2018年秋牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit8集体备课教案表格式 下载本文

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课 题 教学目标 9A Unit 8 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 1. To understand clues about a crime. 课型 New 2. To read notes on four suspects and decide which suspect is most likely to be guilty. 1. To master the new words and useful expressions. 2. To make up a conversation in Part B. 1. To master the new words and useful expressions. 2. To make up a conversation in Part B. 教学过程 集 体 备 课 备 课 札 记 教学重点 教学难点 Step1 Lead-in T: Do you remember in Unit 6 we have learned a horror film called “Murder in a Country House”? Can you tell me the main idea of this film? Step 2 Comic strip 1. Presentation: T: Do you like reading detective stories? Who is the famous detective in the novels? (Sherlock Holmes.) Show the picture of Sherlock Holmes, and describe the picture. (Talk about his special dressing with his magnifying glass and the pipe.) T: Today, Eddie is dressed like that. Let’s see what happened. 2. Listen to the tape and answer some questions: (1) Why is Eddie dressed like a detective? (2) Is his job serious? (3) What is he really looking for? Check the answers by asking students. 3. Read the dialogue together. 4. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue. Step 3 Welcome to the unit 1. Presentation T: Do you want to be a detective? How to be a detective? Here is a chance for you to try. The Class1, Grade 9 students are playing a game about guessing who is the murder. We can try together. 2. Show the detective’s report to students. Ask one student to read. Tell students that we can know the time, the place, the victim and the notes of the suspects from the report. 3. Look at the information of four suspects together and ask

some questions about it. Teach some new words at the same time. Try to explain the meanings of these words in English. Step 4 Discussion Work in a group of four. Ask students to discuss who is most likely to be the murderer and the reason. Then ask them to draw a picture of the person they think committed the crime in part B, and remind them that there is no right or wrong answers here. Step 5 Part B Daniel and Sandy are talking about the murder in Sun Town. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions: (1) Who does Sandy think is mostly to be the murder? Why? (2) Who does Daniel think is most likely to be the murder? Step 6 Consolidation 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Why__________ you __________(dress) like that? 2. Eddie’s food has gone __________(miss). 3. The coats with blood were those ____________(murder). 4. His bedroom is too_________(tidy). Let’s _______(help) to clean it. Step 7 Homework 1. Read the comic strip and try to recite it. 2. Finish off the exercises in the workbook. 板书设计 教学反思 课 题 9A Unit 8 Reading (1) 课型 New

教学目标 1. To read a newspaper article about a murder. 2. To understand key vocabulary items. 3. To develop the four skills of the students. 1. To learn new words from the context. 2. To retell the passage. 1. To learn new words from the context. 2. To retell the passage. 教学过程 集 体 备 课 Step 1 Presentation 1. Say: Good morning, everyone. First of all, let’s watch a part of a film. 2. Say: Just now we saw a young man in the film. What did he do? Yes, he murdered the woman, his wife. He was the murderer. And his wife is the victim. (Write the two words on the Bb.) Learn the new words. Step 2 Listen and answer Now listen to the tape and try to answer some questions: 1. Who was murdered? 2. When did the murder take place? 3. So far how many suspects do the police have? 4. How old was the victim? 5. What’s the victim’s job? Step 3 Skimming 1. Ask the students to finish the exercise of Part B1, then check their answers by asking 2 pairs of students to read it. 2. Ask the students to work in pairs and tick out the main idea of the article. (slide show) the victim: clues: suspects: the police: 3. Check out their answers orally, then give out the answers on pieces of paper. 4. Interview: Work in groups of 8. Four work as the reporter, who is from the Golden TV, the other four work as Detective Lu. Interview about the murder. 5. Act their interviews out.

教学重点 教学难点 备 课 札 记 6. Guess: Who murdered the young man? 7. Finish the exercises in Part B2 on P110. Step 4 Practice 1. The drunk man __________(发现) in the __________(门口) of the neighbour’s. 2. Mike is one of the ______________ (受害者) who ___________(抢劫). 3. They must________(确认) their air tickets 3 days before they leave. 4. His dog’s _________(死) made him very sad. 5. When she woke up, her head was_________(流血) 6. Have you seen anything_______________(怀疑)? 7. He was last seen _______ (离开) his office at about 7 p.m. 8. Today he got up as early as ___________(往常) 9. A young man_________________(谋杀) last night. 10. Shall we meet at the __________(入口) to the cinema? Step 5 Homework 1. Remember the new words and phrases. 2. Retell the text in their own words. 板书设计 教学反思 课 题 教学目标 9A Unit 8 Reading 2 1. To read a newspaper article about a murder. 2. To understand key vocabulary items. 3. To develop the four skills of the students.

课型 New 教学重点 教学难点 To learn the new words and the phrases in this part. To learn how to use the language points correctly. 教学过程 集 体 备 课 备 课 札 记 Read the article more carefully and try to tell the following sentences T or F. If it is false, please correct the mistake. a) The victim’s body was found in Valley Town. ____ b) The victim sold computer programs. ____ c) The victim worked in New Town. ____ d) It is possible that there was more than one attacker. ____ e) The victim had lots of enemies. _____ f) The victim was attacked with a gun. ____ g) The suspect is a short, fat man. _____ h) The police have arrested the murderer. _____ i) The victim’s parents offered a reward for information. ____ Step 2 Reading Step 1 Revision Read the article by themselves for several minutes then ask 8 students to read one paragraph by one paragraph. While reading, after each paragraph, do some explanations about the difficult points. Also do some explanations about the title. Show the students more examples. Step 3 Important phrases see sb. doing sth. ---sb. be seen doing sth. 看见某人正在做 see sb. do sth.---sb. be seen to do sth. 看见某人经常做 at the scene/time of the crime 在犯罪现场/时间 somewhere else 别的某个地方 be wounded with a knife 被小刀弄伤 bleed to death 流血至死 (bled) as a result 结果 as a result of = because of a well-paid job 一份报酬丰厚的工作 be guilty of … 犯有……罪 feel/be guilty at/for/about 对……感到内疚 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 因某事而控告某人 be charged with sth.因某事而被控告 break into闯入,破门而入 make enemies with sb. 与某人树敌 suppose sb. to do sth. 设想某人做某事 so far = up to now=until now=by now到目前为止 breathe heavily/hard=out of breath 气喘吁吁