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is chosen such that a torque of 5Nm will result in a twist of less than 2° in the shaft, more preferably less than 1 ° .Preferably the strain gauge is a SAW resonator, a suitable SAW resonator being described in WO91/13832. Preferably a configuration similar to that shown in Figure 3 of WO91/13832 is utilised wherein twoSAW resonators are arranged at 45° to the shaft axis and at 90° to one another.Preferably the resonators operate with a resonance frequency of between 200-400 MHz and are arranged to produce a signal to the controller 40 of 1 MHz ± 500 KHz depending upon the direction of rotation of the sensor shaft. Thus, when the sensor shaft is not being twisted due to the absence of torque, it produces a 1 MHz signal.When the sensor shaft is twisted in one direction it produces a signal between 1.0 to 1.5 MHz. When the sensor shaft is twisted in the opposite direction it produces a signal between 1.0 to 0.5 MHz. Thus the same sensor is able to produce a signal indicative of the degree of torque and also the direction of rotation of the sensor shaft.Preferably the amount of torque generated by the motor in response to a measured torque of between 0-10Nm is 0-40Nm and for a measured torque of between l-5Nm is 0-25Nm.Preferably a feed back circuit is provided whereby the electric current being used by the motor is measured and compared by the controller 40 to ensure that the motor is running in the correct direction and providing the desired amount of power assistance. Preferably the controller acts to reduce the measured torque to zero and so controls the motor to increase its torque output to reduce the measured torque.A vehicle speed sensor (not shown) is preferably provided which sends a signal indicative of vehicle speed to the controller. The controller uses this signal to modify the degree of power assistance provided in response to the measured torque.Thus at low vehicle speeds maximum power assistance will be provided and a high vehicle speeds minimum power assistance will be provided.The controller is preferably a logic sequencer having a field programmable gate array for example a XC 4005 as supplied by Xilinx. Such a controller does not rely upon software and so is able to function more reliably in a car vehicle environment. It is envisaged that a logic sequence not having a field programmable array may be used.
Electronic power steering system (English as EPS), and hydraulic power steering system (HPS) compared to, EPS has many advantages.
The advantage is that the EPS:
1) high efficiency. HPS efficiency is very low, generally 60% to 70%, while EPS and electrical connections, high efficiency, and some can be as high as 90 percent.
2) less energy consumption. Automobile traffic in the actual process, at the time to about 5 percent of the time travelling, the HPS system, engine running, the pumps will always be in working condition, the oil pipeline has been in circulation, so that vehicle fuel consumption rate by 4 % To 6%, while EPS only when needed for energy, vehicle fuel consumption rates only increased by 0.5 percent.
3) \sense of\good. Because EPS internal use of rigid, system of the lag can be controlled by software, and can be used in accordance with the operation of the driver to adjust.
4) back to being good. EPS simple structure of small internal resistance, is a good back, get back to being the best characteristics, improve vehicle handling and stability.
5) little environmental pollution. HPS hydraulic circuit in the hydraulic hoses and connectors, the existence of oil leaking, but hydraulic hoses can not be recovered, the environmental pollution are to a certain extent, while EPS almost no pollution to the environment.
6) can be independent of the engines work. EPS for battery powered devices, as long as sufficient battery power, no matter what the condition for the engine, can produce power role.
7) should have a wide range. 8) easy to assemble and good layout.
Now, power steering systems of some cars have become the standard-setting, the whole world about half of the cars used to power steering. With the development of automotive electronics technology, some cars have been using electric power steering gear, the car of the economy, power and mobility has improved. Electric power steering device on the car is a new power steering system device, developed rapidly in recent years both at home and abroad, because of its use of programmable electronic control devices, the flexibility in the same time there are also potential safety problems. In the analysis This unique product on the basis of the author of the characteristics of electronic control devices, security clearance just that the factors that deal with security measures, and discussed a number of concerns the safety of specific issues. The results show that : Existing standards can not meet the electric power steering device security needs and made the electric power steering device safety evaluation of the idea. Research work on the electric power steering device development and evaluation of reference value.
随着汽车电子技术的迅猛发展,人们对汽车转向操纵性能的要求也日益提高。汽车转向系统已从传统机械转向、液压助力转向(Hydraulic Power Steering ,简称HPS) 电控液压助力转向( Electric Hydraulic Power Steering , 简称EHPS) , 发展到电动助力转向系统(Electric Power Steering ,简称EPS) ,最终还将过渡到线控转向系统(Steer By Wire ,简称SBW)。
通常根据机械式转向器形式可以分为:齿轮齿条式、循环球式、蜗杆滚轮式、蜗杆指销式。应用最广的两种是齿轮齿条式和循环球式(用于需要较大的转向力时) 。在循环球式转向器中,输入转向圈与输出的转向摇臂摆角是成正比的;在齿轮齿条式转向器中,输入转向圈数与输出的齿条位移是成正比的。循环球式转向器由于是滚动摩擦形式,因而正传动效率很高,操作方便且使用寿命长,而且承载能力强,故广泛应用于载货汽车上。齿轮齿条式转向器与循环球式相比,最大特点是刚性大,结构紧凑重量轻,且成本低。由于这种方式容易由车轮将反作用力传至转向盘,所以具有对路面状态反应灵敏的优点,但同时也容易产生打手和摆振等现象,且其承载效率相对较弱,故主要应用于小汽车及轻型货车上,目前大部分低端轿车采用的就是齿轮齿条式机械转向系统。
液压转向系统在机械系统的基础上增加了液压系统,包括液压泵、V 形带轮、油管、供油装置、助力装置和控制阀。它借助于汽车发动机的动力驱动液压泵、
液压助力转向系统从发明到现在已经有了大约半个世纪的历史,可以说是一种较为完善的系统,由于其工作可靠、技术成熟至今仍被广泛应用。它由液压泵作为动力源,经油管道控制阀向动力液压缸供油,通过活塞杆带动转向机构动作,可通过改变缸径及油压的大小来改变助力的大小,由此达到转向助力的作用。传统液压式动力转向系统一般按液流的形式可以分为:常流式和常压式2 种类型,也可根据控制阀形式分为转阀式和滑阀式。
随着液压动力转向系统在汽车上的日益普及,人们对操作时的轻便性和路感的要求也日益提高,然而液压动力转向系统却存在许多的缺点: ①由于其本身的结构决定了其无法保证车辆在任何工况下转动转向盘时,都有较理想的操纵稳定性,即无法同时保证低速时的转向轻便性和高速时的操纵稳定性; ②汽车的转向特性受驾驶员驾驶技术的影响严重; ③转向传动比固定,使汽车转向响应特性随车速、侧向加速度等变化而变化,驾驶员必须提前针对汽车转向特性幅值和相位的变化进行一定的操作补偿,从而控制汽车按其意愿行驶。这样增加了驾驶员的操纵负担,也使汽车转向行驶中存在不安全隐患;而此后出现了电控液压助力系统,它在传统的液压动力转向系统的基础上增加速度传感器,使汽车能够随着车速的变化自动调节操纵力的大小,在一定程度上缓和了传统的液压转向系统存在的问题。
目前我国生产的商用车和轿车上采用的大多是电控液压助力转向系统,它是比较成熟和应用广泛的转向系统。尽管电控液压助力装置从一定程度上缓解了传统的液压转向中轻便性和路感之间的矛盾,然而它还是没有从根本上解决HPS 系统存在的不足,随着汽车微电子技术的发展,汽车燃油节能的要求以及全球性倡导环保,其在布置、安装、密封性、操纵灵敏度、能量消耗、磨损与噪声等方面的不足已越来越明显,转向系统向着电动助力转向系统发展。
电动助力转向系统是现在汽车转向系统的发展方向,其工作原理是:EPS 系统的ECU 对来自转向盘转矩传感器和车速传感器的信号进行分析处理后,控制电机产生适当的助力转矩,协助驾驶员完成转向操作。近几年来,随着电子技术的发展,大幅度降低EPS的成本已成为可能,日本的大发汽车公司、三菱汽车公司、本
田汽车公司、美国的Delphi 汽车系统公司、TRW公司及德国的ZF 公司都相继研制出EPS。Mercedes2Benz 和Siemens Automotive 两大公司共同投资6500万英镑用于开发EPS ,目标是到2002 年装车,年产300 万套,成为全球EPS 制造商。到目前为止,EPS 系统在轻微型轿车、厢式车上得到广泛的应用,并且每年以300 万台的速度发展。
转向是一个专业术语,适用于采集部件,联系等,其中允许一艘(舰船)或汽车(轿车)按照预期的方向行驶. 一个例外的情况是铁路运输由路轨组合在一起铁路道岔提供转向功能。
以前的设计往往采用循环球式转向器,而这种转向器仍然应用在卡车和多用途车辆。这是一种老式的螺母和齿扇设计,该转向管柱转动大螺丝(\蜗轮\它与一个齿扇齿轮啮合,当蜗轮转动时,齿扇也随之转动,一个安装在齿扇轴上且与转向联动有关的摇臂带动转向节臂 ,从而使车轮转动. 循环球式转向器通过安装滚珠减少螺母和螺杆之间的摩擦;两根导管和螺母内的螺旋管状通道组合成两条各自独立的封闭的钢球“流到”。
循环球式转向器的优点是机械优势,因此,它被使用在较大较重的车辆,而齿轮齿条式原本仅限于较小和较轻;由于几乎普遍采用动力转向系统,不过,这已不再是一个重要的优势,导致越来越多地在新型汽车应用齿轮齿条式转向器。 循环球式转向器设计在中心也有明显的冲击,或\死点\。凡一分钟交替方向盘出不来并不移动转向机构;这是很容易可调螺杆的端部来减少磨损,但它并不能完全消除或机制开始磨损很快。 这项设计目前仍在使用中,在卡车和其他大型车辆,也应用于迅速转向,路感与稳健性,可维护性,和机械的优势相比不太重要的场合。 较小程度的反馈,这样的设计也有时是一种优点;当前轮碰撞时,使用齿轮齿条转向的司机只有自己的大拇指受伤,造成方向盘揭开一边突然(因为驾驶教练告诉