cheap的近义词,cheap的英文是什么 下载本文

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篇一:英语口语:不说cheap,英文里还能怎么表示“白菜价”? 最让剁手党无怨无悔的就是秒杀白菜价~ 遇到超便宜的东东,你还只会说cheap么?英文里原来还有这些词可以表示好便宜!

1. For a song


例:This old car can be bought for a song. 这辆旧车用不了多少钱就能买下来。 2. Steal


例:This suit is a steal at $80. 这套西服超便宜才80块。 3. Knockdown

动词词组knock down除了有“击倒”之意,还能表示“减价”,knockdown则表示“极低的”。

例:Now's your chance to buy these items at knockdown prices. 机会难得,价格超低! 4. Rock-bottom

Rock bottom可以指“最低点”,而形容词则常用来形容价格

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例:The furniture is being sold at rock-bottom prices. 家具将以超低价格出售。 篇二:英语同义近义词短语 同义近义词短语速记

1. 到达 reach; get to; arrive in(at) 2. 回来 come back; get back; return 3. 害怕 be afraid of; be(feel) frightened of 4. 担心 be worried about; be anxious about 5. 讨厌 be tired of; be fed up with

6. 因……而出名 be famous for; be well-know for 7. 在……方面好 be good at; do well in 8. 在……方面差 be weak in; do badly in 9. 能 be able to; can 10. 值 be worth; cost 11. 出生 be born; give birth to 12. 当心;小心 be careful; look out 13. 离开 be away; leave 14. 在家 be in; be at home

15. 在外面;不在家 be out; be not at home 16. 装满了 be full of; 被用……装满 be filled with 17. 来自 be from; come from

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18. 一直 all the time; always 19. 遍及 all over; around

20. 终年;全年 all the year round; during the whole year 21. 尽快 as soon as possible; as early as possible 22. 立刻;马上 at once; right away

23. 起先(初) at first; first of all; at the beginning 24. 最后 at last; in the end; finally

25. 一次又一次地 again and again; over and over 26. 一整天 all day; in the daytime 27. 有时 at times; sometimes 28. 不再 no longer; not...any more 29. 不久后 before long; soon 30. 及时 in time; at the right time 31. 不超过 no more than; 少于 less than 32. 多于;超过 more than; over 33. 差不多 more or less; about 34. 刚才 a moment ago; just now 35. 就在那时 at that time; just then 36. 今后 in the future; from now on 37. 有一天 one day; some day 38. 到目前为止 so far; up to now

39. 在过去十年间 in the last ten years; since ten years ago

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