内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/12 1:04:58星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Notes: To enhance your ability to translate with reasonable speed, from this unit on, you'll be given a short passage from which one or two paragraphs are to be translated either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.
There is no doubt that a vast store of knowledge is available to improve man?s welfare. Nevertheless, as was pointed out in the World Plan of Action for the Application of Science and Technology to Development, such knowledge is of little use if there is no political will or if there is a lack of the means and capacity to use it. This implies, basically, that there is a need for policy design and implementation by Governments and international agencies, as well as by national communities in the production, science and education sectors. Nations should be in a position to assess their
requirements and to carry out with appropriate international co-operation, programmers and projects to draw on scientific and technological knowledge, to encourage research, to establish such institutional infrastructure as may be necessary and to stimulate social changes conducive to the attainment of development objectives. Otherwise, little outcome can be expected from scientific and technological efforts, and the present pattern of concentration in and dominance by developed countries will be bound to continue.参考译文
第五课 抽象与具体
【知 识 点】 具体与抽象:翻译技巧;具体与抽象译法
【学习建议】 结合实例认真揣摩与体会汉英语言具体与抽象的特点
英语的名词化往往导致表达的抽象化。抽象表达法(method of abstract diction)在英语里使用得相当普遍,尤其常用于社会科学论著、官方文章、报刊评论、法律文书、商业信件等文体。这种表达法主要见于以下两种情况:
1.大量使用抽象的名词。这类名词涵义概括,指称笼统,覆盖面广,往往有一种“虚”、“泛”、“暗”、“曲”、“隐”的“魅力”,因而便于用来表达复杂的思想和微妙的情绪。如: 1)The signs of times point to the necessity of the modification of the system of
administration.(―Times‖)(=It is becoming clear that the administrative system must be modified)
2)No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the statement that the work of
government is becoming increasingly difficult.(―Spectator‖)(=Every year shows again how true it is that……)
值得一提的是英语有丰富的词义虚化手段,这就大大方便了抽象表达法的使用。英语中用虚化词缀构词的现象很普遍,前缀和后缀都可以使词义虚化,其中以后缀数量最多、分布最广。如: 后缀:
-ness表示性质、状态、程度: oneness, disinterestedness, thoughtfulness,
up-to-dateness, carelessness
-ity表示性质、状态、程度:calamity, purity, alkalinity, modernity, liberality, formality, humanity, gravity
-ism表示主义、学说、信仰、行为、行动、状态、特征、特性、病态:Marxism, atomism,
criticism, vandalism, barbarism, colloquialism, alcoholism, fatalism
-ship表示情况、状态、性质、身份、职业、技巧、技能:hardship, friendship, apprenticeship,
-hood表示身份、资格、性质、状态:childhood, priesthood, falsehood, likelihood,
manhood, bachelorhood
1)be in at:
If any mischief was going forward, Peter was sure to be in at it.
2)be in for:
I understand he‘s in for a job in the company.
3)be in for it:
When your mother sees your torn trousers, you‘ll be in for it.
4)in on:
If there‘s any profit to be got out of the deal, I‘m going to be in on it.
现代汉语的一些抽象词尾(如“性”、“化”、“度”、“品”、“主义”等)大多来自外语。例如:“性”译自英语的-ty, -ness, 等(necessity必要性、correctness正确性),“化”译自英语的-ization, -tion等(modernization现代化)。
印度教,dependence依赖,importance, 重要,liberation, 解放,generalization 总括等。 具体译法
一、用动词取代抽象名词。英语大量的行为抽象名词(action-nouns)表示行为或动作意义,由这类名词构成的短语往往相当于主谓结构或动宾结构。汉语若用相应的名词表达,往往显得不自然、不通顺。在英汉转换中,汉语可充分利用其动词优势,以动代静,以实代虚。举例 具体译法
一、用动词取代抽象名词。英语大量的行为抽象名词(action-nouns)表示行为或动作意义,由这类名词构成的短语往往相当于主谓结构或动宾结构。汉语若用相应的名词表达,往往显得不自然、不通顺。在英汉转换中,汉语可充分利用其动词优势,以动代静,以实代虚。举例 二、用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。范畴词(category words)用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。举例
三、用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义。英语抽象词的涵义比较笼统、概括、虚泛,在汉语里往往找不到对应的词来表达,这时常常要借助具体的词语来解释其抽象的词义,正如Peter Newmark所说的:“As a last resort, explanation is the translation.”举例
disintegration 土崩瓦解 ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心 far-sightedness 远见卓识 perfect harmony 水乳交融 impudence 厚颜无耻,不要脸 careful consideration 深思熟虑 total exhaustion 筋疲力尽 feed on fancies 画饼充饥 with great eagerness 如饥似渴 offend public decency 伤风败俗 make a little contribution 添砖加瓦 on the verge of destruction 危在旦夕 a wait with great anxiety 望穿秋水 lack of perseverance 三天打鱼,两天晒网
His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight. 2)唉,那是客臣的井蛙之见喽,所谓“情人眼里面出西施”啦。(郭沫若:《屈原》) Alas, that was owing to my ignorance, that is what is called partiality. 抽象译法
为了译文的忠实与通顺,我们往往有必要把原文中带有具体意义或具体形象的单词,词组等。进行抽象化处理,这种翻译方法就是抽象译法。例如: 1.这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去插一脚干吗?
That?s a business of their own.. Why should you get involved in it? 2..I was practically on my knees but he still refused.
3.I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad!
4.By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband. 她就这样离间这对夫妇。
5.Please don‘t wake a sleeping dog. 不要无事生非。
二、用范畴词使抽象概念具体化。范畴词(category words)用来表示行为、现象、属性等概念所属的范畴,是汉语常用的特指手段。举例 如:
1)We have winked at these irregularities too long. 我们对这些越轨行为宽容得太久了。
2)He was described as impressed by Deng's flexibility.(―Time‖) 据说他对邓的灵活态度印象很深。
3)What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.(―Betrayed Spring‖) 那时他们渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面。 4)He discussed greatness and excellence. 他探讨了伟大和杰出的涵义。
5)Both we and the Chinese approached that first opening toward each other with
caution, uncertainty, even trepidation.(R. Nixon: The Real War)
三、用具体的词语阐释抽象的词义。英语抽象词的涵义比较笼统、概括、虚泛,在汉语里往往找不到对应的词来表达,这时常常要借助具体的词语来解释其抽象的词义,正如Peter Newmark所说的:“As a last resort, explanation is the translation.”举例 例如:
1)No country should claim infallibility.(―The Sino-U.S. Joint Communique‖)