【2020最新】中考英语总复习第18课时九年级Units7-8试题 下载本文

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教学资料范本 【2020最新】中考英语总复习第18课时九年级Units7-8试题 编 辑:__________________ 时 间:__________________ 中考英语总复习 第18课时 九年级 Units 7-8试题 (课时重点话题:规则) 1 / 16 高频单词和【单词】 词1.________(n.)证;证件 组 2.________(v.)吸烟 (n.)烟 规则 【词组】 8.________(adj.)很坏的;15.________________ 讨厌的 举起 9.________(v.& n.)感到16.________________遗憾;懊悔 顶嘴;回嘴 10.________(n.)诗;韵文 17.________________ 3.________(adj.)极小的;微小的 11.________(n.)社区;社避免接近;逃离 4.________(v.& n.)哭;叫喊 团 18.________________ 5.________(n.)田野;场地 12.________(n.)机会;可回想起 6.________(n.&v.)拥抱;搂抱 能性 19.________________ 7.________(v.)举起;抬高 (n.)电梯;13.________(v.& n.)支自己做决定 搭便车 持 20.________________14.________(v.)进来;进挡……的路;阻碍 去 21.________________ 做选择 自然 8.________(n.)外套;外衣 16.________(n.)位置;9.________(v.)着陆;降地方 落 17.________(n.)胜10.________(n.)西服;套利;成功 【单词】 装 (v.)适合 18.________(n.)敌1.________(n.)卡车;货车 11.________(n.)圆圈 人;仇人 2.________(n.)野餐 (v.)圈出 19.________(n.)一段3.________(n.)兔;野兔 12.________(v.)接受;收时间;时期 4.________(v.)出席;参加 到 20.________(adj.)工5.________(adj.)粉红色的 (n.)粉红色 13.________(n.)目的;目作努力的;辛勤的 6.________(pron.)任何人 标 【词组】 7.________(n.)实验室 14.________(v.)阻止;阻21.________________ 挠 追逐;追赶 15.________(n.)力量;精22.________________ 力 同时;一起 词8. noise→(噪杂的;嘈闹的)________→(喧闹1. safe→(名词)________ 汇地)________ 2.bad→(副词)________ 拓9.policeman→(对应词)________→(复数形3.manage→(经理)________ 展 式)________ 4.society→(社会的)________ 10.wolf→(复数形式)________ 5.choose→(名词)________ 11.sleep→(困倦的;瞌睡的)________ 6.whose→(谁)________ 12.leader→(带路;导致)________ 7.value→(贵重的;很有用的)________ 13.medicine→(医学的;医疗的)________ 重1. Sixteen-year-olds should be 6. Do you have ________ ________ in your 点allowed to ________ their ears schoolbag?在你书包里有一些贵重的东西吗? 句________.16岁的青少年应该被允许打耳7.I think somebody must ________ ________ it 型 洞。 ________.我想有人一定捡到它了。 2.I'm really ________ ________ 8.There ________ ________ something ________ ________ the famous paintings by the homes in our neighborhood…一定是什么东西闯 2 / 16 Picasso.看了毕加索著名的油画我真的感到兴奋。 3.I ________ ________ back,not listening to Mom.我懊悔顶嘴,没有妈妈的话。 4.We ________ ________ ________ running!我们不反对跑步! 5.Only then will I ________ ________ ________ ________ achieve my dream.只有到那时,我才有可能实现我的梦想。 核心 语1. 含情态动词的被动语态 法 2.情态动词表推测的用法 入了小区住户的家里…… 9.He ________ ________ ________ for exercise.他可能在跑步锻炼。 10.They think the stones can ________ ________ and ________ people ________.他们认为巨石阵可以预防疾病和让人们身体健康。 Ⅰ. 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。 ( )1. A. To watch TV. B.To go to concert. C.To do the chores. ( )2. A. Mother and daughter. B.Policeman and woman driver. C.Father and daughter. C.To see a film with her friends. ( )4. A. The old animals. B.The new animals. C.The biggest animals. ( )5. A. Take a long walk. B.Stay at home. C.Go shopping. Ⅱ. 听短文,选择正确的答案。 ( )6. Who writes the letter? A.Editor. B.Mary. C.Linda. ( )7. What does the girl do after finishing her homework? ( )8. What can the girl buy? A.Clothes. B.Books. C.The things she likes. ( )9. What does the girl enjoy doing? A.Doing homework with her classmates. B.Doing homework alone. C.Talking with her classmates. ( )10. How do you like the girl's parents? A.They are careless. B.They are strict. C.They are unkind. 1. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 16岁的青少年应该被允许打耳洞。 Ⅰ. 单项填空。 3 / 16