专题一 定语从句 有例句 下载本文

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英语语法大汇总!定语从句 导言:

英语老师常常会提到定语从句的概念,但它依然是考生学不懂、易错的知识点。 定语从句在高中英语中的重要性主要体现在完形、阅读和写作中,因此,能否较好的掌握定语从句直接关系到考生英语成绩能否拔高。

专题一 定语从句

定义:对名词或者代词起到修饰或限定作用的词、短语、句子。 先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词。



that 指人或物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

which 指物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语(作宾语时可以省略) who 指人在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 whom 指人在从句中作宾语 whose 指人或物在从句中作定语

as 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语 but 指人或物在从句中作主语,宾语或表语

注意:指物时,whose+名词=the+名词+of which或 of which+the+名词

1. that 指人或物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

真题: Please send us all the information that you have about the candidate for the position.(2014 陕西卷,13) 2. as


such…as; so…as;the same…as; as…as 注意:the same…as 表示同一类,不同一个 the same…that 表示同一个

例句:He is such a lazy man as nobody wants to work with.

2)as与which的区别 a、位置不同




Which相当于并列句,可以用and this来代替,意为“这一点,这件事’”。 注意:as常用于下列结构:as we know/ as is known to all、as we all can see、as has been said before/above、as might be excepted、as is often the case,一般不能用which代替as。



例句:It is a truly delightful place, which looks the same as it must have done 100 years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.

The number of smokers, as is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 3、but用作关系代词 相当于who/that…not

例句:In China there is no one but knows Lei Feng.

4、只用that不用which的情况 导言:

Which和that同为关系代词,都可指物,并且有时会觉得用that 也可以,用which 也没错。但在哪些情况下是只能用that的呢?

1. 先行词为 all, much, everything, nothing, something ,anything, none, the one等不定代词时。

2. 先行词被only, any, few, little, no, all, just, very, right等修饰时。 3. 当先行词是最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时。 4. 当先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时。 5. 当先行词是数词时.

6. 当先行词既指人又指物时。

7. 如有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which,另一个关系代词则宜用 that。

8. 主句是There be结构,修饰其主语的定语从句宜用that作关系代词。 9. 被修饰成分为表语,或者关系代词本身是定语从句的表语时,该关系代词宜用that。

10. 先行词为what,关系代词用that。

11. 有时为了避免重复而使用that引导定语从句。 例句:Something (that) we heard was of great truth.

All that glitters (闪光) is not gold. Is there anything that I can do for you?

5、只用which不用that的情况 导言:

那么在何种情况下只能用which而不能用that呢? 1. 当介词放在关系代词之前时。 2. 在非限制性定语从句中。 3. 当关系代词指整个主句的概念时。

例句:Care of the soul is a gradual process in which even the small details of life should be considered.

真题:She was taking the food to the refugee camp,in which she distributed it to children.(2016 上海卷,27)

6、只用who不用that的情况 导言:
