内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/28 15:23:49星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
gear: 装置
Go! Before I change my mind. 去!趁我还没改变主意! Let's run it again! 再跑一次!
-Matt: First my girlfriend, now the team? 一开始抢了我女朋友,现在又来球队了? -Tyler: Dude, this is an opportunity. opportunity: 机会 伙计!这是个机会!
Football's a contact sport. contact sport: 身体接触项目 橄榄球是易冲撞的运动! Sometimes people get hurt. 有时候有人会受伤!
-Bonnie: Seriously, where is Caroline? 说真的!Caroline哪去了!
-Elena: I don't know. It's not like her. 我不知道!这不像她! -Bonnie: Try her again. 再试试吧!
That must be the mystery guy from the grill. grill: 烧烤
那个是烧烤店遇到的神秘男! -Elena: That's not a mystery guy. 不是神秘男!
That's Damon Salvatore. 那是Damon Salvatore!
-Bonnie: Salvatore, as in Stefan? Salvatore 跟Stefan一样的姓?
-Caroline: I got the other brother. Hope you don't mind. 我钓到他哥咯!希望你不介意! Sorry I'm late, girls.
抱歉!我来晚了!姑娘们! I, uh, was busy. 我有点忙!
All right, let's start with the double pike herkey hurdler, what do you say? double: 双重的 pike: 通行费 hurdler: 跳栏比赛选手 好吧!我们从侧跨栏双跳部分开始吧!怎么样? 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8. 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8.
Elena, sweetie, why don't you just observe today? Ok? observe: 观察
Elena 亲爱的,你今天先看下怎么跳,好吧? Keep going! Ok. Do it again from the top. keep going: 维持下去
继续!很好!再从头做一次! And 5,6,7,8.
1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8. 4,5,6,7.8.
-Mr. Tanner: Blue lady! 蓝L战术! Blue lady! 蓝L战术! Set, hut! Go! 开球 hut! 走!
Come on, Tyler, cover it! cover: 覆盖;掩护 来吧 Tyler 掩护! Get it. 好了!
-Matt: Line up! line up: 排列起 站队!
I hate to say it, but he's got skills. 真不愿承认,但他技术不错!
-Tyler: I think he needs a buddy pass. buddy: 伙伴 pass: 通过 我想他需要个同伴策应! -Matt: Really? 真的?
-Tyler: You don't get to walk on the field and act like you own the place after 5 minutes. on the field: 在战场上
咋可能刚上场5分钟就大摇大摆搞得你是场上主宰似的! Just hang one up there and I'll take care of the rest. one up: 胜人一筹的
你给他个钉子碰碰,其他我来安排! -Mr. Tanner: Do it again. 再来一次!
All right, let's huddle up. huddle up: 卷缩 好啦!围过来! Set, hut! 开球 hut!
-Tyler: Welcome to the team, buddy. 欢迎来到球队!伙计! Let's go. 来吧!
-Mr. Tanner: You going to live, Salvatore? 你死不了吧 Salvatore! Walk it off, son.
-Matt: Hey. That was my bad. 嘿!那是我的错! -Stefan: It's all right. 没关系!
-Mr. Tanner: All right. 好的!
-Damon: How were tryouts?
tryouts: 试用;选拔赛 试训怎么样?
Did you make the team? 你进了球队?
Very Emerson, the way you reveal your soul with so many-- Emerson: <美国思想家> 爱默生 reveal: 显示 很Emerson式嘛,你表达感情的方式有这么多-- Adjectives. 形容词!
-Stefan: What are you doing here? 你在这干什么?
-Damon: I've come to apologize. 我是来道歉的!
I've been doing some thinking, some soul searching, and... soul: 灵魂 search: 搜索
我好好地想了下并扪心自问... I want us to start over. 我希望我们能重新开始!
We need to put the past behind us. 我们得摆脱过去!
You're my little brother, 你是我弟弟!
And if you want to live a normal, happy human life, 如果你想要一个正常快乐的人类生活。 Then I want that for you. 那么这也是我的希望! Maybe I can do it, too. 也许我也可以!
That I can learn to be a non-living Living person. non-living: 非生命的
我也能学着成为一个非生命体的活人! Maybe there's hope for both of us. 也许这对我们俩来说都是希望!
-Stefan: You know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon. 你知道吗?不必非得这样 Damon! -Damon: Of course it doesn't. 当然不是!
I saw Elena today, btw. That means \我今天看到Elena了 btw,意思是顺便说一下! She was at cheerleading practice. 她在啦啦队训练!
She looked so perky in her little short shorts. Just... perky: 自信的;活泼的 short shorts: 超短短裤 她穿着热裤看上去那么活泼就是...
Simmer down, I didn't even go near her. simmer down: 冷静下来 go near: 走进 冷静!我没接近她!
I've got my own cheerleader now. cheerleader: 啦啦队队长
Ooh, that reminds me--I got to run. I have a date. remind: 使我想起来了
噢!这倒提醒我了!我得走了!还有个约会! Sweaty palms.
sweaty: 出汗的 palm: 手掌 手心出汗了! wish me luck. 祝我好运吧!
-Bonnie: You explain it. 你解释一下!
Last night, I’m watching nine-o, commercial breaks come on and I'm like, commercial break: 商业广告
昨晚我在看9-0 一个广告跳出来! I bet it's that phone commercial. 我打赌是手机广告!
And sure enough, it’s that guy and the girl with the bench, He flies to Paris and he flies back. bench: 长凳
居然的确是的男生女生排排坐,他飞到巴黎又飞回来! They take a picture. 他们合影!
-Elena: Oh, come on. That commercial's on a constant loop. constant: 不变的 loop: 循环;圈 拜托!那广告是循环播放的!
-Bonnie: Fine. Well, how about this? 好吧!那这个怎么样!
Today I'm obsessed with numbers. obsess: 着迷;纠缠
3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. 3个数字我一直见到8 14 22! How weird is that? 多奇怪的哇?
-Elena: Maybe we should play the lottery. lottery: 彩票
have you talked to your grams? 你跟你奶奶谈过了没?
-Bonnie: She's just going to say it's because I'm a witch. 她只会跟我说我是个女巫!
I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch? 我不想做个女巫,你想吗?
-Elena: I don't want to be a witch. 我不想!
-Bonnie: And putting it in a nice bowl Isn't fooling anybody. fooling: 愚弄
-Elena: Ok, serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons? serving spoon: 公用汤匙 好啦!大勺!大勺在哪里?
-Bonnie: Little drawer on your left. drawer: 抽屉;开票人 在你左边的小抽屉里!
-Elena: Ok, so you've been in this kitchen like a thousand times. 好吧!你来过这厨房几千次了!
-Bonnie: Yeah, that's it. 是么!就这么简单!
-Elena: Ok, he's here. Don’t be nervous. Just be your normal loving self. 他来了!别紧张!做平常那个有爱的你就行! -Bonnie: Birthday candles. 生日蜡烛!
-Elena: Did Tanner give you a hard time today? Tanner今天给你小鞋穿了吗?
-Stefan: Well, he let me on the team, 他让我进了队里!
So I must have done something right. 所以我应该没做错什么!
-Elena: Bonnie, you should have seen Stefan today. Bonnie,你今天真应该看看Stefan的! Tyler threw a ball right at him, and-- Tyler对准他掷了一球,然后… -Bonnie: Yeah, I heard. 哦!我听说了!
-Elena: Why don't you tell Stefan about your family? 你为什么不给Stefan讲讲你家的事呢?
-Bonnie: Um, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad. divorced: 离婚的
呃!父母离异!没有妈妈!和爸爸住! -Elena: No, about the witches. 不是!是关于女巫的事!
Bennie’s family has a lineage of witches. It’s really cool. lineage: 血统
Bonnie的家族有女巫血统!非常酷! -Bonnie: Cool isn't the word I'd use. 我可不想用酷这个字形容!
-Stefan: Well, it’s certainly interesting. 肯定挺有意思的! I'm not too versed, verse: 精通的 我虽然不太熟!
But I do know that there's a history of Celtic Druids That migrated here in the 1800s. migrate: 移动
但我确实知道有段历史讲19世纪一些Celtic Druids教士迁居至此。 -Bonnie: My family came by way of Salem. 我的祖先从赛伦而来 (位于美国马萨诸塞州)! -Stefan: Really? 真的?
Salem witches?
赛伦女巫? (有1692年著名赛伦女巫审判案) I would say that's pretty cool. 我得说真的很酷!
-Bonnie: Really? Why? 真的? 为什么?
-Stefan: Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity.
heroic: 英勇的 examples of: …的榜样 individualism: 个人主义 nonconformity: 不信奉国教 赛伦女巫是个人主义和不守成规的英勇代表! -Bonnie: Yeah, they are.