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on one side.)(―The superior man moves his mouth and not his hand!‖ shouted Ah Q, with his head twisted to one side.) 39.风浪是意料中的事;所谓“道高一尺,魔高一仗!”(heavy seas were only to be expected. ―While the priest climbs a foot, the devil climbs ten!‖ was the way it went.) 40.第一是文章的名目,孔子曰:“名不正则言不顺。”(The first was the question of what to call it. Confucius said, ―If the name is not correct, the words will not ring true.‖)

41.他活着的时候,人却叫他阿Quei,死了以后,便没有一个人再叫他阿Quei了,那里还会有“著之竹帛”的事。(During his life everybody called him Ah Quei, but after his death not a soul mentioned Ah Quei again; for he was obviously not one of those whose name is ―preserved on bamboo tablets(书板,碑,小片) and silk.‖) 42.古人云,“士别三日便当刮目相待”,所以堂倌、掌柜、酒客、路人,便自然显出一种疑而且敬的形态来。(The ancients say, ―A scholar who has been away three days must be looked at with new eyes‖. So the waiter, tavern-keeper, customers, and passersby all quite naturally expressed a kind of suspicion mingled with respect.) 43.把总近来很不将主人老爷放在眼里,拍案打凳的说道,“惩一儆百!”(Recently captain(首领,队长) had come to treat the successful provincial candidate quite disdainfully. So hanging his fist on the table he said, ―Punish one to awe one hundred!‖)

44.旁边一人鼓掌大笑曰:“此事易如反掌,何必多议!”(The one of those about him suddenly clapped his hands, crying, ―It‘s easy as turning over one‘s hand! Why so much talk!‖) 45.中国有句老话:“瓜熟蒂落”,“水到渠成”。(As the old Chinese sayings go, ―When a melon is ripe, it falls off its stem,‖ and ―when water flows, a channel is formed.‖)

46.如今听见周瑞家的捆了他亲家,越发火上浇油。(The news now that Chou Rui‘e wife had had a relative of hers tied up added fuel to the fire of her indignation.)(替代)

47.只是从敌人扫荡以来,好些地主趁火打劫,向农民倒算、收地、夺佃、逼交几年的“欠租”,把粮食都刮走了。(When Japanese power was at its height, the landlords had fished in troubled waters. They repossessed the land which the peasants had taken, seized additional property, forced payments of back rent and confiscated food.) 48.“木已成舟罢!好在这个弟子会读书。”(What‘s been done can‘t be undone! It‘s a good thing though, this boy studies well.)

49.特别是她——那时的“密司林佩瑶”,禀受了父亲的名士气质,曾经架起了多少的空中楼阁----(She herself, Miss Lin Pei-yao, endowed with here scholarly father‘s idealistic temperament, was specially fond of building castles in the air.) 50.有话不分明说,许你们这样鬼鬼祟祟的干什么故事?(But why not talk openly instead of in this hole-and corner (秘密的,偷偷摸摸的)fashion?) 51.吴用道:“休得再提。常言道:‘隔墙有耳,窗外岂无人。’只可你知我知。”‖You must not mention it,‖ said Wu Yung.‖There is a saying, ?walls have ears, and outside the window is there not a man?‘ This plan must be kept between you and me only.‖) 52.“这实在是叫作‘天有不测风云’,她的男人是坚实人,谁知道年纪青青,就会断送在伤寒上?---”(It was really a bolt from the blue. (晴天霹雳,意外不幸事件)Her husband was so strong, nobody could have guessed that he would die of typhoid fever.‖)

53.吴荪甫忍不住独自个哈哈笑了。可是皇天不负苦心人么!(Wu Sun-fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter. Heaven helps those who help themselves, and no mistake about it.) 54.现在的共产党真厉害,九流三教里到处全有。(They are up to all sorts of tricks now. They‘ve everywhere. You‘ll find them in all walks of life.)(释义) 55.夫“不孝有三,无后为大”,而“若敖之鬼馁而”,也是一件人生之大哀。(As the saying goes, ―There are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants,‖ and it is one of the tragedies of life that ―spirits without descendants go hungry.‖) 56.但他对于“男女之大防”却历来非常严。(he had always shown himself most scrupulous in observing ―strict segregation of the sexes.‖)

57.初六倒是个黄道吉日,可惜地干了。(The sixth day was lucky according to his calculations, but his fields had, unfortunately, become dry by then.) 58.她一进门就说:“村长!捉贼要赃,捉奸要双。当了妇救会主席就不说理了?”(She blurted out loudly,‖Comrade


Village Head, accusations must be based on evidence! Does being the head of the women‘s league give one the right to do as one please?‖) 59.然而真奇怪,向来是气魄非凡,动辄大刀阔斧的吴荪甫此时却沉着脸儿沉吟了。(But, strange to say, Wu Sun-fu, who was known for his drive (动力,魄力)and ability to make snap decision, now hesitated and looked worried.) 60.后来出嫁了,两个人还藕断丝连,这只能怪包办婚姻,不能怪她。(and after she was married they still kept it up. The arranged marriage was the cause of this; she can‘t be blamed.) 61.他只好硬着头皮,装出也不在乎的态度。(he had no alternative but to brazen it out (厚着脸皮对待)and pretend that he did not care either.)(brazen lie厚颜无耻的谎言;brazen-faced厚脸皮的)

62.范进---被胡屠户一口啐在脸上,骂了个狗血喷头---(Butcher Hu spat in his face, and poured out a torrent of abuse.) 63.问:“今年几岁了?”答:“属猴的,十二岁了。”(―How old are you?‖ ―I‘m twelve now.‖)(省译) 64.他说:“了不得呀了不得!丑土的父母动出午火的官鬼,火旺于夏,恐怕有些危险了。唉!人家把他选成青年队长,我就说过不叫他当。”(Everything now is fraught with(充满) danger! When Erhei was elected captain of the Youth Vanguard, I told him not to accept the post.‖) 65.因为他长得伶俐可爱,大人们都爱跟他玩;这个说:“二黑,算一算十岁属什么?”那个说:“二黑,给我卜一课!”(As he was such a lovely child, all grown-ups enjoyed joking with him.) 66.当他六岁时,他爹就教他识字。识字课本既不是《五经》、《四书》,也不是常识国语,而是天干、地支、五行、八卦、六十四卦名等学起,进一步便学些《百中经》、《玉匣记》、《增删卜易》、《麻衣神相》、《奇门盾甲》、《阴阳宅》等书。(When he was six, his father started teaching him some characters from books on the art of fortune-telling, rather than the Chinese classics.) 第十一节 汉语缩略语的英译 一、意译法: 这是一种完全避开“缩略结构”的意译法。缩略语初次使用,或使用时间不长,媒体宣传少的情况下,必须把缩略语所含的信息全部表达出来,便于读者理解。如:1.抓大放小。to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones. 2.三陪服务(指有关人员为赚钱而在酒吧、宾馆、舞厅、卡拉OK厅等场所陪客人喝酒、唱歌、跳舞)。escort services. 3.建成“三河三湖”流域水污染治理项目44个。We completed 44 projects designed to prevent and control water pollution in the valleys of the Huaihe, Haihe and Liaohe rivers and Taihu, Chaohu and Dianchi lakes.(“三河三湖”指淮河、海河、辽河、太湖、巢湖和滇池。)4.近年来,在各级政府和有关组织的支持和带动下,农村贫困地区妇女积极参加“双学双比”活动。In the past years, led and encouraged by governments at all levels and organizations concerned, women in poor rural areas have taken an active part in the campaign of ―learning culture and technology, and emulating each other in achievements and conditions‖.(“双学双比”指学文化、学技术、比成绩、比贡献。) 5.从试点情况看,农村税费改革规范了农民与国家、集体之间的分配关系,有效减轻了农民负担,遏制了农村“三乱”。

Experiments showed that this reform helped standardize income distribution between farmers on the one hand and the state and the collective on the other hand and effectively reduced the financial burden on farmers by combating indiscriminate fines, charges and levies in rural areas.(“三乱”指乱罚款、乱收费、乱征税。) 6.为了支持社会保障制度改革,做好“两个确保”工作,2001年中央财政将继续增加用于社会保障方面的资金。Funding for social security has again been increased in the central budget for 2001 to support reform of the social security system and ensure adequate funds used to pay living allowances for workers laid off from state owned enterprises and pension benefits for retirees from state-owned enterprises in full and on time.(“两个确保”指保证有足够资金全额及时支付国有企业下岗工人的生活费用和退休人员的养老金。)意译法的缺陷是不经济,当一篇文章需要数次出现这个缩略语时,每次要重复冗长的结构,显得很累贅。二、模拟法:缩略词语的结构特点是:数词+共有词(或领词)。模拟法就是用类似的结构进行意译,即保存数词的意译法。如“三通”指通商、通航、通邮,其共有词是“通”,译为three links:link of trade, travel and post. 1.“三讲”three advocatings

2.“五讲四美三热爱”five stresses, four points of beauty and three aspects of love 3.“三废”治理 to bring the ―three wastes‖ under control 4.“一国两制” one country, two systems 5.“三民主义” three principles of the people 6.“五


行” five agents 7.“八仙” the eight immortals 8.“和平共处五项原则” the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 采用模拟翻译的缩略语,一般是那些为媒体经常使用,并且被广大读者所接近的缩略语。有些汉语缩略语英译已收录英语辞书,如“五福”(five blessings)、“四书”(the four books)、“五经”(the five classics)等,翻译时可以照样译成缩略语。三、模拟加注法:有些缩略词只有模拟法翻译还不够清楚,还应该在其后加上文字说明。 1.“为了在现代化建设中坚持正确的方向,他旗帜鲜明地提出坚持四项基本原则。”To ensure a correct direction for the modernization drive, he raised the question of adhering to the four cardinal principles in clear cut terms. (adherence to the socialist road, the people‘s democratic dictatorship, the Communist Party leadership and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.) 2.“两个基本点”Two focal points, two of the major points of the line set by the 13th congress of CPC, i.e., upholding the four cardinal principles and policies of reform, opening to the outside world and invigorating the domestic economy. 3.按照“三个代表”的要求,抓住机遇,加快发展。According to the requirements of the Three Represents‘ (the CPC represents the requirement to develop advanced productive forces, an orientation towards advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China). We must seize opportunities and accelerate development. 4.本店售出的货物实行“三包”。The goods sold by the shop have three guarantees (for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products).四、首字母译法:仿照英语缩略语的构成,把汉语中常见的机构名称、专有名称或文章中重复出现的词组或短语,取其英文首字母缩略而成。如“国企”指国有企业,译为state-owned enterprises,缩写成 SOEs.“江泽民号召加快国企改革”可译为Jing Zemin calls for speedy SOEs reform.常见的机构名称或专有名称的英文缩略语,列举如下: 1.人大 NPC (the National People‘s Congress) 2.政协 CPPCC(the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference) 3.中共 CPC (Communist Party of China) 一些简化的外国机构汉译名称回译时也采用原来的缩略词语。如:1.北约(北大西洋公约组织)——NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 2.欧佩克(石油输出国组织)——OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 3.教科文组织(联合国教育科学及文化组织)——UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

第十二节 汉语成语的英译

成语在汉语中数量较多,占着很重要的地位。有很大一部分成语是文言的,其中有的是有出典的。成语的字数较少,往往以四个字组成,因而有“四言成语”之称。汉语成语中的翻译方法有:套译、直译、意译。 一、套译: 英语中有不少习语或成语和汉语成语意思相近,因而翻译时可照搬照抄。1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog. 2.一箭双雕 Kill two birds sith one stone. 3.一丘之貉 birds of a feather 4.同舟共济 be in the same boat with 5.同甘共苦 share weal and woe 6.骑虎难下 He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 7.欲加之罪,何患无辞 Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 8.空中楼阁 castles in the air 9.浑水摸鱼 fish in troubled water 10.趁热打铁 Strike while the iron is hot. 11.骨瘦如柴 as lean as a rake 12.噤若寒蝉 as mute as a fish 13.守口如瓶 as close as an oyster 14.如坐针毡 sit on thorns 二、直译: 对形象生动和具有中国特色的成语,只要不会引起误解,一般都采用直译的办法把原来的形象和色彩在译文中保留下来。1.对牛弹琴 play the harp to a cow 2.七嘴八舌 seven mouths and eight tongues 3.倾国倾城 overthrow cities and ruin states 4.雪中送炭 fuel in snowy weather 5.千载难逢 an opportunity of a thousand years 6.怨声载道 Voices of discontent are heard everywhere. 7.不入虎穴,焉得虎子 How can one get tiger cubs without entering the tiger‘s lair? 8.瞎子摸象 a blind man groping for fish 9.一孔之见 a peep-hole view 10.削足适履 cut the feet to fit the shoes 11.冷嘲热讽 burning satire and freezing irony 12.叫苦连天 be complaining to high heaven 三、意译: 有些成语不能套译或直译,只好翻译成语的意思。如:1.研究制定西部地区人才开发规划和政策,形成优秀人才脱颖而出和人尽其才的机制,加强干部和人才交流。We will work out plans and policies for the development of trained personnel in the western region and develop a mechanism allowing outstanding people to emerge and to take full advantage of their skills and knowledge. The exchange of cadres and expert personnel between regions will be increased. 2.改革开放以来,中国的现代化建设事业蒸蒸日上,取得了举世瞩目的发展。Since the introduction of reform and opening to the outside world, the modernization drive in


China has been burgeoning with each passing day, and achieved success attracting worldwide attention. 3.全党同志要居安思危,增强忧患意识,不骄不躁。All comrades in the Party must be mindful of danger and stay prepared for adversities in times of peace, guard against conceit and impetuousity. 4.在中国共产党成立之前的八十年,封建统治者丧权辱国,社会战乱不断,国家积贫积弱,人民饥寒交迫。In the first 80-year period, the feudal rulers surrendered the country‘s sovereign rights under humiliating terms, the whole society was thrown into the utter chaos caused by wars, the country became impoverished and weak and the people lived in hunger and cold. 5.有了中国共产党,中国的面貌就焕然一新。With the Communist Party, China has put an entirely new look. 6.领导干部要有识才的慧眼,用才的气魄,爱才的感情,聚才的方法,知人善任,广纳群贤。Leading officials should have the insight to identify the talents, the resolve to use them, the passion to love them and the ways to get them together and should know how to judge and use people and pool the talents together. 7.在世界社会主义发生严重曲折、国内外风云急剧变幻的局面中,我们党砥柱中流、岿然不动,社会主义在中国展现出蓬勃的生机和活力。

Even in a situation where world socialism experienced serious twists and turns and domestic and foreign situations changed drastically, our party steadfastly stood, its ground like a firm rock in midstream, and socialism in China has displayed its vigor and vitality. 8.改弦易辙 abandon one‘s old ways and make a new 9.熟视无睹 close one‘s eyes to 10.古为今用 make the past serve the present 11.美国对少数民族的歧视根深蒂固。 Discrimination against minorities is deeply rooted in America. 12.从五四运动开始,中国工人阶级作为先进的社会力量崭露头角。Starting from the May 4th Movement, the Chinese working class began to cut a striking figure as an advanced social force in the country. 13.心有余而力不足。 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak/unable to do what one wants very much to do. 汉语成语也可以译成相应的英语单词。如 1.欣欣向荣 thriving/flourishing/prosperous 2.颐指气使 order 3.举世瞩目的成就 remarkable achievements 4.(旧西藏)发展水平低下,人民生活朝不保夕。 Low level of development and precarious life. 5.进行不屈不挠的斗争 wage an underlying struggle 6.四分五裂 break up 7.格格不入 misfit 8.神乎其神 miraculous 9.变本加厉 step up 10.分崩离析 disintegrate

第十三节 .词语增译法

在翻译中应该遵循的原则是语言服从思想,形式服从内容。和英语比,汉语句子结构严谨,词约义丰。因此,汉英翻译必须增补一些原文省略而译文无法省略的词语。这样做主要基于以下两个原因:一是译文句子结构的需要;二是上下文的逻辑关系或句子衔接的需要。一、增补冠词: 汉语没有冠词,但英语除了抽象名词、专有名词和物质名词外,其他名词前一般都有冠词表示特指或泛指。汉语名词译成英语时一般要加上冠词。1.他在那个大学里任语文教员。He worked as a language teacher in that university. (冠词表类别)2.老师应当爱学生。A teacher must love his students.(表类别)3. 这些是我想看的小说。These are the novels I want to read.(特指) 二、增补代词: (一)增补作主语的代词, 汉语无主句译成英语时一般要增补作主语的代词。1. 有失才有得。You cannot make omelets without breaking eggs. 2.活到老,学到老。 No one is too old to learn. 3.没有水,就不能生存。 We can not live without water. 4.只有播种才有收获。 One must sow before one can reap. (二)增补物主代词: 汉语中的物主代词远不如英语中使用广泛。英语中凡涉及到人体器官及归他所有的或与他有关的事物时,总在其前加上必不可少的物主代词。 1.她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。She covered her face with her hand as if to protect her eyes. 2. 他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一句话不说。He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. (三)增译作宾语的代词: 汉语中作宾语的代词常常省略。但英语及物动词均带宾语。因此汉译英时要增补作宾语的代词。1.“你喜欢这本书吗?”“我很喜欢。”―Do you like this book?‖ ―Yes, I like it very much.‖ 2.请原谅,打断一下。Excuse me for interrupting you. (四)增补反身代词: 1.扇扇子时我们感到凉快些。We feel cooler when we fan ourselves. 2.他们躲藏起来了。They hide themselves. 三、增补动词: 汉语中名词、形容词或词组等都可作谓语,英语中只动词才能作谓语。如果汉语不是动词作谓语,译成英语时要增补动词。1.别傻里傻气。Don‘t behave foolishly. 2.打字机价廉物美。The typewriter is low in price and fine in quality. 3.金杯牌充气床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,舒适大方,携带方便。The ―Golden


Cup‖ brand air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology. With novel structure, beautiful shape and various patterns, they are comfortable and convenient to carry. 四、增补介词: 现代汉语的介词一般是由动词演变而来的,数量远不及英语。英语用介词表示词与词之间的语法关系。汉语中的时间状语、地点状语和方式状语等译成英语时都要增补介词。1.星期天上街去了。We went to the street on Sunday. 2.一九四九年中华人民共和国成立。The People‘s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 3.明天坐车去公园。We are going to the park by bus tomorrow. 4.公共场所禁止吸烟。Smoking is prohibited in public places. 五、增补连词:汉语很少用连词,句子结构常按时间顺序和逻辑关系排列。英语中词与词、短语与短语和句子与句子之间通常用连词连接。1.我帮助他,他帮助我。I help him and he helps me. 2.你不去,我也不去。I won‘t go if you are not going. 3.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。As long as the green mountains are here, one should not worry about firewood. 4.我们有船、有人、有钱、有各种物品。We have ships, and men, and money and stores. 六、增补it:it在英语句子中可作形式主语,形式宾语或引导强调结构。某些汉语句子译成英语时,从英语句子结构的角度出,需增补it。1.他感到帮助别人是他义不容辞的责任。He feels it his burden duty to help others. 2.他表明了他不可能这样做。He made it clear that it was impossible for him to do so. 3.你这样想是很自然的。It is natural for you to think so. 4.我们是在火车上见到他的。 It was on the train we met him. 七、增补汉语中暗含而无需说明的部分:汉语和英语的表达方式不同。汉语表达力求简洁,削尽繁琐,但翻译英语时要把隐含的意思表达出来。为此,需增补适当的词。 1.报考大学的人,有工作经验的优先录取。University applicants who had worked at a job would receive preference over those who had not.2.科技事业要提倡顾全大局。The spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration is advocated in the cause of science and technology. 3.王子犯罚,与庶民同罪。When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished. 八、从文化的角度增译词语: 汉语中具有文化色彩的人名、地名或专有名称译成英语时,后面应加上一些说明性的文字,便于外国读者理解。1.三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。Three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Chukeh Liang the master mind. 2.班门弄斧。Show off one‘s proficiency with the exe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 3.济公劫富济贫。Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor. 4.百花齐放。

Let a hundred flowers bloom, permit the airing of conflicting views.5.铁饭碗。 ―iron rice bow‖, China‘s system of lifetime job and income security. 6.“黑孩子”。―black children, who are born in violation of China‘s one-child policy. 第十四节 . 词语省译法

在双语符号的转换过程中,从译文的可接受性出发,对源语结构作些调整或增减词语是必要的。这是因为,每一种语言都有独特的构词方式和语法结构。就汉英语言而言,汉语重意合,英语重形合。汉语遣词造句,力求辞约义丰,削尽冗繁。而英语则语言组织丰满,力求言能尽意。汉英语言结构的特点都是由各自的民族文化决定的。正如翻译理论家刘宓庆所说:“语言的许多形式问题实则都是基于其内在的机制而发之于外在的表现现象。”词语省略是翻译中的常见技巧。所省译的往往是原文结构视为当然、甚至必不可少、而译文结构视为累赘的词语。省译并不减少词汇所表达的实际概念,丝毫不影响原文的思想内容。省译的目的就是保证译文简洁明、严谨精练。省译可从语法、修辞和意义等方面考虑。 一、省译表范畴的词语: 汉语中有些词如“任务、工作、情况”等,通常有具体的意义,自然应当照译,但是它们用来表明范畴时,则失去了具体含议,可省译。如“分析问题”中的“问题”一词,就有具体含义,非译不可。而“人民内部矛盾问题”中的“问题”则是表明范畴的,不必译出,只需译作contradictions among the people就行。下面四字词组中,后两个词都是范畴词,可省略。 说服工作——persuasion 落后状态——backwardness 准备工作——preparation 紧张局势——tension 自满情绪——arrogance 疯狂行为——madness 敌对行为——antagonism 紧张关系——tension 再如:“讨论的范围涉及中美关系、中俄关系。” 译:The discussion covers Sino—U .S.relation and Sino—Russian relation. 二、省译重复词语: 重复在汉语修辞学上又称反复,是汉语一种常见的语言现象。它通过有意识地重复某个词语或句子,达到突出某种思想,强调某种感情或增强节奏的目的。汉语的重复现象有两种:一是同词重复;二是异词同义重复。同词重复可通过英语语法手段省略。例如:1.继续开展打击走私犯罪、打击骗取出口退税和逃汇