《吸血鬼日记》第一季剧本(中英文对照)1-5集 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/31 19:28:01星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


-Jeremy: So you going to, uh, watch the comet later? 所以你一会要!呃!看彗星吗?

-Vicki: I hadn't really thought about it. 我真的还没想过这个问题! But I could be talked into it. 但是我可以考虑考虑!

I'll meet you out there in a few. 我在外面等你!

-Tyler: Hey, Vick. How you feeling? 嘿!Vick !你感觉如何? -Vicki: Like you care.


-Tyler: What are you looking' at, Gilbert? 你看什么看 Gilbert?

-Caroline: Hey, I got some candles. candle: 蜡烛

嘿!我拿到蜡烛了! -Elena: Thank you. 谢谢!

-Matt: You're welcome. 不客气

-Stefan: Thank you. 谢谢!

You know, that comet... 你知道吗?那颗彗星...

It's been traveling across space for thousands of years. 穿越太空飞行了上千光年! All alone.


-Elena: Yeah, Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil. harbinger: 前兆

是的!Bonnie说这是不幸的前兆! -Stefan: I think it's just a ball of... 我却觉得它只是一个球... snow and ice, 冰雪做的球

trapped on a path that it can't escape. trapped: 陷入绝境 走上了注定的轨道。

And once every 145 years, it gets to come home. 每145年一次 它可以重返家园 I'm sorry about yesterday. 对于昨天的事,我很抱歉! I wasn't myself. 我失态了!

-Elena: You seem to spend a lot of time apologizing. 你似乎花了很长时间在道歉

-Stefan: Well, I have a lot to apologize for. apologize: 道歉


Yesterday, that wasn't about you, ok?


-Elena: You didn't tell me that you had a brother. 你没告诉我你还有个弟弟!

-Stefan: We're not close. It's, uh... 我们关系并不是很近,这是 呃... It's complicated. 很复杂!

-Elena: Always. 一直如此!

He told me about your ex Katherine

他告诉我关于你的前女友Katherine的事! -Stefan: What did he say? 他都说什么了?

-Elena: That she broke your heart. 就是说她伤了你的心!

-Stefan: That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了!

-Elena: When you lose someone, it stays with you, 当你失去某人的时候,这件事就会打上烙印!

always reminding you of how easy it is to get hurt. 不断的提醒你受伤是多么容易的一件事! -Stefan: Elena... Elena...

-Elena: It's ok, Stefan. 没事,Stefan! I get it. 我明白!

You have no idea how much I get it. 你不知道我有多能体会这样的心情! Complicated brother? Check. 复杂的兄弟关系? 了解! Complicated ex? Check. 复杂的前任关系? 了解!

Too complicated to even contemplate dating, double check. contemplate: 静思

过于复杂,不能开始新恋情,更好了! It's ok.


We met, and we talked, 我们相遇,然后相识。 and it was epic, but... epic: 史诗


then the sun came up and reality set in. reality: 现实

然后太阳升起,又重回现实。 So... 所以...

-Vicki: I know you. 我认识你!

-Damon: Well, that's unfortunate. Unfortunate:


-Vicki: I don't... I don't know how, but... 我不... 我不记得 但是... Your face. 你的脸!

Excuse me. Sorry. 打扰了,对不起!

-Jeremy: hey, has anyone seen Vicki? 嘿!有人看见Vicki了吗?

-Tyler: You're her stalker. You tell us. stalker: 潜行者

你跟她关系那么近,问我们干嘛? -Jeremy: I can't find her. 我找不到她!

-Tyler: She probably found somebody else to party with. 她或许找到其他人一起去派对了

Sorry, pill pusher, I guess you've been replaced. pill: 药丸 pusher: 推销员 replaced: 被取代 抱歉!贩毒的!我想你被人取代了! -Elena: What's with the pill pusher? 什么叫贩毒的? -Tyler: Ask him. 问他啊 ?

-Jeremy: you want to do this right now? 你想现在来讨论这个吗? -Elena: Are you dealing? dealing: 交易行为 你真的在贩毒吗?

-Tyler: She's never going to go for you. 她从来都不是你的

-Jeremy: She already did. 但是她已经是了!

Over and over and over again. 而且是一次一次又一次! -Tyler: Yeah, right. 是的!没错!

-Caroline: You slept with Vicki Donovan? 你和Vicki Donovan睡过了?

I mean, Vicki Donovan slept with you? 我是说 Vicki Donovan跟你睡了? -Tyler: There's no way. no way: 不可能 不可能!

-Jeremy: And I didn't even have to force her into it. force: 推动;强迫


-Matt: What the hell is he talking about, Todd? What the hell: 究竟

他他妈的说什么呢 Todd?

-Tyler: Nothing, man, just ignore him, he's a punk. ignore: 忽视


-Matt: You know what, how about all of you shut up. 你知道的!还是你们都闭嘴吧! and help me find my sister? 然后帮我找到我妹妹?

-Elena: We'll check the back. 我们去检查后面!

-Matt: I'll check the square. 我去广场找找看。

-Jeremy: I'll come with you. 我跟你一起去!

-Elena: Oh, no, no, no. 哦!不!不!不!

You are coming with me. 你得跟我一起!

So that's your game now, dealing?

这么说现在是你的游戏时间啦!毒贩子? -Jeremy: I'm not dealing. 我没贩毒!

-Elena: Look, I'm sick of the tough love speech, Jer. It's really having no impact. tough love: 严厉的爱 impact: 影响

听着!我不想苦口婆心的说教了,Jer 那对你没什么作用! -Jeremy: You and Jenna, between the two of you... 你和Jenna 在你们两个之间... -Elena: we can stop if you want. 你不愿意听,我们可以不说!

Send you to a therapist where you'll be forced to deal with it therapist: 治疗学家 be forced to: 被迫去

送你去诊所,到了那,你就得被迫去面对事实! or to rehab where you'll sit in group rehab: 修复 group: 群体


and tell some stranger how you let your life fall apart. fall apart: 四分五裂

告诉些陌生人你的人生是如何四分五裂的! Or you could talk to me. 不然你可以跟我说说!

-Jeremy: I vote for none of the above. 以上的选择我全部放弃!

-Matt: Have you seen my sister? 你看到我妹妹了吗? -Stefan: No, sorry. 没有!对不起!

-Matt: I can't find her. She’s missing. 我找不到她了!她失踪了!

-Stefan: I'll keep an eye out for her.

keep an eye out for: 留心或注意某人某事 我会随时留意她的!

-Matt: I saw you at the hospital yesterday. 我昨天在医院见到你了! -Stefan: Did you? 真的吗?

-Matt: What were you doing there?

你在那干嘛? -Stefan: Visiting. 探视病人! -Matt: visiting? 探视?

You know, Elena and I, we've known each other for a long time. 你知道啊!Elena和我,我们认识很久了! We might not be together right now, 我们现在或许不在一起了。 but I look out for her. 但是我会照顾她!

And I'll always look out for her. 而且是会一直照顾她!

-Damon: You really have to stop screaming. screaming: 尖叫声 你还是别叫了!

-Vicki: No, please, stop. Don't... 求你了!打住!不要... -Damon: Shh. I got you. 嘘!我抓到你啦! -Stefan: Excuse me. 抱歉!

-Vicki: No! No! 不! 不!

-Damon: I got to do it. I'm not going to drop you. 我要开始啦!我没打算把你扔下去! Not bad. 还不错!

Have you been eating bunnies? bunny: 小兔子

你都已经开始吃兔子了? -Stefan: Let her go. 放开她!

-Damon: Shh. Really? 嘘!真的吗?

-Stefan: Ok. No! No, no, no! 好吧!不! 不!不!不! Relax. 放松点!

-Vicki: What's happening? 怎么回事?

-Damon: I don't need her to be dead, but... 我不需要她死,但是... you might. 或许你需要。

What attacked you the other night? 那天晚上什么东西袭击了你? -Vicki: I don't know. An animal. 我不知道!一头野兽!

-Damon: Are you sure about that? Think. 你确定吗? 想想!

Think about it. Think really hard.