企业门户网站设计——毕业设计论文 下载本文

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摘 要

随着网络技术与信息技术的发展,因特网迅速成长,Internet上发布信息主要是通过网站来实现的,获取信息也是要在Internet“海洋”中按照一定的检索方式将所需要的信息从网站上下载下来。因特网与企业经营活动的结合创造了新的网络经济。公司企业也需要一个适合自己的产品发布网站。本网站采用了ASP编程技术,运用Microsoft Access2003建立数据库,进行数据管理,保持数据的完整性,成功制作了这个网站,完成了网域公司企业网站管理系统所需的几大功能,如动态添加产品信息,留言簿的设计等,公司可以简单方便的运用后台进行管理,对网站进行各项操作,以便企业能及时的更新自己的产品信息。企业网站除了展示自己的产品之外,如何利用客户对自己产品的反馈信息来调整自己的产品也是及其关键的。于是,企业的论坛便应运而生。一个好的论坛能给企业带来莫大的好处,这是众所周知的。最后对整个网站的设计做了一些总结,提出了一些不足和意见。

关键词:sqlserver 2000数据库 DB2, ASP,后台管理


The design Of The corporation web site


along with the network technology and the information technology development, the Internet rapidly grows, on Internet issued the information mainly will be, gains the information which realizes through the website also is must in Internet \information which will need according to the certain retrieval way from the website download. The Internet and the enterprise managed active the union to create the new network economy. The toy enterprise also needs to suit own product to issue the website. This website has used the ASP programming technology and its the corresponding Java language technology, utilizes Microsoft the Access2003 establishment database, carries on the data management, maintained the data the integrity, the success has manufactured this website, has completed several big functions which the toy enterprise website needed, like the dynamic increase product information, the visitors' book design and so on, the company might simply facilitate the utilization backstage carried on the management, carried on each operation to the website, in order to the enterprise could prompt renew own product information. The enterprise website besides demonstrated own product, how adjusts own using the customer to oneself product feedback information product also is and its the key. Thereupon, enterprise's forum then arises at the historic moment. A good forum can bring the greatest advantage to the enterprise, this is well known. Finally has made some summaries to the entire website design, proposed some insufficiencies and the opinion.

Key words : Access Database, ASP, Back-stage Manage


目 录

摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 1 绪论 ................................................................... 1

1.1 本课题的背景与意义 ............................................... 1 1.2 网站建设发展状况 ................................................. 1 1.3本文所做工作 ...................................................... 2 2开发工具及其开发环境 .................................................... 2

2.1 ASP概述 ......................................................... 2 2.2 html语言及脚本语言Java的概述 ................................... 3 2.3 后台数据库的介绍 ................................................. 3 2.4 IIS的概述 ....................................................... 4 2 需求分析 ............................................................... 5

1.1 项目背景 ......................................................... 5

1.2.1 树立全新企业形象 ............................................ 5 1.2.2 增强销售能力 ................................................ 5 1.2.3 提高附加值 .................................................. 6 1.3 项目设计原则 ..................................................... 6

1.3.1 商业性原则 ................................................. 6 1.3.2 品牌性原则 ................................................. 6 1.3.3 经济性原则 ................................................ 6 1.3.4 扩充性原则 ................................................ 7 2.1 网站系统分析 ................................................... 7 2.1.1 网站系统分析特点 .......................................... 7 2.1.2 随缘网络企业网站管理系统的功能模块 ........................ 7 2.2 网站特点 ....................................................... 7 3 系统设计 ............................................................... 8

3.1 总体设计 .......................................................... 8 3.2 数据库设计 ........................................................ 9

3.2.1 数据库的需求分析 ........................................... 9 3.3.1 功能设计 ................................................... 9 3.1.1 网站首页 .................................................. 10 3.1.2 关于企业 .................................................. 10