高考英语二轮专题复习经典导学案(一百零九) 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/22 18:25:43星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。



What was it that you talked about with the girl in blue when you were crossing the street yesterday afternoon?



1.He was ________(淹死) river.

2.The cut on my arm _______(流血) for nearly an hour.

3.Once he makes up his mind, nothing can _______ (阻止) his. (not the word “stop or keep”)

4.They were about to leave when they heard a __________(尖叫) behind him. 5.The high wind passed and the sea was __________(安静) again.(not “quiet) 6.He _________(惊慌) and ran as fast as he could to safety. 7.The nurse felt the __________(脉搏) on his wrist.

8.The government sent some ___________(救护车) to rescue the people who were trapped between the two trains.

9.There is a long red new Chinese woolen _________(地毯) on the ground. 10.The ________(容器)can hold a lot of water.

1.drowned 2.bled 3prevent 4.screaming 5.calm 6.paniced 7.pulse 8.ambulances 9.blanket 10container


5. It is certain that….

Sth is certain to do肯定….

It’s certain that cutting down a large number of trees will upset the balance of nature.

Cutting down trees in large numbers is certain to upset the balance of nature. 大量砍伐树木肯定会破坏生态平衡。

6. sb. be sure that……无疑;确实

I am sure that China will develop faster after it joined WTO 我坚信中国加入了世贸组织后将更迅速发展。 be sure to do 肯定要做某事;务必做某事

you are sure to fail if you do it that way. 你要那么做一定失败。

be sure of 一定会获得;赢得……某物 Can I be sure of a profit if I invest? 我要是投资会获利吗?

You are sure of a warm welcome. 你一定会受到热烈欢迎的。

7. It seems/ed that……

Sb/ sth seem to do….似乎…… There seems/ed to be 似乎有

It seems that the sky will clear up, and it promises to be a fine day tomorrow. 天空似乎马上要放晴了。明天可望是个好天气。

They seem to know what they are doing is wrong. 他们似乎明白了他们做的事错了。

There seems to be nobody in the room.房间里似乎没人。


one children policy, what's your opinion?- 你对计划生育的看法

People have been living better and better since one child policy was established in China. Not only is one child policy good for saving the money in a family, it is also good for every child in China. Because of one child policy, the living qualities of my grandparents and my parents are quite different. My grandparents lived in poverty, because they raised three children. Comparatively, my well-to-do parents live rich because I am their only child. Due to one child policy, every child has been cared. Before the establishment of the policy, daughters were seriously discriminated. After one child policy was established, every child has been equally taken care of in China.

Last but not least, one child policy has been successfully controlling the population in China; every family live a better life and every child get all parental love!


Wet behind the ears. 乳臭未干。



去年寒假我同父亲去乡下看望奶奶,我多年未回家乡,看到那儿发生了很大的变化。这次故乡之行使我学到了不少东西。我打算今后每两年回去一次。 学生习作·外教批改

During my last winter holiday,I went to the1countryside with my father to visit my grandma with my father.2

I found a_large_change great changes there.The first time I came back3 returned,they are live4 were all living in dirty homes with dogs and ducks and any5 other animals.Now,6 But last winter when I returned, they had a big house to birth chickens.7 They also have8 had some poles in which it has9 some fish fishponds.Every year,they sell it_and_have the fish for a lot of money.

A lot of villagers in my grandma’s village have10 had two-storeyed houses,evidencing that their life11 lives becoming better and better12 had improved.I felt very happy. During my trip,I found they are13 all the villagers friendly and hard-working.I think these characteristics are worth of learning.

At the end of my trip,I told my father that I had planned14 that I would come back planned to return every two years.He admitted15 agreed that it was a good idea. ,旁 批




4.原句中的they are live是一个常见的错误,不符合英语的语法。这里应该用过去进行时态。


6.不是现在(now),是去年冬天(last winter)。

7.这句的意思很不清楚,所以无法进行修改。“他们有一幢大的房子养鸡”还是“他们造了一间很大的鸡舍让鸡住”? 8.注意保持时态一致!


10.虽然这个情况可能现在仍是真实的,但故事发生在去年冬天,所以要用过去时态。 11.你谈到的是村民们,而不只是一个人,所以life需要用复数形式。

12.使用更直接的语言。improve比better and better更好。高中水平还使用better and better这个词组不合适。

13.改写后使宾语更清楚。动词find的结构是:find someone+形容词。

14.如果用过去完成时态(had planned)就意味着作者不再打算这样做了。这里的打算发生在告诉父亲的同时,所以只要用一般过去时态即可。

15.在这里用admit不正确。它的意思是不情愿地同意某事是真实的。参见改写后的句子。 虽然文章组织得当,题目要求也都在内容中体现出来,但词汇量不足以及时态的混淆降低了作文的等级。

为避免这些错误,写你知道的东西。如果你不知道表达某种观点的词汇,就不要提到它。想想其他可写的东西。例如在这篇作文中,作者不应该提到池塘和鸡舍,因为他/她不清楚这些词的英文表达。他应该挑自己熟悉的东西写,或者写一些更平常的东西。 高分作文秘诀之九:使用恰当的过渡语。例如:

表示转折关系的过渡语:however,nevertheless,on the other hand,on the contrary,conversely

表示递进关系的过渡语:in addition,besides,moreover,furthermore,what’s more,what’s worse,to make matters worse,the most important of all,worst of all,especially,in particular,on top of that

表示结果关系的过渡语:therefore,thus,consequently,as a result,that’s why... 表示顺序关系的过渡语:firstly,secondly,thirdly,lastly/finally/eventually,last but not least,to begin with,after that,meanwhile

表示总结的过渡语:in conclusion,in brief,in short,in a word,on the whole,to sum up

表示个人观点的过渡语:in my opinion,as far as I’m concerned,personally,as for me,to be frank

表示他人观点的过渡语:It is widely accepted that...;A commonly held idea is that...;It is taken for granted that...

最近,你和父母回到家乡。你看到了家乡新建的一所学校,发现它与影集中父亲的母校的照片有很大的差别。请你根据下面的一组图画,描述这两所学校的不同情况,并谈谈你的感想。 注意:

