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西安交通大学远程教育2013年招生简章 http://www.hbpx.net/wangyuan/edu_cx.asp?id=31
2013年高起专英语入学考试复习题 (一)
一. 选择填空(每空2分, 25题, 共60分)
1. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ____ come to a sound conclusion. A. can you
B. would you
C. you will
D. you can
2. I found ___ to answer all the questions within the time given. A. no possibility
B. there was impossibility
C. impossible
D. it impossible
3. Wood does not conduct electricity; _____. A. so doesn’t rubber C. nor does rubber A. but to think
B. also doesn’t rubber D. nor rubber does C. think
D. to think
4. I know it isn’t important but I can’t help ___ about it.
B. thinking
5. To succeed in a scientific research project ___.
A. one needs to be persistent B. persistence is needed
C. one needs be a persistent person D. persistence is what one needs
6. No sooner had he gone to bed than he fell _____. A. sleeping B. sleep C. slept 7. By eleven o’clock yesterday, we ___ at the airport.
D. asleep
A. had arrived B. have arrived C. shall arrive D. arrive 8. Because of my poor English I’m afraid I can’t make myself____.
A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood 9. There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know _____.
A. where to choose B. which to choose C. to choose what D. to choose which 10. If you don’t know the word, why don’t you ___ in the dictionary? A. look at it B. look after it C. look up it 11. I’ll certainly work all next week except when it ____. A. will be raining
B. will rain
C. would rain
12. Statistics is a discipline ____ all the other science.
A. affected B. affecting C. to be affected D. being affected 13. The two elements ____ which water is made are the gases oxygen and hydrogen. A. up of
D. look it up D. is raining
B. of C. for D. in
西安交通大学远程教育2013年招生简章 http://www.hbpx.net/wangyuan/edu_cx.asp?id=31
14. Since her blood pressure is much higher than it should be, her doctor insists that she __ smoke. A. will not
B. does not
C. gives up
D. not
15. The experiment cannot be carried out because of ____. A. the equipment is destroyed
B. the equipment to be destroyed D. the equipment has been destroyed
C. the equipment being destroyed
16. Diamond is ___ natural substance which is known.
A. hardest B. one of hardest C. harder 17. The story was so touching that I could hardly ____ my tears. A. hold on A. mark
B. hold up B. level
C. hold on to C. standard
18. He broke the world ___ for the 100 meters.
D. record
19. Our earth is full of sound because it is full of ___, like trucks rolling along the highway
or jets zooming into the sky. A. travel
B. construction
C. motion
D. excitement
20. Professor Bill had us all ___ our names on a piece of paper. A. written B. to write C. be writing 21. The child ___ on the couch, watching his mother ___ the table.
D. write D. the hardest D. hold back
A. lied; lay B. lay; lying C. lay; to lay D. lay; laying 22. My parents are not interested in modern music. They are ____ the times. A. before
B. after
C. behind
D. back
23. He doesn’t word but he gets a good ___ from his investments.
A. wage B. earning C. income D. salary
24. Strenuous efforts have been made to ___ government expenses to a desirable level. A. cut down A. deal
B. cut short B. amount
C. cut out C. number
D. cut off D. sum
25. The book contained a large ___ of information.
26.Mary________be Canadian, for she's got a British passport. A. can't B. isn't able to C. mustn't D. needn't 27.As his parents died when he was young, he was________by his uncle. A. brought up B. grown up C. brought out D. taken out 28.What do you________to do about the problem now that this solution has failed? A. incline B. intend C. pretend D. think
29.I had never expected you to turn________at the meeting. I thought you were in Shanghai. A. around B. on C. in D. up
西安交通大学远程教育2013年招生简章 http://www.hbpx.net/wangyuan/edu_cx.asp?id=31
30.They have to stay with us________the time being because they have not found a place yet. A. during B. in C. for D. since 二.阅读理解(每空2分, 20题, 共40分)
II. Reading Comprehension (2 .5marks each, 40 minutes)
Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.
There are three common calendar systems in use by the United States higher education institution. Semester Systems are one of them.
The academic year is divided into two terms, each of which provides for about 15 weeks of instruction plus a week for final examinations. The fall semester, considered the first term of the academic year, usually begins in September or late August, and it is increasingly common for the term to start early enough to be completed before the two-week Christmas holiday. Colleges start later in September. The second or spring semester usually begins sometime in January and ends in late May or early June. Most schools schedule a one- or two-week vacation in March or April. A variation of the semester system being tried by some institutions is the “4—1—4” calendar, which has a four-month fall semester ending in December, a one-month short term in January for which students may enroll if they wish, and another four-month semester beginning early in February. 31. In the United States, the students will stay in school for about ____ a year. A. 15 weeks
B. 16 weeks
C. 30 weeks
D. 32 weeks
32. The academic year begins ____.
A. in late September B. in late August 33. The first term ends ____. A. after Christmas holiday
C. sometime in January D. in late May B. in May D. in fall
D. five or six months D. In February
C. before Christmas holiday 34. The second term lasts about ____.
A. five months B. four months C. six months 35. In the “4—1—4” calendar system, the first term begins ___. A. In December
B. In August
C. In January
In sport the sexes are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same faces. Women are less strong than men. That at least is what people say. Women are called “the weaker sex”, or, if men want to please them, “the fair sex”. But boys and girls are taught together at schools and universities. There are women who are famous Prime Ministers, scientists and writers. And
西安交通大学远程教育2013年招生简章 http://www.hbpx.net/wangyuan/edu_cx.asp?id=31
women live longer than men. A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is 68. Are women’s bodies really weaker?
The fastest men can run a mile in under 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes. Women’s times are always slower than men’s, but some facts are a surprise. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teen-age girls. One of them swam 400 meters in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16. The first “Tarzan”(泰山) in films was an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weiss Muller. His fastest 400 meters was 4 minutes 59.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl 50 years later! This does not mean that women are catching men up. Conditions are very different now, and sport is much more serious. It is so serious that some women athletes are given hormone injections. At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women athletes are really women or not. It seems sad that sport has such problems. Life can be very complicated when there are two separate sexes!
36. Women are called “the weaker sex” because ____.
A. women do as much work as men B. people think women are weaker than men C. sport is easier for men than for women D. in sport the two sexes are always together 37. Which of the following is true?
A. Boys and girls study separately everywhere. B. Women do not run or swim in races with men. C. Famous Prime Ministers are women.
D. Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe. 38. “That at least is what people say.” Means people____.
A. say other things too B. don’t say this much C. say this but may not think so D. only think this
39. What problems does sport have?
A. Some women athletes are actually men.
B. Some women athletes are given hormone injections. C. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.
D. It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women. 40. In this passage the author implies that ____.
A. women are weaker than men, but faster
B. women are slower than men, but stronger
C. men are not always stronger and faster than women D. men are faster and stronger than women
Banks are not ordinarily prepared to pay out all accounts; they rely on depositors (储户) not to demand payment all at the same time. If depositors should come to fear that a bank is not safe,
西安交通大学远程教育2013年招生简章 http://www.hbpx.net/wangyuan/edu_cx.asp?id=31
that it cannot pay off all its depositors, then that fear might cause all the depositors to appear on the same day. If they did, the bank could not pay all accounts. However, if they did not all appear at once, then there would always be enough money to pay those who wanted their money when they wanted it. Mrs. Elsie Vaught has told us of a terrifying bank run that she experienced. One day in December of 1925 several banks failed to open in a city where Mrs. Vaught lived. The other banks expected a run the next day, and so the officers of the bank in which Mrs Vaught worked as a teller had enough money on hand to pay off their depositors. The officers simply told the tellers to pay on demand. The next morning a crowd gathered in the bank and on the sidewalk outside. The length of the line made many think that the bank could not possibly pay off everyone. People began to push and then to fight for places near the tellers’ windows, The power of the panic atmosphere was such that two tellers, though they knew that the bank was quite all right and could pay all depositors, drew their own money from the bank. Mrs Vaught says that she had difficulty keeping herself from doing the same. 41. A bank run happens when _______.
A. a bank is closed for one or more days
B. too many depositors try to draw out their money at one time C. there is not enough money to pay all its depositors at one time D. tellers of a bank take their own money from the bank 42. The tellers in Mrs. Vaught’s bank were told to ________.
A. explain why they could not pay out all accounts B. pay out accounts as requested
C. make the depositors believe that the bank was stand D. pay out money as slowly as possible 43. The main cause of a bank run is _______. A. loss of confidence C. crowds of people
B. lack of money D. inexperienced tellers
44. Which of the following did Mrs. Vaught say?
A. She know that the bank was not sound.
B. She feared that too many depositors drawing their money would close the bank.