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论文题目:基于单周控制的三相 VIENNA PFC电路研究与设计 专 业:电力电子与电力传动 硕 士 生: 指导教师:
摘 要
由电力电子装置产生的大量谐波注入公共电网,不仅影响了供电质量、增加网损, 而且严重时还可能造成设备工作异常,甚至损坏。使用功率因数校正 (Power Factor Correction,PFC)技术把谐波污染控制在较小的范围内已是当务之急。三相 PFC 技术在 解决电力公害方面起着十分重要的作用,已成为近年来研究的热点。
本文概述了三相高功率因数整流器主电路拓扑结构的研究现状。总结了目前常用的 三相有源功率因数校正拓扑和控制技术的种类及优缺点。在此基础上对单周控制的三相 VIENNA结构功率因数校正进行了研究。首先对单周控制原理进行了研究,讨论了单周 控制的基本原理及特点,以单周控制的 Buck 电路为例对其控制性能进行分析。其次分 析了三相三开关三电平(VIENNA)拓扑的工作过程并对该拓扑进行了数学建模。根据以上 原理,将单周控制应用于 VIENNA 结构 PFC 电路中,并将控制方案选为以电源管理芯 片 IR1150S为核心的三积分方案。最后探讨了一台 2kW的单周控制的三相 VIENNA高 功率因数整流器的设计过程,其中包括开关管、整流管、输出滤波电容等元器件参数的 计算、设定及选型等工作,着重给出了输入电感和驱动变压器等磁性元件的选择依据和 设计方法。该控制实现了无需乘法器和输入电压检测装置,并实现恒频的直接电流控制, 控制简单,功率开关管少。
对样机进行了实验验证,实验结果验证了该电路及控制方式的合理性和可行性,该 样机输入电流能够很好的跟踪输入电压,输入功率因数较高,基本在 0.96以上。表明了 该电路具有较强的实用性和优越性。
关 键 词:功率因数校正;单周控制;三相 PFC;VIENNA整流器 研究类型:应用研究
(签 名) (签 名)
Subject :Research and Design on Circuit of Three Phase VIENNA PFC Based on One-cycle Control
Specialty :Power electronic&Power drives Name
: Li Wei
(Signature) (Signature)
With the increasing number of various electrical equipments, low power factor and harmonic pollution has become more and more serious. A large number of harmonics injected into the public grid generated by power electronic devices is affect the quality of power supply, an increase of the loss of grid, seriously, may also cause the device no working even damaged. Use of Power Factor Correction (PFC) technology to limit the harmonic pollution in the smaller range is a priority. The three-phase PFC technology plays a very important role in addressing the electricity nuisance, and has become a hot research in recent years.
This paper introduces the status of the three-phase high power factor rectifier circuit topology, and summarizes the commonly used three-phase active power factor correction topology and control technology types and characteristics. Based on one-cycle control of three-phase power factor correction VIENNA structure are studied. The principle of one cycle control was discussed the basic principles and characteristics, then buck circuit as an example of its control performance is analyzed. The mathematical model of VIENNA is established. According to the above principle, this paper describes one cycle control for VIENNA structure PFC circuit. The power management chip IR1150S is selected as the core of the three integration scheme in the control scheme. Designed a 2kW of three-phase VIENNA rectifier based on one-cycle control with high power factor, including the device parameter calculation, setting and selection, especially give the input inductor and a driving transformer magnetic element design method. This control method which does not need a multiplier and an input voltage detection device can achieve, and has the constant direct current control. The control is simple and has less power switch tube.
The prototype was verified by the experiment, experimental results prove that the circuit and the control mode is correct and feasible, the input current can track the input voltage well, the input power factor is higher, basically in 0.96 above. It shows that the circuit has strong practicability and superiority.
Instructor l : Zhang Gang
Keywords: APFC One Cycle Control Three-phase PFC VIENNA Rectifier Thesis : Application Research