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mother wanted to sell him to the zoo! The boy grew. He grew until he was a teenager. He had strange friends and he wore strange clothes and he listened to strange music. Sometimes the mother felt like she was in a zoo!

That teenager grew. He grew until he was a grown-up man. He left home and got a house across town.

Well, that mother, she got older. She got older and older and older. One day she called up her son and said, \

So her son came to see her. When he came in the door she tried to sing the song: I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,

But she couldn't finish because she was too old and sick.

The son went to his mother. He held her in his arms very slowly rocked him back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And he sang this song:

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, my Mommy you'll be. 32. This story is about ___________.

A. mother and son C. mother and daughter A. make much trouble C. showed love properly A. since

B. if

B. father and son D. father and daughter B. have good manners D. showed gift in sports C. while D. though

33. From the underlined sentence, we can know that the boy might _________ when young.

34. The underlined phrase “As long as” means similar to ___________? 35. Which of the following is NOT True according to this article?

A. The boy's mother sold him to the zoo when he was nine years old. B. The boy had strange friends when he was a teenager. C. The boy didn't live with his mother when he grew up. D. The return to showed his love for his mom in the end.


Housework is an endless argument between lazy husbands and their hard-working wives, but women are warned not to expect men to share housework any time soon.

A study from Oxford University has found it seems impossible for men to be doing an equal share of housework before 2050. Mothers will continue to shoulder the burden(负担) of childcare and housework for the next forty years, largely because housework such as cleaning and cooking is still thought of to be “women’s work”.

The gap(鸿沟) has narrowed slowly over the past 40 years. Women expect true equality(平等). But what makes them down is that it will take another forty years before it is achieved.

The research found that in the northern Europe, the burden of housework is shared more equally between men and women. In the UK, a woman spends around four hours and forty minutes each day on housework, compared with two hours and twenty-eight minutes for men. This is an improvement from the 1960s, when British women typically(典型地) spent six hours a day on housework, while men spent just 90 minutes every day.

But progress towards housework equality appears to be slowing in some countries. Dr Oriel Sullivan,a research reader, said, “we’ve looked at what is influencing the equality in the home, and we have found that certain tasks seem to be given according to whether they are viewed as ‘men’s work’ or ‘women’s work’.”

Dr Sullivan said cultural attitudes(态度) taught at school may decide the views of housework. “At school it is much easier for a girl to be a tomboy, but it is much more difficult for a boy to enjoy cooking and dancing,” she said.

36. Women will continue to do more housework before 2050 mainly because _________. A. men are too busy to help B. they would like to do so C. they can do better D. it is considered as women’s work 37. The underlined “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to (指代) ___________. A. the research C. true equality

B. true housework D. the gap

38. From Paragraph 4 we know that in the UK ___________. A. men now spend just 90 minutes a day on housework on average B. women now are too busy with their work to do housework C. women now spend less time on housework than before D. housework is shared equally between men and women

39. _____________ is mentioned in the last two paragraphs(段) of the article. A. What men think of housework

B. How much housework women spend on housework C. What influences people’s view of housework D. Why men should share housework 40. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Argument about housework between husbands and wives will end. B. Women will be doing more housework than men until 2050. C. Men are unable to help their wives with housework.

D. Women spend less time on housework while men spend more than before.



A) 根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为41~45的相应位置上。

41.Some foreigners like to ▲ (给) themselves funny Chinese names. For example, a friend of mine call himself “Hao Lihai”.

42. As the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life when ▲ (春天) comes. 43. Huang Zichang is a rising star in the CSL. A bright ▲ (未来) is waiting for him. 44. There is nothing good in war, ▲ (除了) its ending.

45. Fang Ping is spoken ▲ (高度地) of by all the students’ parents.

B) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为46~50的相应位置上。

46. In the movie,a bad person is actually a wolf in a ▲ (sheep) coat. 47. ▲ (cross) Yuxiu Road and wait for the bus at that bus stop. 48. The trade war will cut both ▲ (way). It should be avoided. 49. Today is warm and ▲ (sun) ,it is good for a trip.

50. ---Could you tell me how ▲ (succeed) in making a speech in front of people? ---Be confident.

C) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,


directions, goes back, the ancient Chinese, records, put into

M: Do you know who the compass(指南针) was invented by? W: Of course. It was invented by 51 , right? M: Exactly. And you know when it was first invented?

W: No. But I know there were written 52 of South-pointing Fish in the Song Dynasty. M: That’s true. People in the 10th century began to use an instrument called South-pointing Fish to show 53 . W: How did it work?

M: When it is 54 the water, the floating fish has its head pointing to the south. W: It wasn’t the first recorded compass, wasn’t it?

M: No, of course not. “Sinang” appeared much earlier, in the Warring States Period(战国). W: So the history of compass 55 to over 2000 years ago.


A) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容,在文章后第56~65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为56~65的相应位置上。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。 ....

Eco-friendly(环保) rain gardens have beautiful flowers, trees and other plants that beautify the community. They are also healthy for the environment and the people living and working nearby. A rain garden is not very different from a traditional garden, It is just far more eco-friendly. Usually it is built lower than the ground.

Why Eco-friendly Rain Gardens Are Recommended

Rain gardens smartly used rain and storm water by temporarily(暂时) holding water from rain and storms and letting it soak(渗透) slowly into the ground before it runs into streams or enters the public drinking water supply. In this way, a rain garden keeps the water, allowing it to be used as needed by plants in the rain garden, rather than flowing(流) directly into nearby streams and going unused, The water will soak. Slowly into the ground within a day or two. This creates an advantage that the rain garden does not allow mosquitoes(蚊子) to breed(繁殖). This is a simple, attractive, and eco-friendly “green” way to treat storm water.

What's more, planting a rain garden helps cut down on pollution and make the environment better. The gardens don’t use expensive machinery and chemicals. They remove harmful chemicals in the rainwater and reduce the amount of pollution reaching streams and rivers by up to 30%. How You Build Your Own Rain Gardens

Native(本地的) plants are recommended for rain gardens because they are more used to the local climate(气候), soil, and water conditions. They may attract local wildlife such as native birds. Water your rain garden right after planting and once a week. Don’t water it if you have had at least an inch of rain during the week. You needn’t take much care of it once the plants have a necessary root system(根系统).

Often, local governments and private businesses develop large rain gardens in their yards and in public parks. However, you can do your own part. You don't need to be an environmental engineer to create a rain garden. Just start by building smaller rain gardens in your yards.

Eco-friendly Rain Gardens Definition(定义) ? Eco-friendly rain gardens are far more eco-friendly gardens 56 under the ground.