内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/26 8:45:23星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
You used Caroline, you got to me and Elena, Good for you. 你利用Caroline来接近我和Elena,真不错! Now it's time for you to go. 你该走了!
-Damon: That's not a problem. 没问题! Because... 因为...
I've been invited in, and I'll come back tomorrow night and the following night 我被邀请进来了!我明晚可以再来以后的晚上都可以!
And I'll do with your little cheerleader whatever I want to do. 我可以和你的拉拉队美眉做任何事! Because that is what is normal to me. 因为那样对我再正常不过!
-Elena: Tonight wasn't so bad. I had fun. 今晚不错,我尽兴了!
-Stefan: That makes one of us. 我就不尽然了!
-Elena: come on. Your brother isn't as bad as you make him out to be... 拜托你哥哥没有你描述的那么糟糕...
-Stefan: There must be a shred of humanity left inside my brother. shred: 少量的;剩余的 humanity: 人类;人道 我哥哥内心深处肯定有一丝人性! Somewhere. 某个角落! I keep hoping. 我不放弃希望!
But how do I make him see it? 但是我怎么才能让他自己感觉到? And how do I protect her? protect: 保护
-Elena: Look at you. You look hot in your jersey. jersey: 运动衫
-Stefan: What happened? No more cheerleader? 怎么了? 不玩啦啦队啦? -Elena: I quit. I'm a quitter. quitter: 轻易放弃的人
我退出了!我是个有始无终的人! -Stefan: No, hey, you're not a quitter. 不!嘿,你不是个有始无终的人!
You suffered a great loss. You're not the same person. suffer: 遭受
你失去太多东西,你不再是以前的你。 You should be looking ahead. 你应该向前看!
You should be starting over. Ok? 重新开始,好吗?
I hope you don't think this is too soon or too weird, but... 我希望你别认为这会太早或是太奇怪,但是...
I, uh, I wanted you to have this. 我,呃,我想让你戴上这个! -Elena: Oh, my god, it's beautiful. 噢!天哪!这真漂亮!
-Stefan: It's something that I've had forever, And, uh, I've never wanted to give it to anyone until now.
我一直都珍藏着,从没想过要送人,直到今天。 I'd very much like it if you'd wear it for me, 你戴上它我会非常开心,为我! For...Good luck. 也为求好运!
-Elena: Is that rose that I smell? 这是玫瑰的味道吗?
-Stefan: No, it's, uh-- it's an herb. 不!那是!呃-- 一种草药 It's nice, huh? 很不错,对吧? -Elena: I love it. 我很喜欢!
-Stefan: And, uh, 还有,
I wanted to thank you for pushing me to try out for the team. push: 促进;鼓励 try out for: 竞争;参加选拔 我想谢谢你鼓励我加入球队。 It feels really good. 感觉很不错。
-Elena: We're a pair. a pair: 一对 我们是一对! I quit, you start. 我放弃,你开始! -Stefan: Right. 没错!
We're a work in progress.
a work in progress: 过程进行中的工作 我们在恋爱行进中。 We'll figure it out.
figure it out: 弄明白;搞定 会明白的!
-Caroline: And you're not in uniform because... uniform: 穿制服
-Mr. Tanner: Wait, wait, wait, 等一下!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 等一下!
Wait. Let's be honest here. 等一下,老实说,
In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town 过去,我们常常让其他球队入我们城, and roll right over us! 随意欺凌我们!
But that is about to change. 但是历史即将改变。
We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offensive line, offensive: 攻击的
And I'm going to tell you right now, It has been a long time, 我现在就告诉你们,有很长一段时间
Since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. 没看见过这么出色的孩子,拥有如此强壮的臂膀! -Tyler: This blows. 糟透了!
He can't start the guy. He just got here. 他不能这么夸他,他不过才到这儿!
-Mr. Tanner: ...That have been waiting for us ......冠军已经在等待我们啦!
To put a check in the win column, I have only one thing to say to you-- check in: 记录 column: 纵队
等待我们印上胜利的荣耀之名我还有一件事要告诉你们-- Your timber wolves are hungry. timber wolf: 大灰狼
-Vicki: Hey, you. What's wrong? 嘿,你怎么啦? -Tyler: Nothing. 没什么!
-Mr. Tanner: And the central high lions are what's for dinner! 中央高中雄狮队不过是我们的囊中之物! -Tyler: Is that Jeremy? 那个是Jeremy吗? -Vicki: Wait, no! Ty! No. 等等不! Ty! 不!
-Tyler: Oh, what do you care? 噢!你管他干嘛? Don't look so down. 别这么沮丧!
You can have her when I'm done. 我和她玩完了!你才有机会! -Vicki: Tyler, stop it! Tyler 住手! Tyler! Tyler!
Stop, you’re hurting him! 住手,你伤着他了! Tyler! Tyler! Tyler, stop! Tyler,住手!
Tyler! Stop it! Tyler, stop! Tyler!住手! Tyler住手!
-Stefan: Hey, he's down! Enough! 嘿!够了!他都被你打趴下了! -Vicki: Jeremy, no!
-Tyler: Get off me! Stop! 别拦我! 住手!
-Elena: What the hell, Jeremy? 你TMD脑子进水啦 Jeremy?
Put your head up, you're bleeding. bleeding: 流血
抬起头,你流血了! -Jeremy: I'm fine! 我没事!
-Elena: Yeah, you smell fine. smell: 闻起来
是,血的味道还真好闻呢! -Jeremy: Just stop, ok? 少管闲事,行不?
-Matt: Come on, man. Come on. 走吧!老兄!
-Elena: Oh, my god, your hand. 天啊!你的手!
-Stefan: No, no, no, it's fine. 不用不用!我没事!
-Elena: Is it deep? How bad is it? Come on! deep: 深入的
是不是很深? 严重吗? 给我看看! But...I saw it, it was… 可是...我明明看见...
-Stefan: He missed. It's not my blood. blood: 血
他没割到我,这不是我的血! See? I'm fine. 看吧!我没事!
-Elena: No, no, no. I saw it. The glass cut your hand. It was… 不不!我看见血了!你的手被玻璃割伤了! -Stefan: It's ok. I'm ok. 放心!没事!
It's almost kick-off time, all right? kick-off: <足球> 开球 比赛要开始了!
So, um, I'll, uh, I'll see you after the game. 那我们...比赛结束后再见吧!
-Caroline: Hey, Tiki, it's all wobbly. wobbly: 不稳定的
嘿!Tiki!怎么摇摇晃晃的? Can you stand straight, please? 拜托,能不能摆直一点?
Could someone please help Tiki? 谁能过去帮帮Tiki?
-Bonnie: Hey! Where you been? 嘿! 你去哪儿了?
-Elena: Can I ask you a question and you give me a really serious no-joke response? response: 反映;回答
我能不能问你一个问题? 你要如实回答我!
-Bonnie: Of course. What is it? 当然!说吧!
-Elena: The bad mojo. 你说的凶兆!
When you touched Stefan and you had that reaction... 你碰到Stefan时的反应...
-Bonnie: You know what, forget I said that. 晕!算了,当我没说!
Your little dinner party plot totally won me over. 你那次晚餐聚会计划已经彻底收服我心啦! -Elena: No, Bonnie, seriously. What was it? 不!Bonnie!真,是什么凶兆? Did you see something, Or... 你看见了什么还是...
-Bonnie: It wasn't clear like a picture. 又不像图像那样清晰!
Like today, I keep seeing those same numbers I told you about--8, 14, 22. 比如今天,我总是注意到,那天我告诉你的数字 8 14 22! When I touched Stefan, It was a feeling. 碰到Stefan的时候我有种触感,
And it vibrated through me, and it was cold and it… vibrate: 十分响亮
冰冷地让我全身战栗,不仅如此... -Elena: And what? 什么?
-Bonnie: It was death. 死亡的味道!
It's what I imagine death to be like. 就如我所想的死亡一样!
-Elena: You scared me. What are you doing here? 吓死我了,你在这里干嘛?
-Damon: I'm hiding from Caroline. 我在躲避Caroline! -Elena: And why is that? 为何要躲避她?
-Damon: I needed a break. She talks more than I can listen. break: 休息
她总是在我旁边碎碎念!我想缓口气! -Elena: That could be a sign. 那可能预示着什么!
-Damon: Well, she's awfully young. awfully: 十分的;非常的 她真是很不成熟!
-Elena: Not much younger than you are. 你也大不了她多少!
-Damon: I don't see it going anywhere in the bigger picture. 反正长远看,我觉得我们俩是没结果的! I think she'd drive me crazy. drive me crazy: 让我疯狂 她都要把我逼疯了!
-Elena: Caroline does have some really annoying traits, trait: 性格