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the vampire diaries 04
-Stefan: For over a century I have lived in secret, century: 世纪 secret: 秘密
until now. I know the risks, but I have to know her. until: 直到…时 risk: 危险 have to: 必须 我知道这很危险,但我必须要认识她。 -Elena: I'm Elena. 我是Elena
-Stefan: I'm Stefan. 我是Stefan。
-Damon: - I'm Damon. 我是Damon。
-Elena: You didn't tell me that you had a brother. 你没有告诉过我你有一个哥哥。 -Stefan: It's complicated. complicated: 复杂的 这很复杂。
-Damon: Elena is a dead ringer for Katherine. dead: 死的 dead ringer: 酷似某人 Elena简直是Katherine的翻版。
-Elena: Which one of you dated her first? date: 约会
-Stefan: Katherine is dead, and you hate me. Because you loved her. hate: 憎恨
Katherine已经死了,而且你恨我,因为你很爱她。 -Caroline: I was hoping I'd see you again. 我真希望能再见到你。
-Stefan: She's not a puppet. puppet: 木偶,傀儡 她不是一个玩偶。
She doesn't exist for your amusement, exist: 存在 amusement: 娱乐 她存在的意义不是供你玩弄,
for you to feed on whenever you want to. feed: 吃 feed on: 以……为生 whenever: 随时 也不是被你随意吃掉。
-Damon: They're whatever I want them to be. whatever: 不管怎样,无论什么
我想让他们怎么样,他们就要怎么样。 -Stefan: Wear it for me, for... good luck. wear: 穿,戴 good luck: (祝你)好运 为了我带上它,为了……好运。 -Damon: You want to kiss me. 你想要吻我。
Vervain in the necklace.
vervain: 马鞭草 necklace: 项链 项链里有马鞭草。
It's been a while since anyone could resist my... compulsion.
while: 一会儿 since: 从……以后 resist: 抵抗 compulsion: 难以抗拒的冲动 已经很久没有人可以抵挡住我的……诱惑了。 -Stefan: There's nothing human in Damon. human: 有人性的
No good, no kindness, no love. kindness: 仁慈,好意
没有善良,没有仁慈,也没有爱。 Only a monster who must be stopped. monster: 怪物,魔鬼
他仅仅是一个需要被阻止的魔鬼。 -Elena: Hello? Jeremy? 是谁?Jeremy? Hello? 是谁?
-Logan: This is Logan Fell coming to you live from the streets of Mystic Falls live: 现场
现在是Logan Fell为您做现场报道,接下来是来自Mystic Falls的新闻。 with breaking news of another deadly animal attack.
breaking: 爆炸性的 news: 新闻 deadly: 致命的 attack: 攻击 又是一个可怕的野兽袭击的事件。
The wild animal terrorizing the citizens of Mystic Falls has claimed another victim, wild: 野生的 terrorize: 使……感到恐怖 citizen: 市民 claim: 声称 victim: 受害者 威胁Mistic Falls村民安全野兽又袭击了一名受害者。 local high school student Elena Gilbert. local: 当地的
当地高中的学生叫Elena Gilbert。
Police are certain that forensic evidence will confirm
certain: 确定 forensic: 法庭的 evidence: 证据 confirm: 证实 警察相信法医出示的证据可证明,
that this is the same animal responsible for recent attacks. responsible: 承担责任的 recent: 近来的
这次事故和最近几起袭击事件是同一种动物造成。 -Damon: You know it's coming next. 你知道接下来会发生什么。 -Elena: Jeremy! Jeremy! Ah! 啊!
-Damon: Bad dream? 做噩梦了? Ah. 啊。
Do you know how easy it was to get into your head just now? get into: 进入 just now: 刚才
你知道刚才侵入你的大脑有多容易吗? You really need some human blood. blood: 血,血液
It might even the playing field. might: 可能 even: 甚至 field: 场地
这甚至有可能发生在赛场上。 Football reference. reference: 参考,建议 这是足球方面的建议哦。 Too soon. 那太快了。
All right, I deserved that. deserve: 应得
But I just wanted to let you know, 但是我只是想让你知道, they caught the culprit. catch: 抓住 culprit: 罪犯 警察已经抓住罪犯了。
The animal responsible for killing coach Tanner and all those people. coach: 教练
就是袭击Tanner教练和其他受害者的动物。 -Stefan: What are you talking about? 你在说什么呢?
-Damon: It was a mountain lion. Really big one. mountain lion: 美洲狮
It attacked a hunter this morning. It's all over the news. attack: 攻击 hunter: 猎人
它今天早上袭击了一个猎人,到处都传开了。 Deadly beast captured.
deadly: 致命的 capture: 捕获 致命的野兽已被捕获。 All's well in Mystic Falls. Mystic Falls村民现已安全。
-Stefan: Why would you cover your tracks? cover: 隐藏,掩盖 track: 踪迹 你为什么要隐藏自己的行踪?
-Damon: I've decided to stay a while. 我已经决定在这儿待一段时间,
I'm just having way too much fun here with you and Elena. 同你和Elena在一起乐子多着呢。 -Stefan: Can't touch her now. 不准动她。
-Damon: Well, the vervain keeps me out of her head. 哦,马鞭草让我无法侵入她的大脑思维。 Maybe that's not my target. target: 目标
Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion. persuasion: 说服
不管你信不信,Stefan,有些女孩儿不需要我大费周折, Some girls just can't resist my good looks, resist: 抵抗
她们就是无法抵挡我的俊美, my style and my charm
style: 风格,风度 charm: 魅力
and my unflinching ability to listen to Tyler Swift.
unflinching: 不退缩的,坚定的 ability: 能力,本领 Tyler Swift: 乡村女歌手 以及我对Tyler Swift音乐的坚定欣赏。 This is John Varvatos, dude.
John Varvatos: 男装品牌 dude: 老兄 这可是John Varvatos的衣服,老兄。 Dick move.
dick: 男性私处 【表示气愤的脏话】 move: 动作 反应太慢了。
-Sheriff: I can confirm that a 12-foot puma mountain lion confirm: 肯定,证实 foot: 英尺 puma: 运动品牌,彪马 我可以肯定是一头12英尺的美洲狮,
attacked a hunter and was subsequently shot and killed. subsequently: 其次,接着 shot: 射杀 袭击了一个猎人然后被射击死亡。 The hunter is in stable condition. stable: 稳定的 condition: 情况 猎人现在的情况很稳定。
-Stefan: The real animalis still out there, 真正的凶手还在这儿
waiting for me, challenging me to fight back, to stop him. challenge: 挑战 fight back: 回击
But how do I stop a monster without becoming one myself? 但是如果自己不变成怪物,将怎么阻止这个怪物?
-Logan: To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught. terrorize: 使……感到恐惧,威胁
再次重申,威胁Mystic Falls安全的野兽已被抓获。 -Jenna: Scum ball. scum: 社会渣滓 混球。
Scum bucket. bucket: 水桶 人渣。
-Elena: Who are you talking to? 你在跟谁说话呢? -Jenna: Him. 他
-Elena: The news guy, also known as logan \那个播新闻的,人称人渣Logan Fell。
-Jenna: Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls? 你妈妈有没有告诉过你为什么我搬出了Mystic Falls? -Elena: Oh, no way. no way: 不可能 哦,不会吧。 You and him? 你和他?
-Logan: This is Logan Fell.
这里是Logan Fell为您做现场报道。 -Elena: He's cute. 他很可爱。
-Jenna: He is not cute. 他一点儿也不可爱。
There's nothing cute about him. 可爱和他沾不上边儿。
What are you doing with that? 你拿那个戒指干什么?
-Elena: I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. deposit: 存储
Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it loan: 借给
to the founder's council for their heritage display.
founder: 创始人 council: 委员会,理事会 heritage: 遗产 display: 展示 借给创始人理事会,供他们在遗产展示会上展示。 -Jenna: Is that grandma Beth's wedding ring? grandma: 奶奶,外婆,祖母 wedding: 结婚的 那是祖母Beth的结婚戒指吗?
-Elena: Originally it was great-great-grandma marry's wedding ring. originally: 本来
-Jeremy: How much do you think this stuff is worth? stuff: 东西
你觉得它能值多少钱? You know, like on Ebay?
比如在易趣网上能卖多少钱? -Elena: You're not gonna find out. gonna: <美俚> =going to 你永远不会知道的。
-Jeremy: That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away. give away: 赠送
那是爸爸妈妈的东西,你不能擅作主张送给别人。 -Elena: I'm not giving it away. 不是送,
It's called a loan, Jeremy. 是借,Jeremy。 -Stefan: Hi. 嗨
-Elena: Hi. 嗨
Are you ok? 你还好吗?
-Stefan: I'm ok. Sorry. 我很好。抱歉。
-Elena: Maybe we should press pause. press: 迫使 pause: 暂停 也许我们应该慢慢来。
-Stefan: Yeah, you're probably right. probably: 可能
是啊,也许你是对的。 That was getting a bit... 那有一点儿...