《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)1-5集 下载本文

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-Stefan: She doesn't like me very much. 她不怎么喜欢我!

-Elena: She doesn't know you. 她是不了解你!

She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. look out: 提防

她是我最好的朋友,只是想保护我而已! But when she does, she will love you. 等她了解你一定会喜欢你的!

-Tyler: Look, There's Elena and her new boyfriend. 瞧啊!Elena和她的新男友! Now, what are they doing? 他们在干嘛?

Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. 走啊走啊就这么走着! Yep. Right into the sunset. sunset: 日落

是呀!走在落日余晖下! -Matt: You're a dick. dick: 阴茎


-Tyler: While you just stand there looking like one of those Little yard trolls. Little yard trolls: 7个小矮人

你却在操场上好像地精一样站着! -Matt: Gnomes. Gnomes: 小矮人 是土地神啦!

-Elena: Here's what we're going to do. 我有个小计划,

Are you free tonight? 今晚有空吗? -Stefan: Yes. 有空!

-Elena: Perfect. 太好了!

Dinner, my house. 8:00. 晚8点来我家吃饭! You, me, and Bonnie. 你!我!还有Bonnie!

You two will spend some quality time and she'll get to see what a great guy you are. quality: 黄金时间

给你们好好相处的时间,她会认识到你是个多么好的人! Mission accomplished.

mission: 使命;任务 accomplish: 完成 任务完成!

-Matt: Hey, what am I supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice. 我又能做什么?她已经做出了选择!

-Tyler: Let her know she made the wrong one. 那就让她知道她选错了! -Matt: What are you doing? 你要干嘛?

Ty, don't. Ty, don't!

Ty,住手!Ty,别! Ty! Ty!

-Elena: That throw was insane. I didn't know you played football. throw: 投

那一掷太帅了哇!我还不知道你打橄榄球! -Stefan: I used to. It was a long time ago. 打过,不过那是很久之前的事了!

-Elena: So why don't you try out for the team? 那干嘛不试试进球队?

-Stefan: Yeah, I don't think so. 我看还是算了吧!

-Elena: So you don't like football? 这么说你不喜欢打球!

-Stefan: No, I love football. I think it's a great sport. 不!我喜欢打球!我觉得橄榄球是项很棒的运动! But in this case, I don't think football likes me. 不过当下!我觉得球队不会喜欢我!

You saw Tyler over there, And we both know how Matt feels. 你也看到那边的Tyler,我们也都了解Matt的感受! -Elena: They don't know you. 他们是不了解你!

To them, you're mysterious loner guy. loner: 孤独的;不合群的


Wouldn't hurt to be part of. Make some friends. 加入对你没有坏处!还能交到朋友!

-Stefan: Says the girl who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery. cemetery: 墓地


-Elena: Hey, come on. There's more to me than just gloomy graveyard girl. gloomy: 沮丧的 graveyard: 墓地


There's a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet. 多面的Elena你还没见识过!

She was into everything, very busy. be into: 喜欢;对有兴趣


-Stefan: Well, I look forward to meeting her. look forward to: 期待 那好!期待着与她见面! And when will that be? 什么时候能见到她呢? -Elena: Soon. 快了!

She's working on it. 她正忙着安排呢!

-Mr. Tanner: World war ii ended in... 二战结束于

Anyone got anything? 哪位同学知道吗? Miss Juan?

Juan小姐? 1945


-Elena: Fyi--Our team sucks. They could use you. Fyi: for your information 给你的建议

好心提醒!我们球队很烂,他们可以用你! -Mr. Tanner: Pearl harbor. 偷袭珍珠港。

-Stefan: Can’t, I’m a loner. 不行!我可是独行者! -Mr. Tanner: Miss Gilbert? Gilbert小姐? Pearl harbor?

偷袭珍珠港是什么时候? -Stefan: December 7,1941. December: 12月 1941年12月7日。

-Mr. Tanner: Thank you, Miss Gilbert. 谢谢你!Gilbert小姐! -Stefan: Anytime. 不用谢!

-Mr. Tanner: Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall. 那好!柏林墙倒塌? -Stefan: 1989 1989年。

I'm good with dates, sir. dates: 日期

我很擅长记日期。先生。 -Mr. Tanner: Are you? 是吗?

How good? 有多厉害?

Keep it to the year. 说出下列发生年代! Civil Rights Act.

Civil Rights Act: 民权法 民权法案的颁布? -Stefan: 1964 1964年

John f. Kennedy assassination. assassination: 遇刺 约翰-肯尼迪遇刺? -Stefan: 1963. 1963年!

-Mr. Tanner: Martin Luther king. 马丁-路德-金遇刺 -Stefan: '68. 1968年!

-Mr. Tanner: Lincoln. 林肯遇刺

-Stefan: 1865. 1865年!

-Mr. Tanner: Roe vs. Wade.

Roe诉Wade案(由此承认妇女堕胎权的案例) -Stefan: 1973. 1973年!

-Mr. Tanner: Brown vs. Board.

Brown诉教委会案(美国黑人宪法权利经典法案) -Stefan: 1954. 1954年。

-Mr. Tanner: The battle of Gettysburg. battle: 战争 Gettysburg: 葛底士堡

葛底士堡战役(南北战争中的一个转折点) -Stefan: 1863. 1863年。.

-Mr. Tanner: Korean war. 朝鲜战争?

-Stefan: 1950 to 1953. 1950到1953。

-Mr. Tanner: Hha, It ended in '52. 战争是1952年结束的!

-Stefan: Uh, actually, sir, It was '53. actually: 事实上


-Mr. Tanner: Look it up, somebody. 谁查一下? Quickly. 快!

-Student: It was 19...53. 应该是19...53!

-Elena: How did you know all of that? 这许多你都是咋知道的?

-Stefan: Years and years of crossword puzzles. crossword puzzles: 填字游戏 年复一年的纵横字谜练出来的! It's a loner thing. 这是独行者的娱乐! -Matt: Nice job! Nice job! 好!做得好!

-Mr. Tanner: Mr. Lockwood, is there anything you're good at? Lockwood先生你有擅长的东西吗?

'cause it isn't history, and it sure as hell isn't defending the ball! defending: 防卫

你也不擅长历史,也护不好球! -Tyler: Yes, coach. coach: 教练 是!教练!

-Mr. Tanner: Now do it again! 再来一次!

-Bonnie: Oh, my god! You're here! 噢!我的天!你来了!

-Elena: Yep. I can't be sad girl forever. 嗯!我不能总沉浸在悲伤里啊!

The only way to get things back to the way they were are to do things that were.

唯一重回过去的方法只能是行过去之事。 Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight. 对了!今晚你来吃饭哦! -Bonnie: I am? 我吗?

-Elena: You and me and Stefan. 你!我!还有Stefan!

You have to give him a chance. 你得给他个机会!

-Bonnie: Tonight's no good. 今晚不好吧?

Have you seen Caroline? I texted her like a hundred times. hundred: 一百多;许多的

你见到Caroline没? 我给她发了有N条短信了吧! -Elena: Don't change the subject, Bonnie Bennett. change the subject: 改变话题;转移话题 不要转移话题 Bonnie Bennett! You're going to be there. 你得来!

-Bonnie: Fine. I'll go. 好!我去! -Elena: Good. 很好!

-Mr. Tanner: Varsity trials were last spring, Mr. Salvatore. varsity: 大学代表队的 trials: 考验

校队选拔今年春天就选过了!Salvatore先生! -Stefan: I wasn't here then, sir. then: 然后;那时


-Mr. Tanner: And you're not here now, as far as I'm concerned. as far as: 就而言


-Stefan: Mr. Tanner, I realize that you and I didn't get off to the best start, realize: 知道 get off: 动身;开始

Tanner老师,我知道我们一开始没能和睦相处! And I want to apologize for that. 我为此感到很抱歉。

I've played football before. 我以前打过橄榄球!

Wide receiver, mostly, and I'm pretty good. wide receiver: 外接手 mostly: 通常的;多半的 做接球员的话,很擅长!

-Mr. Tanner: Well, I won't be asking you who won the super bowl in '71. super bowl: 美国橄榄球超级杯大赛

我不会问你1971年谁赢得了超级橄榄球赛! -Stefan: '71 was the... 71年是...

Sorry. I understand that, sir. 抱歉,我明白,老师!

-Mr. Tanner: Just to see you get knocked on your ass. 小心让我看到你挨教训! Borrow some gear.