《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)1-5集 下载本文

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-Elena: Yeah. 就是。

-Stefan: Yeah. 就是。

-Elena: How do you look in a suit? suit: 西装,套装 你穿西装怎么样?

-Stefan: i can pull one off. pull off: 尝试,试穿 我可以试试。

-Elena: How about tomorrow night? 明晚怎么样?

Will you be my date to the founder's party? 你愿意做我创始人派对的晚伴吗? -Stefan: They still do that? 他们还在开派对?

-Elena: Have you been before? 你以前去过吗?

-Stefan: No, the Salvatores 不,Salvatores族人。 don't get invited anymore. invite: 邀请


-Elena: Well, this year, there's this heritage project that meant a lot to my mom. heritage: 遗产 project: 项目 mean: 意味,意义

那么,今年有一个对我妈妈来说意义重大的遗产展示会。 She was really involved in the founder's council,

involve: 包含,卷入 founder: 创始人 council: 委员会,理事会 她真的很喜欢创始人理事会。 and it was her favorite party. favorite: 最喜欢的


I know it sounds really boring, but... boring: 乏味的,无聊的


-Stefan: I would be honored to accompany you, honor: 光荣,荣幸 accompany: 陪伴,伴随 能陪同你去我很荣幸, Miss Gilbert. Gilbert小姐。

-Elena: The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Salvatore. pleasure: 乐事


-Damon: No yellow. Jaundice. Go for the blue. go for: 选择

别穿黄的,Jaundice,试试蓝色的。 -Caroline: I don't like the blue. 我不喜欢蓝色的。 -Damon: Well, I do. 但是我喜欢。

And if I'm gonna be your date...

gonna: <美俚> =going to date: 约会(对象)


-Caroline: You cannot be my date. 你不会是我的晚伴。

My mother is going to be there, 我妈妈要去。

and she is a very proud gun owner. proud: 骄傲的 gun: 枪 owner: 持有者 而且她很骄傲,而且有枪。

-Damon: I went through a lot of trouble to make sure this party wasn't cancelled. go through: 克服 trouble: 麻烦 make sure: 确保 cancel: 取笑 我为了保证这次派对不被取消做了很多牺牲, It's very important I be there. 我必须得去那。 Please take me. 请带我去。

-Caroline: You should come to the founder's party with me. 你应该和我一起去创始人派对。

-Damon: Not if you're wearing that dress. dress: 裙子


What's so special about this Bella girl? special: 特别的

那个叫Bella的女孩儿有什么好的? Edward's so whipped.

whip: 鞭打 (Bella和Edward同为暮光之城的主角) Edward脑袋肯定被门缝夹了。

-Caroline: You gotta read the first book first. gotta: <美俚> =have got to 你要先读下第一本书,

It won't make sense if you don't. make sense: 有意义


-Damon: Ah, I miss Anne Rice. She was so on it. 啊,我很怀念Anne Rice。她在这方面很在行。 -Caroline: How come you don't sparkle? sparkle: 发光


-Damon: Because I live in the real world, where vampires burn in the sun. vampires: 吸血鬼 burn: 燃烧

因为我生活在一个吸血鬼会被太阳燃为灰烬的现实世界中。 -Caroline: Yeah, but you go in the sun. 是啊,但是你靠近过太阳。

-Damon: I have a ring. It protects me. protect: 保护

我有个戒指,它可以保护我。 Long story.


-Caroline: Will these bites turn me into a vampire? bite: 咬 turn…into: 把……变成…… 这些牙印会把我变成一个吸血鬼吗? -Damon: It's more complicated than that. complicated: 复杂的


You'd have to feed on my blood, then die. feed on: 以……为生

你必须要以我的血为食,然后肉体死去, Then feed on a human's, whole ordeal. whole: 完全的 ordeal: 折磨,苦难

接着以人血为食,这是一个非常痛苦的过程。 This book, by the way, has it all wrong. by the way: 顺便的


-Caroline: You can be very sweet when you want to be. sweet: 甜蜜的,温柔的 你可以要多温柔有多温柔。 -Damon: Yes, I can be sweet. 是的,我可以很温柔。

-Caroline: Are you going to kill me? 你会杀了我吗? -Damon: Mm-hmm. 恩哼。

But not yet. yet: 还,尚 现在不会。

-Caroline: Why not? 为什么不?

-Damon: Because there's something I need you to do for me. 因为我需要你为我做一些事情。 -Caroline: Anything. 我愿意为你做任何事。

-Damon: How good are you at getting this little nose where it doesn't belong? nose: 鼻子 belong: 属于

你的鼻子怎会如此小巧诱人? -Caroline: Oh, I'm excellent. excellent: 优秀的,卓越的 哦,我无与伦比。 Mmm. 嗯。

-Mayor Lockwood: So what happens with the season? happen: 发生


One big forfeit? Are they looking for a new coach? forfeit: 损失 coach: 教练

一个大损失?他们在找一个新的教练吗? -Tyler: I don't know, dad. 爸爸,我不知道。

I doubt anybody's thinking about that right now. doubt: 怀疑 right now: 现在


-Mrs. Lockwood: Charles, founder's party, focus. focus: 集中,关注

Charles 别忘了创始人派对。

-Vicki: How are you all doing over here? 你们聊得怎么样?

-Charles Lockwood: Ah, we're doing great, sweetheart. sweetheart: 甜心,亲爱的


-Vicki: Is there anything else I can get you? else: 其他的

有什么我可以帮你的吗? -Tyler: We're fine, thanks. 不用,谢谢。

-Charles Lockwood: Just the check, honey. check: 结账


-Vicki: Here you go, Mayor Lockwood. Lockwood市长,这是账单。 -Charles Lockwood: Thanks. 多谢。

-Bonnie: You're taking Damon to the founder's party? What about me? 你和Damon一起去创始人派对?那我怎么办? -Caroline: Go with Elena. 和Elena一起去。

-Bonnie: She's asking Stefan. 她邀请了Stefan。

-Caroline: Ok, go by yourself. by oneself: 独自


-Bonnie: Gee, thanks. What about your mom? gee: 哎呀


Is she ok with you bringing Damon? 她对你和Damon一起去没有意见吗? -Caroline: And I'm supposed to care why? suppose: 应该,预想 care: 介意 我倒很疑惑是为什么她要有意见? -Bonnie: He's older sexy danger guy. sexy; 性感 danger: 危险 guy: 家伙 他是个成熟、性感又危险的家伙。 -Caroline: Older sexy danger guy? 成熟性感又危险?

Is that an official witch twitter tweet?

official: 官方的 witch: 女巫 twitter: 叽喳 tweet: 调子 这说法是你们女巫一族的官方调调吗? -Bonnie: No more witch jokes, ok? joke: 玩笑


That whole Mr. Tannerp prediction thing has me freaked. prediction: 预测 freak: 恐惧的

关于Tannerp先生的猜测真吓到我了。 -Caroline: Ok. 好吧。

And Damon's not dangerous. Damon不危险,

You know, he just has a lot of issues with his brother. issue: 问题


You know, like major, deep-rooted drama. major: 大部分的 deep-rooted: 根深蒂固的 像那些戏里面演的,有些根深蒂固的矛盾。 -Bonnie: Like...? 比如说.?

-Caroline: I'm not really supposed to say anything. suppose: 应该 我不能告诉你。

-Bonnie: Caroline Forbes, when have you ever kept a secret in your life? Caroline Forbes,你什么时候守住过秘密? -Caroline: Ok. 好吧。

But you can't tell Elena. 但你不能告诉Elena。 -Bonnie: No. 不说。

-Tyler: So what you gonna buy me? gonna: <美俚> =going to buy: 讨好 你拿什么来讨好我? -Vicki: Ugh, some class. 呃,总有办法的。

Oh, your parents are gone. I guess we can be close now. guess: 猜

你父母走了,我们可以表现得亲密点了。 -Tyler: What the hell does that mean? the hell: 到底 你什么意思?

-Vicki: You treat me like trash. I'm sick of it. treat: 对待 trash: 垃圾 sick of: 厌烦 你把我当垃圾一样看待,我受够了。 -Tyler: I don't think you're trash. 我不觉得你是垃圾。

-Vicki: Really? Then who are you taking to the founder's party? 真的? 那你要带谁去参加创始人派对? -Tyler: Vicki Donovan. Vicki Donovan。

Do you want me to ask you to the founder's party? 你是想让我带你去么? -Vicki: No. 不要。

It'll be stupid and lame.

stupid: 愚蠢的 lame: 蹩脚的 那样看起来很蠢。 -Tyler: True. 没错。

But it'll be less stupid and lame if you were there. 但是如果你去了的话就没那么糟糕了。

-Jeremy: You realize you had to ask him to ask you, right? realize: 认识到,明白 你要他邀请你去?

You figure if you dress up like a respectable young lady,