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The room filled rapidly.(=was filled).



代表团受到热烈欢迎。 杯子让他打破了。


★没有形式标志的被动式:汉语除了用上述语言手段表示被动语态以外,许多时候,主语是被动者时,不用被动的语言手段,特别在口语里更是这样。如: 文章写好了。 信已寄了。 大楼盖起来了。 主动句与被动句的转换



1) At about 2 o‘clock in the morning, I was wakened by a phone call. 大约凌晨两点钟,我被(给)电话铃声惊醒了。

2) They would not be conquered and enslaved without a struggle. 他们不愿不作斗争就被(给)征服并沦为奴隶。 3) They were hit by a natural calamity last year. 他们去年遭灾了。

4) The President‘s hands-off resolve will be severely tested. 总统不插手的决心将受严重考验。

2.英语被动句强调被动者或被动者所受到的行为,而其行为对于被动者来说,多半是愉快的、幸运的、或企望的,翻译成汉语时可用“得(到)”。如例5,6。 5) He was given a prize. 他得了奖。

6) Although he introduced many improvements for this organization, his greatness

was not recognized.



7) The matter must be discussed at the meeting. 这件事必须在会上予以讨论。

8) These problems should be resolved in good time. 这些问题应该及时加以解决。

9) These views of Marx and Engels have now been adopted by all proletarians who

are fighting for their emancipation.

马克思与恩格斯的这些见解,现在已为争取解放的全体无产阶级所接受了。 10) The invitations and preliminary arrangements for the conference would be

handled by the seven nation committee.



11) The colleges are built on a plan common to all. 各个学院是按照共同的布局建造的。

12) Firuza was trained at the Tadzhik University. 福鲁莎是在塔吉克大学受训的。

5.英语被动句有时无须强调被动者,或被动者是无生命的事物,因而它对所受的行为不会有什么感觉。翻译这类句子时,在汉语里可用“把”字。 12) She was taken up to Laurie‘s room by a servant. 一个佣人把她带到劳里的房间里。

14) He was laughed at by the people as a foolish dreamer.

人们把他当作愚蠢的空想家来嘲笑。/人们嘲笑他是一个愚蠢的空想家。 15) These boxes can‘t be stored below. 不能把这些箱子放在下面。

16) These problems needn‘t be put forward at the meeting. 会上不必把这些问题提出来。/这些问题不必在会上提出来。 A. Translate the following sentences into English.

1)She hadn‘t been told the man‘s name, or she‘d forgotten it.译

2)The visitor was flattered and impressed. 译

3)The boy was assured by his mother that she would buy him a toy. 译

4)The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire. 译

5) Most letters from his wife are read to him by the nurse in the hospital. 译

6)A large sum of money has been put aside for that purpose.译

7)Eventually the plan was abandoned. 译

8) She was blamed for everything her sister did.译

9)Last year the region was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. 译

10)Very soon he was surrounded by a crowd and was snowed under with questions. 译

11)The whole country was armed in a few days. 译

12)The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 译

13) Billings can‘t be deterred from his plan. 译

14) It would be astonishing if that loss were not keenly felt.译

15)The crew were trained at Eglin Field.译

16)The decision to attack was not taken lightly.译

17)Any minute we could be spotted by enemy planes flying in and out of the field.译

18)Our foreign policy is supported by the people all over the world. 译

19)I was so impressed by these words that I used them later for a Christmas card.译

20)She does not photograph well.译


I Am a Dollar By John S . Tompkins

For generations I've been honest, sound and reliable. My safety is legendary. Some call me Almighty. Others warn that worship of me is a sin. I am a dollar. A buck. One of these 2.61-by-6.41-inch pieces of printed paper in your pocket or purse.

Credit cards were supposed to have made me obsolete years ago, but people use me more than ever. In 1960, only $ 165.16 was in circulation for each one of you. Now it's $888.85.

I'm the world's most important currency. Without me, international trade would halt. The price of every thing from Persian Gulf oil to Brazilian coffee is quoted in my name.

Take a look at me. I carry an engraving of George Washington after Gilbert Stuart's painting. Bank tellers stack me face up so they can look George in the eye. It's a security feature. Counterfeit portraits often look dull or one-dimensional.

Seven Presidents are shown on my other denominations, but it's unlikely you've eyed Mckinley, Cleveland or Madison. No $500, $1000, or $5000 bills have been issued since 1969 because demand is small. Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury, graces the$10,000 bill. but only 345 of these are still in your hands. Chase and the three Presidents were retired form circulation in 1969; whenever one of them shows his face, the Federal Reserve Bank ships him to the treasury for destruction. 参考译文




数年前,说是信用卡使我变得过时了,可是人们比以往更多地使用我。1960年,只有165.16美元供你们每个人在市场上流通,如今则有888.85美元。 我是世界上最重要的通货。没有我,国际贸易就会停止。从波斯湾石油到巴西咖啡,每样东西的价格都是以我的名义报价的。

