内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/26 8:42:51星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
-Elena: I wonder who that could be. 会是谁呢?
-Caroline: Surprise! 惊喜吧?
Bonnie said you were doing dinner, Bonnie说你自己做晚餐! So we brought dessert. dessert: 点心
-Damon: Hope you don't mind. 希望你不介意!
-Stefan: What are you doing here? 你在这儿干嘛呢?
-Damon: Waiting for Elena to invite me in. invite: 邀请
-Elena: Oh, yeah, you can. 你可以…
-Stefan: no, no, no. 不!不行!
He can't, uh...He can't stay. 他!呃!他不能留下! Can you, Damon? 你不能吧 Damon? -Caroline: Get in here. 进来吧!
-Stefan: We're just...finishing up. 可是我们快要吃完了!
-Elena: It's fine. Just come on in. 没关系!快进来吧!
-Damon: You have a beautiful home, Elena. 你家很漂亮 Elena! -Elena: Thank you. 谢谢!
-Caroline: I can not believe Mr. Tanner let you in the team. 我真不能相信 Tanner先生居然让你加入了! Tyler must be sealing. seal: 密封
But good for you. Go for it. 对你是好事!加油吧!
-Damon: That's what I always tell him. 我也这么对他说的!
You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. engage: 从事
你必须自己努力,不能坐守生活来垂青你! You have to go get it. 要自己去争取!
-Caroline: Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. Elena今天可不怎么走运!
It's only because you missed summer camp.
summer camp: 夏令营
God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines. routines: 常规;惯例
天!我都不知道你怎能学会那些动作! -Bonnie: I'll work with her. She'll get it. 我带她!她会学会的!
-Caroline: I guess we can put her in the back. 我想我们可以把她放在后面!
-Damon: You know, you don't seem like The cheerleader type, Elena. type: 类型
Elena 你看上去不像一个啦啦队员!
-Caroline: Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died. 哦!那是因为她的父母去世了!
Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase. going through: 熬过 blah: <美俚> 废话 phase: 阶段 她刚刚度过了一段很不顺心的时期! She used to be way more fun. 她过去好玩多啦!
And I say that with complete sensitivity. sensitivity: 敏感性
我那么说是绝对感同身受! -Damon: I'm sorry, Elena. 我很遗憾,Elena!
I know what it's like to lose both your parents. 我知道失去双亲的感受!
In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we’ve ever cared about die. almost: 差不多 every single: 每一个
事实上 Stefan和我目睹了几乎每个挚爱的人的去世! -Stefan: We don't need to get into that right now, Damon. 我们现在不需要谈这个 Damon!
-Damon: Oh, you know what, you're right, Stefan. I'm sorry. 你说得对 Stefan抱歉!
The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up. 我绝不想把她牵扯进来! -Vicki: Don't do that. 别这样!
Not while I'm working. 别在我工作的时候! -Tyler: I'll see you later. 待会儿见!
I'll be right back. 我马上回来!
She's my sister and I love her, but sometimes she can really make you work for it. 她是我妹妹,而且我很爱她!但很多时候她值得为之付出! -Jeremy: I find it pretty easy. 我早发现了!
All right, I get it. Hitting me to impress her. That’s…that's real nice. hitting: 击中
好啦!我都知道!你不过是想揍我来引起她的注意,这招不错! -Tyler: I don't need to impress her. 我不需要去引起她的注意!
I already won. 我已经赢得了! Now you're dead. 你死定了!
-Jeremy: Am I? 'cause it seems like I'm standing here waiting for you to man up. 是吗? 可现在似乎是我站在这里等你表现的像个男人一样 -Matt: Ty, don't! Ty,不要!
-Tyler: The next time I see you, Gilbert... 下次别再让我见到你 Gilbert... -Jeremy: No, next time I see you. 不!别让我见到你才对!
-Matt: What are you doin', Vick? 你到底在干嘛 Vick? -Damon: One more. 还有一个!
-Elena: Oh, thank you. 哦!谢谢! Nice save.
补救的很不错! -Damon: I like you. 我喜欢你!
You know how to laugh. laugh: 笑
And you make Stefan smile, which is something I haven't seen In a very long time. 而且你能让Stefan笑,我都很久没见过他笑了! -Elena: Earlier, did you mean... Katherine? 你刚才说的...是说Katherine? How did she die? 她怎么死的?
-Damon: In a fire. tragic fire. tragic: 悲剧的
火灾!灾难性的! -Elena: Recently? 最近?
-Damon: Well, it seems like it was yesterday. 就像昨天发生的一样!
-Elena: What was she like? 她是个怎么样的人?
-Damon: She was beautiful. 她很美!
A lot like you in that department. department: 部门 长的很像你!
She was just very complicated complicate: 复杂 但也很复杂!
And selfish and at times not very kind, but very sexy and seductive. selfish: 自私 seductive: 有魅力的
而且很自私,有时还挺坏,但很性感诱人! -Elena: So which one of you dated her first?
你们谁先和她约会的? -Damon: Nicely deduced. deduce: 推理 很不错的推理! Ask Stefan. 问Stefan吧!
I'm sure his answer differs from mine. differ: 使…不同
我敢肯定他的答案和我的不一样! I'd quit cheerleading if I were you. quit: 停止;放弃
如果我是你我就退出啦啦队了! -Elena: Why do you say that? 为什么这么说?
-Damon: Oh, I saw you at practice. You looked miserable. miserable: 痛苦的
排练时我看见你了,你好悲惨呀! -Elena: You saw that? 你看见了?
I used to love it. It was fun. 我以前很热爱!很有趣! Things are different this year. 今年一切都变了!
Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore. 以前在乎的现在却不再有意义! -Damon: So don't let it. 那就顺其自然!
Quit, move on. Problem solved.Ta-da. 放弃!继续向前!问题解决了!
-Elena: Some things could matter again. 有些事会变回原来! -Damon: Maybe. 可能吧!
But...Seems a little unrealistic to me. unrealistic: 不切实际的
但是对我来说有点不太现实! -Elena: I'm sorry. 对不起!
About Katherine. 关于Katherine! You lost her, too. 你也同样失去了她!
-Bonnie: Need some help? 需要帮忙吗?
-Damon: Sure, why not? 当然!
-Caroline: Matt tries, but he's just having a really hard time. Matt尝试过,但是他过得很艰难!
You have to understand that they were each other's first. 你得理解他们都是对方的第一次! You know, like, from the sandbox. sandbox: 沙盒
-Stefan: That's a really nice scarf. scarf: 围巾 围巾很漂亮!
-Caroline: Thank you, it's new. 谢谢!这是新的! -Stefan: Can I see it? 能看看吗?
I mean, would you mind taking it off? 我是说你能脱下来让我看看吗? -Caroline: Oh, I can't. 噢!不行!
-Stefan: Why not? You ok? 为什么? 你还好吧?
-Caroline: All I know is that I can't take it off. 我只知道不能脱下!
-Damon: What are you two kids talking about? 你们俩在说什么呢?
-Stefan: I was just commenting on her scarf. comment: 评论
-Damon: Hey, you know, um, Elena and Bonnie are finishing up the dishes. 嘿!知道吗Elena和 Bonnie把碟子洗完了! Why don't you go see if you can help? 你不去看看有什么可以帮忙的?
-Caroline: Does it look like I do dishes? 我看起来像洗碗的吗? -Damon: For me? 就算为了我?
-Caroline: I don't think so. 我不觉得!
-Damon: Go see if Elena needs help in the kitchen. 到厨房看看Elena要不要帮忙!
-Caroline: You know what? I’m going to go see if Elena needs some help in the kitchen. 知道吗?我要去厨房看看Elena要不要帮忙! -Damon: Great. 很好!
-Stefan: They are people, Damon. 他们是人类 Damon! She's not a puppet. puppet: 木偶;傀儡 她不是玩偶!
She doesn't exist for your amusement, for you to feed on whenever you want to. exist: 存在 amusement: 消遣;娱乐
她的存在不是给你耍的!也不是随时用来喂饱你的! -Damon: Sure she does. They all do. 她当然是!所有人都是!
They're whatever I want them to be. 我想让他们怎么样就怎么样! They're mine for the taking. 他们生来为我所取!
-Stefan: All right, you've had your fun.