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领域,但同时也在所有的课程领域产生着 重大影响。方便的全球通信使我们可以即时访 问巨量的数据。快速的通信,加上在家里、工作场所和教育机构使用信息技术机会的增 多, 可能意味着学习成为一项真正持续终生的活动;在这项活动中,技术变化的速度迫 使我们要对学习过程本身不断作出评估。 Unit Eleven: Electronic Commerce Unit Eleven/Section A
I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. boom 2. business 3. entities; B2G 4. B2B 5. B2C
6. U.S.或American 7. capital 8. broadband
II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略 2. B2G transaction 企业对政府交易 3. mobile telephone 移动电话 4. dot-com bust 网络不景气 5. smart card 智能卡,灵巧卡 6. digital piracy 数字盗版 7. dot-com boom 网络繁荣
8. C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易 9. Web auction site 拍卖网站 10. fingerprint reader 指纹读取器
11. 射频识别装置 radio-frequency identification (RFID) device 12. 电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 13. 库存管理技术 inventory management technology 14. 知识产权 intellectual property 15. 条形码 bar code
16. 货币兑换 currency conversion 17. 电子图书 electronic book 18. 视网膜扫描仪 retina scanner
19. 个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA) 20. 企业对企业电子商务 B2B electronic commerce
III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:
Commerce, the negotiated exchange of goods or services, has been practiced in
traditional ways for thousands of years. Electronic commerce is the application of new
technologies, particularly Internet and Web technologies, to help individuals, businesses, and other organizations conduct business more effectively. As in the Industrial Revolution, electronic commerce will be adopted in waves of change. The first wave of electronic
commerce ended in 2000. More recently, a second wave with new approaches to integrating
Internet technologies into business processes has begun. In the second wave, businesses are focusing less on overall business models and more on improving specific business processes. Using electronic commerce, some businesses have been able to create new products and services, and others have improved the promotion, marketing, and delivery of existing
offerings (待售品). Firms have also found many ways to use electronic commerce to improve purchasing and supply activities; identify new customers; and operate their finance,
administration, and human resource management activities more efficiently. The inherently global nature of electronic commerce leads to many opportunities and a few challenges. Businesses must be careful to understand the trust, cultural, language, and legal issues that arise in international business.
IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:
公司对电子商务感兴趣,原因相当简单,那就是因为电子商务能够有助于增加利润。 电子商务对企业的所有好处可 以概括为一句话:电子商务能够提高销售额和降低成本。 在万维网上做广告做得好,可使甚至一家小型公司的推销信息传布到世界每个国家的潜 在 顾客。一家公司可使用电子商务与地理上分散的小群顾客建立联系。万维网尤其有助 于创建可成为特定种类产品或服务理想目标市场的虚拟社区。
正 像其可为卖家增加销售机会一样,电子商务也可为买家增加购买机会。企业可使 用电子商务确定新的供应商和业务伙伴。洽谈价格和交货条件使用电 子商务比较容易, 因为因特网能够帮助公司高效地获取竞争性投标信息。电子商务可提高企业交换信息的 速度和准确性,这可降低交 易双方的成本。 Unit Twelve: Computer Security Unit Twelve/Section A
I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text: 1. employees 2. hackers 3. crackers
4. damage; manipulation 5. worm
6. Software piracy 7. access; backup 8. passwords
II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. encryption program 加密程序 2. deletion command 删除命令 3. authorized user 授权的用户 4. backup copy 备份
5. voltage surge 电压浪涌 6. circuit breaker 断路器
7. electronic component 电子元件(或部件) 8. data-entry error 数据输入错误 9. electronic break-in 电子入侵 10. power line 电力线,输电线 11. 检测程序 detection program 12. 电源 power source
13. 破坏性计算机程序 destructive computer program 14. 计算机病毒 computer virus 15. 软件侵权 software piracy 16. 硬盘驱动器 hard-disk drive 17. 病毒检查程序 virus checker 18. 主存储器 primary storage
19. 电子公告板 electronic bulletin board 20. 浪涌电压保护器 surge protector
III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:
Viruses operate, replicate, and deliver their payloads only when they are run. Therefore,
if a computer is simply attached to an infected computer network or downloading an infected program, it will not necessarily become infected. Typically a computer user is not likely to knowingly run potentially harmful computer code. However, viruses often trick the computer’s operating system or the computer user into running the viral (病毒的) program.
Some viruses have the ability to attach themselves to otherwise legitimate programs. This attachment may occur when the legitimate program is created, opened, or modified. When that program is run, so is the virus. Viruses can also reside on portions of the hard disk or floppy disk that load and run the operating system when the computer is started, and such viruses thereby are run automatically. In computer networks, some viruses hide in the software that allows the user to log on the system. With the widespread use of e-mail and the Internet, viruses can spread quickly. Viruses attached to e-mail messages can infect an entire local network in minutes.
IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:
计算机用户可通 过以下方式做好应对病毒感染的准备:定期对合法原始软件和数据 文件进行备份,从而在必要情况下能够恢复计算机系统。为了预防病毒感染,可从 合法 来源获取软件,或使用一台隔离的计算机,即一台未连接到任何网络上的计算机,来测 试新软件。然而,最好的预防或许是安装 现行的精心设计的防病毒软件。
护磁盘,以此抑制 其传播。为了使计算机系统从病毒感染中恢复,必须首先消除病毒。 有些防病毒软件设法清除检测到的病毒,但有时结果不能令人满意。要取得比较 可靠的 效果,可关掉受到感染的计算机,从一个写保护软盘重新启动,删除被感染文件并用备 份磁盘上的合法文件予以替换,并擦除 引导区的任何病毒。