have to queue for my bus. I get on at the terminus 汉语动词转换成英语介词(词组) ? 深圳大学归市政府管辖.

? Shenzhen University is under the control of the municipal government. ? 他们完全赞成我的建议.

? They are all in favor of my suggestion. ? 他们开始寻找食物.

? They started in search of food. 汉语名词转换成英语动词 ? 地球的形状像一个大鸡蛋. ? The earth is shaped like an egg.

? 该地区天气的主要特点是变化无常.

? The climate in this region is chiefly characterized by its variety. ? 我们的判断应该以事实为基础. ? We should base our judgment on facts 汉语名词转换成英语动词

? 我们对投资的依赖超过其他城市.

? We rely more than any other city on the investment. ? 他的演讲给我留下深刻的印象. ? His speech impressed me deeply.

? 问卷调查的目的是加强对学生思想的了解.

? The questionnaire aims to know better the students’ ideas. 汉语名词转换成英语形容词或副词 ? 汉语非常具有表现力.

? Chinese language is very expressive. ? 他的行为使我们起了疑心.

? His behaviors make us suspicious. ? 我们的脑力和体力都在透支.

? We are being overdrawn both mentally and physically.

? 他们具有罕见的娴熟技巧,能够从自然界获取自己需要的一切.

? They were exceptionally skillful at taking from nature all they needed to survive. 汉语副词转换成英语的动词,名词或形容词 ? 他们成功地改善了生态环境.

? They succeeded in improving the ecological environment. ? 政府毫不犹豫地采取最严厉的措施打击犯罪分子.

? The government will not hesitate to take the severest measures against criminals. ? 他勉强地接受了邀请.

? He accepted the invitation with unwillingness. 汉语副词转换成英语的动词,名词或形容词 ? 这些孩子很困难地在泥泞的道路上行走.

? The children were walking in the mud with difficulties. ? 他生动地向我们描述了婚礼的场面.

? He gave us a vivid description of the wedding.

? 在这种非正式场合,人们可以随意地穿着.

? People are free to wear what they please in this informal occasion. ? 中国积极地参与了营救工作.

? China took an active part in the rescue 汉语形容词转换成英语名词或副词 ? 这次会议十分重要.

? The negotiation is of great importance. ? 科学家对政治并不陌生.

? Scientists are no strangers to politics.

? 他发现我很犹豫,于是过来对我说: “别犹豫啦.”

? When he noticed my hesitation, he came to me and said: “Come on.”


原文的形容词性成分作主语 我的头疼得要命. My head aches badly. My head is killing me. I have a splitting headache. I have a terrible headache. I have a migraine. 懒惰的人不会成功.

A lazy person will never succeed.

Laziness makes it impossible for one to succeed. Laziness makes success impossible.


The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter.

The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud. 原文的名词性成分作主语

一个星期前我 遇上了一件最不可思议的事情. I had the most incredible experience a week ago. I had the most inconceivable encounter a week ago.

The most unbelievable thing happened to me a week ago. 他突然发现地毯上有个深色斑点.

He suddenly saw a dark stain on the carpet. A dark stain on the carpet caught his eye.

A dark stain on the carpet suddenly attracted his attention. 他两天就抽完一包烟.

He finishes a pack of cigarettes in two days. A packet of cigarettes lasts him only two days.

It takes him only two days to finish a pack of cigarettes. 原文的副词性成分作主语 因为天气太糟,我们未能成行.

Because of poor weather, we did not go. Bad weather prevented us from going.