贵州省凤冈县第三中学九年级英语上册 Unit 7 Films Period 6当堂训练 (新版)牛津版 下载本文

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1. 个人信息__________________________ 2. 中国功夫巨星_____________________________ 3. 演艺生涯__________________________ 4. 被认为 ……______________________________ 5. 做一名特技替身演员________________ 6. 把幽默和刺激的动作结合在一起_____________ 二、词汇运用

1.Yao Ming puts all his _________ into playing basketball.(努力) 2.Andy Lau is c_________ (thought) as a talented actor. 3. I have many friends, _________ (包括) Mary.

4. Mrs Li is devoting all her time and energy to _________ (be) a good teacher. 5. Not only she but also her mother_________ (walk) to school every day.

6. The more careful you are, the more _________ (success) the work will be done. 三、翻译句子

1. 到目前为止,成龙出演了近100部电影并且获得过很多奖。

_______________________________________________________________________ 2. 成龙作为一个超级明星在全世界都很出名。

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. 他的成就远不止如此。

____________________________________________________________________ 4. 成龙因为动作片的成就以及他在慈善工作上的努力而出名。

_______________________________________________________________________ 四、任务型阅读

One of the oldest known toys in the world is the yo-yo. Historians believe that it came from China. In the 1700s, the yo-yo first came to the west. In the 1800s, the toy was very much liked by children in Victorian, England. In the Philippines(菲律宾群岛), the yo-yo was a national toy, and the people became experts at making and using the toy. In the 1920s, Pedro Flores brought the first Philipine yo-yo to the USA and he set up a yo-yo company in California. He wanted to show people how to use the toy because he thought this would help him to sell more yo-yos. Donald Duncan, who was a clever businessman, bought the idea and Pedro Flores’s company. Soon the Duncan Company traveled all over the USA. They taught and explained yo-yo tricks, and they held contests to sell more yo-yos.

In 1946, the Duncan Company moved to Luck, Wisconsin, and the town became known as the “Yo-yo Capital of the world”. The company produced 3,6000 yo-yos per hour. In 1962, the Duncan Company alone sold 45 million yo-yos in the USA. At times, the yo-yo isn’t as popular as before, but then it came back---well, like a yo-yo. In 1992, astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman took a yo-yo with him on the spacecraft Atlantis.

Time Events It became 2. ________ with children in England. People in the Philippines were especially 3. ________ at playing and using it. Pedro Flores 4. ________ a yo-yo company in USA and later Donald Duncan In the 1920s bought 5. ________ Pedro Flores’s idea and the company. He sold more yo-yos 6. ________ teaching and explaining yo-yo tricks and holding

In the 1700s The yo-yo first came to 1. ________ countries. In the 1800s contests. In 7. ________ In 1962 In 1992 8. ________times it is 9. ________ popular than before. Astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman took a yo-yo into 10. ________. 九年级上册单元课时当堂训练参考答案


Luck, Wisconsin was famous for the “Yo-yo Capital of the world.” 一、词组翻译。

1. personal details 2. Chinese Kung fu superstar 3. acting career 4. be considered as

5. work as a stuntman 6. join humour and exciting action together 二、 词汇运用。

efforts considered including being walks successfully 三、 翻译句子。

1. So far, Jackie Chan has acted in nearly 100 films and has won many awards. 2. Jackie Chan is famous as a superstar all over the world. 3. His achievements are far more than that.

4. Jackie Chan is famous not only for his success in action films but also for his efforts in charity work. 四、 任务型阅读。 Western

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