内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/31 11:50:57星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
而你做得很不到位。 -Matt: Whoa! 哦!! Vicki, hey. Vicki, 嘿!
Vick, it's Matt. Hey, what's wrong? Vick 我是Matt,嘿,出什么事儿了? -Vicki: No! No! 不要! 不要! Get off! 走开! No! 不! No! 不! No! 不!
-Matt: Nurse! 护士!
-Stefan: It was an animal that attacked you. 是一个动物袭击了你!
It came out of the night and jumped you. 它从黑暗中跳出来,扑向你! You blacked out. 你晕过去了!
It's all you remember. 这是你的记忆!
-Vicki: It's all I remember. 这是我的记忆!
-Stefan: An animal attacked you. You blacked out. 一个动物袭击了你,你晕过去了! It's all you remember. 这是你的记忆。
It's all I remember.这是我的记忆! -Matt: Nurse! I need help! 护士! 我需要帮助! It's my sister. 是我的妹妹!
-Nurse: She seems fine. 她看起来很好啊
-Bonnie: Well, I was talking to grams, 我祖母告诉我,
and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. impending: 即将发生的 doom: 厄运 彗星是灾难的象征。
The last time it passed over mystic falls, 上一次它降落在神秘瀑布。
there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, carnage: 大屠杀
it created a bed of paranormal activity. paranormal: 超常的
-Caroline: Yeah, and then you poured grams another shot pour: 灌注 shot: 注射
是啊!然后你给你祖母倒了杯酒! and she told you about the aliens. aliens: 外星人
她就告诉了你外星人的故事! So then what? 然后呢?
-Elena: So then nothing. 没了。
-Caroline: You and Stefan talked all night? 你和Stefan谈了一整夜? There was no sloppy first kiss sloppy: 草率的
or touchy feely of any kind? 或者是肢体接触什么的吗? -Elena: Nope. 没有!
We didn't go there. 我们没有那样做!
-Caroline: Not even a handshake? handshake: 握手 连握手都没有? I mean, Elena,
我的意思是 Elena。 We are your friends. 我们是你的朋友。
Ok? You are supposed to share the smut. be supposed to: 应该 share: 分享 smut: 污迹 好吗? 你应该同我们分享这些事情! -Elena: We just talked four hours. 我们只聊了4小时的天!
-Caroline: Ok, what is with the blockage? blockage: 妨碍 有什么好害羞的?
Just jump his bones already! Ok, it's easy. bones: 身体;骨骼
扑到他身上就好了! 就这么简单! Boy likes girl, girl likes boy,
男生喜欢女生,女生喜欢男生。 Sex.
这就是性爱。 -Elena: Profound. profound: 渊博的 你真博学啊!
-Bonnie: Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?
-Elena: Caroline's right. It is easy. Caroline很正确,那很容易! If I sit here long enough,
I'll end up talking myself out of it out of it: 不在内
instead of doing what I started the day saying I was going to do. 而是做我早晨告诉自己要做的事! -Jenna: I picked up dinner. Tacos. pick up: 收拾
晚饭准备好了,玉米面豆卷! I had an urge for guacamole.
urge: 强烈欲望 guacamole: 鳄梨色拉酱 我超级喜欢鳄梨酱!
-Jeremy: No, I'm good, thanks. 不用了!我不饿!谢谢!
-Jenna: Eat anyway. It's a ruse. ruse: 策略
无论怎样,吃点儿吧!这是我的计划! I want to talk. 我想和你聊聊! Hey, you! Come. 嘿 你! 过来! Sit. 坐下!
Back in school, freshman year, freshman: 新生;大学一年级学生 我一年级的时候。
I could eat my weight in nachos, nachos: 玉米片
能吃掉跟我一样重的玉米卷! with extra cheese. extra: 额外的 还有奶酪!
It was my munchies food whenever I got stoned. munchies: 小点心 stoned: 令酊大醉 当我飘飘欲仙的时候就拿它们当零食! -Jeremy: You get high? 你吸过毒? -Jenna: Did. 是的!
Past tense.
past tense: 过去式 过去的事了!
But, yeah. Loved it.
但是,是的,很喜欢那种感觉! Anything to get a little distraction distraction: 注意力分散 可以让我忘记! From life... Reality. 真实的生活... 现实! And it worked. 而且它确实可以! For a while.
不过仅仅一会儿! Never lasts, though.
Hey, I'm not saying I wouldn't love to rail back and kick it, rail: 责骂
嘿!我不是不愿意正视自己的过去! but with a thesis looming
thesis: 论文 looming: 正在逼近的 但是随着论文逼近,
and a waistline expanding...
waistline: 腰围 expanding: 扩大扩展 以及腰围逐渐变大... -Matt: What the... 什么...
-Vicki: Finally you're awake. 你终于醒了!
-Matt: Hey. How are you feeling? 嘿,你感觉怎么样? You look better. 看起来好多了!
I was worried before. 我之前还很担心!
You really had me freaked out with all that screaming. 你的尖叫声确实吓到我了!
-Vicki: Wait, what are you talking about? 等一下,你在说什么啊? -Matt: You don't remember? 你不记得了? -Vicki: I feel fine. 我感觉挺好的! -Matt: Good, good. 很好!很好!
Doctor said you could come home tomorrow. 医生说你明天可以回家了!
Vick, what attacked you in the woods? Vick 在森林里是什么袭击了你? -Vicki: An animal. 一个动物!
What else could it have been? 还能是什么?
-Jeremy: Hey. How do you feel? 嘿!你怎么样了? -Vicki: I'm ok. 挺好的!
-Matt: I... I'm going to... 我... 我要...
I'm going to go grab a coffee. 我要去弄点咖啡! Hey, Jer. 嘿!Jer!
-Vicki: Why are you here? 你来这儿干吗?
-Jeremy: I just wanted to see how you were doing. 我只是想来看看你怎么样了!
-Vicki: Did you see that look on Matt's face? 你没有看到Matt的表情吗?
That was suspicion. I don't want people suspicion: 怀疑
他在猜疑,我不想让别人 to find out about us, Jeremy. 发现我们的关系,Jeremy!
-Jeremy: Well, you got to get over that. 别这么在意!
-Vicki: Tyler is finally showing some interest. Tyler刚刚对我有点兴趣!
-Jeremy: You have to get over that, too. 把那也忘了吧
Do you see Mr. Concerned? 你看到\担心先生\了吗?
Tyler? Are you under there? Tyler? 你在这儿下面吗? No. 没有
-Vicki: It's not cool for people to know. 这让别人知道并不好! Ok? I'm older than you, 行吗? 我比你大!
and Matt and Elena would freak. freak: 奇异的
-Jeremy: No one's going to suspect anything. suspect: 怀疑
Why wouldn't I check on you? 我为什么不能来看你?
I mean, I'm the one who found you. 我的意思是 是我找到你的 -Vicki: You are? 是你?
-Jeremy: Yeah, I carried you out of the woods. 是的!是我把你从森林里抱出来的! -Vicki: Thank you. 谢谢!
-Jeremy: Yeah, you're welcome. 不客气!
-Elena: Stefan? Stefan? Stefan? Stefan?
I... I'm sorry for barging in. The door was... barging in: 闯入
我... 我很抱歉闯了进来,门是... Open. 开着的!