内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/14 21:18:05星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
1. Her little brother. 2. By selling lemonade and pictures. 1.她的小弟弟. 3. Providing clean energy to five million people. 2.通过卖柠檬水和图片. 4. They can be laid right on top of existing highways. 3.向五百万人提供清洁能源. 5. Endless fighting in the region. 6. To find evidence of the existence of the \7. Lions' tracks. 8. Her 'lucky birthday'. 9. Threw her a surprise party. 10. The trip her husband has planned. 11. He is eager to learn how the couple's holiday turns out. 12. They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation. 13. They know when to stop. 14. They learn quickly. 15. Get to know the other side. 16. How space research benefits people on Earth. 17. They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space. 18. They are extremely accurate. 19. It marked the beginning of something new. 20. They believed working for goals. 21. Doing needlework by the fire. 22. Sit down and try to calm yourself 23. You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers. 24. Walk uphill. 25. Inform somebody of your plan. 4.它们可以被放置在现有公路的顶部. 5.该地区无休止的战斗. 6.寻找证据的存在“迷失的狮子”. 7.狮子的足迹 8.她的“幸运生日”. 9.给她举行了一个惊喜派对 10.她丈夫计划的旅行. 11.他渴望了解这对夫妇的假期.事实证明. 12.它们对A的动力学非常敏感.谈判. 13.他们知道什么时候停止. 14.他们学得很快. 15.了解对方.
16.太空研究对地球人有何益处? 17.他们开发了宇航员使用的物体.外层空间. 18.它们非常精确. 19.它标志着新事物的开始. 20.他们相信为目标而努力. 21.在炉火旁做针线活.
22.坐下来试着让自己平静下来 23.你可能会暴露出意外的危险. 24.走上坡路. 25.通知某人你的计划.
1.It has got one of its limbs injured. 2.Its videos Were posted on social media. 3.The distance travelled. 4.Rush-hour traffic is worsening. 1.它的四肢受伤了.
5.He helped a stranger to carry groceries to 2.它的视频被张贴在社交媒体上. his car. 3.旅行的距离. 6.He raised a large sum of money for him. 4.交通高峰期交通正在恶化. 7.He is an excellent student at school. 5.他帮助一个陌生人把杂货运到他的车上. 8.Attended an economics lecture. 9.Attend his brothers birthday party. 6.他为他筹集了一大笔钱. 10.Join him in his brother’s birthday 7.他是一名优秀的在校学生. celebration. 8.参加经济学讲座. 11.By train. 9.参加他兄弟的生日聚会. 12.Taking a vacation abroad. 10.和他一起参加他哥哥的生日庆祝活动. 13.Working part time as a waiter. 11.乘火车. 14.Save enough money. 12.出国度假. 15.He has rich sailing experience. 13.做服务员的兼职工作. 16.She was also a Nobel Prize winner. 14.存足够的钱.
17.She developed X-ray facilities for military 15.他有丰富的航海经验. hospitals. 16.她也是诺贝尔奖得主. 18.Both died of blood cancer. 17.她为军队医院研制了X射线设备. 19.They discovered Iceland in the ninth century. 18.甲均死于血癌.
20.It was a rocky mass of land covered with 19.他们在九世纪发现了冰岛. ice. 20.是一块覆盖着冰的岩石土地. 21.The Vikings’ ocean explorations. 21.Vikings的海洋探险. 22.Dream about the future. 22.梦想未来.
23.Change what he has for his past imaginary 23.改变他对过去虚幻世界所拥有的一切. world. 24.International business. 24.国际商务. 25.Be content with what you have. 25.满足你所拥有的一切.