2020年高考英语必考点全梳理专题14-名词性从句(高效演练) 下载本文

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专题14 名词性从句——高效演练


1.________ she was invited to the ball made her very happy. 【答案】That

【解析】空格处引导主语从句。从句中不缺少成分,并且句意完整,因此用that引导该主语从句。 2.Children should be reminded of ________ they should do in public places. 【答案】what


3.Dick enjoys painting but he knows the fact ________ he doesn't have what it takes to be a professional. 【答案】that


4.Success partially depends on ________ you have the patience to do simple things perfectly. 【答案】whether

【解析】根据句子结构可知,设空处引导宾语从句;根据句意可判断,设空处意为“是否”,其前有介词on,故填 whether。

5.I lost my cell phone yesterday. Can you tell me ________ I can buy one? 【答案】where


6.It never occurred to me ________ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind. 【答案】that

【解析】it为形式主语,真正的主语为后面的从句,从句中不缺少成分,且句意完整,因此用that。 7.________ breaks the law will be punished. 【答案】Whoever

【解析】句意:无论谁违法都将受到惩罚。主语从句中缺少主语,指人,并且表泛指,故用whoever。 8.She will give ________ needs help a warm support. 【答案】whoever


9.I have no idea ________ the girl is doing in her room now. 【答案】what



10.________ is well known to everyone, I should say, is that a man becomes learned by asking questions. 【答案】what


11.Exactly ________ the potato was introduced into Europe is uncertain, but it was probably around 1565. 【答案】when

【解析】句意:土豆被引入欧洲的确切时间不能确定,但很可能是1565年左右。分析句子结构可知,设空处为主语从句的引导词,从around 1565判断,这里指时间,故填when。

12.It shocked the world ________ the United States withdrew from some major agreements it had been committed to, including the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change and the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal.



13.I need help now! I have to fix a leaking pipe in my bathroom but I'm not sure ________ to begin. 【答案】where


14.Forty grams of meat per day is ________ people should consume in order to stay fit. 【答案】what

【解析】句意:为了保持健康,人们每天应该消耗40克肉。“________ people should consume”是表语从句,该从句中,consume缺少宾语,且表示“所……的东西”,故要用what引导该从句。

15.The famous player tried again and again after each failure. That's ________ he succeeded at last. 【答案】why


16.The retired engineer is showing ________ the wheelchair climbs stairs, which all the curious visitors want to know.



17.It hasn't been made clear ________ the new underground line is to be open to traffic. 【答案】when


18.The problem is ________ sometimes when we are given something on a constant basis, we start to take it for granted and forget to be thankful for what we already have.



19.Ten percent of life is ________ happens to you and ninety percent is ________ you respond to it. 【答案】what; how

【解析】句意:生活的百分之十是事件本身,另有百分之九十在于你如何回应它。分析句子结构可知,第一空引导表语从句,happens to you缺少主语,意为“什么事”,因此应用what来引导;第二空也引导表语从句,you respond to it成分齐全,因此应用how,表方式。

20.After a day's exhausting climb we arrived at ________ we had been told was Garden in the Air. 【答案】what

【解析】句意:经过一天筋疲力尽的攀爬,我们终于到了那个被称为“空中花园”的地方。分析句子结构可知,at为介词,后面是一个宾语从句,we had been told为插入语,宾语从句中缺主语,且在句中意为“……的事物(东西)”,故用what。

21.Sometimes, ________ we show our gratitude to a person is reflected in the kind of food we serve him or her.



22.It remains to be seen ________ this plan is practical enough to keep the project going. 【答案】whether


23.Some summer camps can provide you with as many as ten courses, and you are required to choose ________ suits you best.


【解析】句意:一些夏令营可以提供多达10门课程,你可以从中选择最适合自己的课程。choose后面是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,且前句提到范围即as many as ten courses,故此处表示你最喜欢的任何一门,故填whichever。

24.It is reported that a huge percentage of bird species are in danger. It's ________ their habitats or homelands are disappearing.
