绿色会计核算问题的探讨 下载本文

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摘 要



关键词:绿色会计理论 绿色会计核算 绿色会计核算建议


In the information technology, high speed development today, as modern accounting people provide the accounting information is the \day as a day I\performance, contradictions in the most acute, when is the traditional or under the influence of the current accounting system, enterprise accounting information disclosure of environmental resources consumed reflects the degree of fuzzy, which caused the development and the environment, economy and ecology of the cycle of enterprise development of economy in \education gave birth while \modern accounting people in the enterprise economic activities, correct and timely and reasonable to enterprise cost of environmental resources of science degree of accounting.

This paper focuses on the green accounting and green accounting research, points out the significance of the green accounting, in many aspects of the green accounting accounting problems were analyzed, and has already reached the green accounting in the economic development of the reasonable use of purpose.

Key words :Green Accounting Theory Green accounting Green accounting advice


第一章 绿色会计的绪论

一、绿色会计的产生背景 二、实施绿色会计的意义 三、绿色会计对传统会计的挑战

第二章 绿色会计核算的理论概述



(一)绿色会计核算依据 (二)绿色会计的核算目标


(一)绿色会计核算的假设 (二)绿色会计核算的原则

第三章 绿色会计核算的内容分析


(一)环境资产的确认和计量 (二)环境负债的确认和计量 (三)环境费用的确认和计量