江苏省海安县实验中学高一英语Module 1《Unit 1 School life 》Period 1 Welcome and Reading 学案 下载本文

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Unit 1 School Life

By Li xiaoye

Learning aims

1. Knowledge (知识):Learn the new words and phrases and learn attributive clauses 2. Ability (能力):Improve the abilities of reading 3. Emotion (情感):Talk about school life

Period 1 Welcome and Reading

Step 1 Pre-class

1. Welcome to the unit

1) High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work! Then what is your dream high

school life like?

Teachers:Teachers should be fair, patient, learned, kind, humorous, helpful…

Students: Relationship between teachers and students: Classrooms: Campus (校园): School activities: 2) The differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students. Campus Buildings Lockers The number of students in each class The relationship between teachers and students. British school Chinese school 2. Reading

We will have to answer some questions after reading the text. Not only should we answer the questions but also we should tell how you know the answer or from which line of the test we find the answer. For example:Read the text quickly and answer the following question.

How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain? One year (line 1) 1) Read the text quickly and do part A on page 2.

2) Reading strategy. (Try to answer the questions with your own words.)

When and how shall we skim a text? When and how shall we scan a text?

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3) Design five questions of your own and you can answer the questions by skimming or scanning the text.

Q1. What did all the students do on the first day?

Answer:Go to attend assembly. (by skimming)

Q2. Answer: Q3. Answer: Q4. Answer: Q5. Answer: 4) Read the article again carefully. Underline(下划线)new words and difficult sentences while reading and then do part C1, C2 and D on page 4 3. Language points Words and phrases: 1) attend v. 参加 school.

中国法律,六到十四岁的儿童必须 。

(2) I can’t go with you because I have one or two things to attend to (deal with).

我不能和你去,因为我还有一两件事要 。 (3) 参加会议 (4) attend church (5) 参加婚礼 2) (1) earn / make money (2) earn / win respect

(3) earn a reputation for …

3) respect our elders 尊重长辈 treat our elders with respect 尊重长辈 have / show respect for sb. 尊重某人

4) achieve success 取得成功achieve one’s goal 实现目标 achieve nothing 毫无成就make achievements 取得成就 5) average n. / adj. / v. 平均的

练:(1) The average of their study hours a day is 14. How tiring!

他们一天 是14 小时。多累啊!(名词)

(2) We receive 20 letters a day on average. 我们 一天收20封信。

(3) What is the average rainfall for July in your city?

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练:(1) According to the law in China, all children between 6 and 14 must attend

你们城市七月份 是多少?(形容词)

6) challenging adj. challenge v. / n. 挑战

练:(1) She enjoys problems. 她喜欢挑战性的问题。

(2) I only like to study something if it really me. 我只喜欢学真正能挑战我的东西。

(3) The government meets a lot of in the face of the financial crisis.

7) extra adj. / adv./ n. 额外

练:(1) An extra loaf of bread was given to Tom. Tom得到 一块面包。

(2) At this hotel a hot bath is an extra. 在这家旅馆,热水洗澡是 。

8) prepare for为……做准备= make preparations for 注:prepare to do准备做某事

prepare sb. for 使……有准备;为……作准备;使………习惯于 be prepared for (心理上)做准备

be prepared to do (心理上已经做好了)准备做某事

练:(1) They are making the Queen’s visit.他们在为女皇的到来做准备。

(2) Will you help me the party? 你愿意帮我准备晚会吗? (3) There are plenty of courses that students English exams.


(4) Read as much as possible to yourself the job. 尽量多阅读为这份工作做准备。

9) I have dropped my music lessons. 我已经停止上音乐课了。 drop out 退出、退学

10) experience [u]n.经验; [c]n. 经历;v. 经历 experienced adj. 有经验的

练:(1) Don’t correct him all the time--he will learn by / from / through .

不要一直纠正他,他会从 中学。

(2) Our journey by camel across Sahara was quite . 骑着骆驼穿过撒哈拉沙漠是 。 (3) I great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 签证离开那个国家我费了很大的劲。

(4) He is an teacher so he is at teaching. Translation:


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