内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/26 8:45:22星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
What else am I supposed to do, be supposed to: 应该 我还该做些什么?
besides go about living my life? besides: 除了 除了过日子?
-Damon: Go about living my life. 过我的生活吧。
See, there in lies your eternal struggle. lie: 在于 eternal: 无休止的 struggle: 挣扎 看见没,这就是你苦苦挣扎的地方。 You're dead, dude. dude: 老兄
伙计,你已经死了。 Get over it. 忘了吧。
What do you think? 你觉得怎么样? -Elena: Hello? 你好?
Hi, Mrs. Lockwood. 嗨,Lockwood夫人。 What do you mean? It is? 什么意思?是这样么? Are you sure? 你确定?
'cause I saw it. 因为我看到过。 Let me check. check: 检查 我再仔细看看。 Mm-hmm. 嗯。
I will find it and bring it. 我找到了就带过去。 Ok. Bye.
-Bonnie: What's wrong? 怎么了?
-Jeremy: Ahh! God, what now? 啊!上帝,怎么了?
-Elena: The pocket watch. where is it? pocket watch: 怀表 怀表。你放哪去了? -Jeremy: What watch? 什么表?
-Elena: The one you stole from mom's box. steal: 偷
Look, Mrs. Lockwood just called me, freaking out. freak out: 吓坏了
It was on the list, Jeremy. list: 清单
And she can't find it, and she thinks she's the one who lost it. 她找不到就以为是她弄丢了。
-Jeremy: Maybe she did. Maybe Tyler took it. 或许真是她弄丢了又或者是Tyler拿走了。
-Elena: Don't even play that card. Jeremy, you took it. play card: 玩把戏
If I go online, am I going to find it on Ebay? 我要上网的话说不定还能在易趣上找到? Is that how you pay for your pot? pay for: 付钱,购买 pot: 罐,壶 你就是用那个钱买的罐子吧? -Jeremy: Screw you. 得了吧你。
I would never sell this, ok? 我绝不会把它卖了,明白?
-Elena: Then why did you take it? 你为什么要拿走它?
-Jeremy: Because it's supposed to be mine. be supposed to: 应该 因为它应该属于我。
Dad said it goes to the first born son. 爸爸说把它留给长子。
His father gave it to him, and now what? 他爸爸把表给他了,现在呢?
-Elena: And he was going to give it to you. 他打算把表给你的。 -Jeremy: Yeah. 没错。
-Elena: Look, Jeremy, it's still yours, ok? 听着,Jeremy,它还是你的,明白么? Mom promised Mrs. Lockwood. promise: 承诺
妈妈对Lockwood夫人许诺过, What do you want me to do? 你要我怎么做?
-Jeremy: Just take it and get out. 拿着它出去。
-Damon: It's cool not growing old. 青春不老真好。
I like being the eternal stud.
eternal: 永久的 stud: 领扣,风流浪子 我是永远的风流浪子。
-Stefan: Yes, being a 150-year-old teenager teenager: 青年
has been the height of my happiness. height: 顶点
-Damon: You cracked a funny, Stefan. crack: 爆裂,打开 funny: 有趣的 你还真有趣Stefan。
-Stefan: I should have a drink to celebrate. celebrate: 庆祝 我要喝酒庆祝下。 -Damon: 1864 1864.
You and Katherine were the perfect couple. perfect: 完美的 couple: 一对 你和Katherine真是绝配。
It was hell watching you dance with her. hell: 地狱
-Stefan: My happiness was short-lived, as you well know. short-lived: 短暂的
我的幸福是短暂的,这你很清楚。 -Damon: I remember. 我记得
I left the party early, I was waiting for her. 我提早离开派对就是为了等她,
The night you dropped her off, I was waiting just inside. drop off: 送某人离开
你送她回去的那一晚,我就在里面。 You were such a gentleman, gentleman: 绅士 你是如此绅士,
gave her a kiss on the cheek. cheek: 脸颊
And what she really wanted was... 而她真正想要的是…… Oh, well. 哦,
Here's to history repeating itself, huh? repeat: 重复
I admire your effort, Stefan. admire: 欣赏
我敬佩你的努力Stefan。 Pouring yourself a drink pour: 倒,倾注
then spiking the bottle with vervain. spike: 钉子 bottle: 瓶子 然后再瓶子里放了马鞭草。
I'm not some drunk sorority chick. sorority: 联谊会 chick: 小妞 我可不是喝多了的疯婆子, You can't roofie me. roofie: <美俚>糊弄 你别想糊弄我。
But I can't help but feel a little used. can't help but: 不禁
但是我不禁觉得还是有点作用的, I thought we were having a moment. moment: 片刻
I have to go to the party anyway. 总之我得去参加派对了。 Who knows what I'll do? 谁知道我会干什么呢?
-Tyler: Uh, let's go this way. 呃,走这条路。 -Vicki: Why? 为什么?
-Tyler: Line's too long. line: 队伍
We can go around back. 我们可以绕到后面去。
Come on, party's in the back. 派对就在后面举行啊。
-Zach: That was his favorite scotch.
favorite: 最喜欢的 scotch: 苏格兰(威士忌) 那是他最喜欢的苏格兰威士忌。 I'm sorry, I thought it would work. 对不起,我以为这能有用。 -Stefan: I wasn't counting on it. count on: 依靠,指望 我可不指望这个。
-Zach: You knew it would fail? fail: 失败
-Stefan: Did what I wanted. 至少我做了想做的事情, It lowered his guard. low: 降低 guard: 戒备 让他放松戒备了。
You won't expect me to try again so soon. expect: 期望
-Zach: I doubled what I put in the scotch. double: 双倍
-Mrs. Lockwood: Caroline! You look smashing. smashing: 极佳的,美妙的 Caroline!你看起来美极了。
-Caroline: Thank you, Mrs. Lockwood. 谢谢,Lockwood太太。 This is my boyfriend Damon. 这位是我的男朋友,Damon。
-Mrs. Lockwood: Oh, well, come on in. 哦,是吗,快请进。
-Damon: Lovely to meet you. lovely: 美好的 很高兴见到您。
I've been looking forward to this party for quite a while. look forward to: 期待
我对这次派对已经期待许久了。 -Mrs. Lockwood: Well, enjoy. 那就好好享受吧。 -Caroline: Wait here. 在这里等一下。
Really, you couldn't even change out of the badge for this? badge: 徽章
说真的,今天的活动你都不能脱下警服吗? -Sheriff: I'm working, honey. 我在工作呢,亲爱的。
Who's the date you just tried to sneak past me? sneak: 偷溜
你想背着我跟谁去约会? -Caroline: Just some guy. 就是一个男的。
-Sheriff: He's a little old for you, don't you think? 他对你来说有点老你不觉得吗?
-Caroline: Oh, 'cause otherwise you'd approve. otherwise: 否则 approve: 赞成 哦,不是的话你就会赞成吗。 -Sheriff: Yeah, I doubt that. 是的,我很怀疑。
-Elena: Hi, Mayor Lockwood. 嗨,Lockwood市长。
-Mayor Lockwood: Hey, guys, come on in. 嘿,孩子们,快进来。 -Stefan: Thank you. 谢谢。
-Sheriff: Where's your dad? 你爸爸在哪儿?
-Caroline: Memphis. . 在孟菲斯。 -Sheriff: Good 很好。
-Caroline: With Stephen. 和Stephen在一起。 -Stefan: Your parents? 你父母的吗?
-Elena: There's a lot of history here. 这说来话长。 -Logan: Jenna. Jenna。
-Jenna: Hello, Logan. 你好,Logan。
-Logan: It's good to see you. 很高兴见到你。
-Jenna: I thought I might see you here.