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Unit 4 Section B Words in use
1 conveying 2 forged 3 thriving 4 abnormal 5 frowning 6 thrilled 7 reckoned 8 clarified 9 conquer 10 concealing Expressions in use
1 make contact with 2 took the initiative 3 are inclined to 4 thrive on 5 indifferent to 6 whip out 7 in the pit of her stomach 8 chip in Sentence structure
1 With online learning, there is less study in a regular classroom and more time to spend by yourself. 2 With regular exercise, you'll have less mental stress and more physical strength.
3 With the new highway, there is less traffic and more comfort for drivers on the road. 1 Ambitious as he is
2 Embarrassed as they were 3 Hard as she tried Collocation f-e-c-b-a-d
1 college sweetheart 2 take the initiative 3 romantic relationship 4 steady boyfriend 5 casual attraction 6 fairy-tale romance 7 exceedingly embarrassed
8 madly in love 9 healthy friendship 10 traditional upbringing 11 mature love 12 mutual friends
Unit 5 Section A Words in use 3
1 contradict 2 paradox 3 perspective 4 explicit 5 suspended 6 derive 7 defy 8 retains 9 manipulating 10 tackle Word building 4
browser messenger consume negotiation objection reaction constitution cultivation definition expansion concentrate civilize Word building 5
1 concentrated 2 messenger 3 civilized 4 Constitution 5 browser 6 objection 7 expansion 8 consume 9 definition 10 cultivation 11 reaction 12 negotiation Banked cloze
1 dilemma 2 explicit 3 perspectives 4 retain 5 derive 6 appetite 7 option 8 urgent 9 suspend 10 manipulated Expressions in use
1 referred to 2 at odds with 3 put off 4 consulting with 5 do their utmost 6 took stock of 7 on track 8 take in
D A B C D A C C Translation
大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于15世纪初并一直持续到18世纪。这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥 梁,当时西方帝国主义刚兴起,欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争,他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来寻找财富。在这一时期众多伟大的探险家中,最杰出的是 克里斯托弗?哥伦布,因为他发现了新大陆。欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起,旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的
互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、 文化等得到迁移。这代表了历史上生态、农业和文化在全球范围内最重大的活动之一。欧洲大勘探让绘制全球性的世界地图成为可能,从而使人们看到一个新的世界 与古老的文明正遥相呼应。
The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia. This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name \and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization. Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of \Belt, One Road\(namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road). The strategy of \mutual benefits, emphasizing mutual benefits, win-win, as well as common development of the related countries. Once proposed, the strategy has received positive responses from the related countries along the road. Unit 5 Section B Words in use
1 prohibited 2 submit 3 remedied 4 imposed 5 feature 6 crisis 7 artificial 8 principal 9 issued 10 isolated Expressions in use
1 suffering from 2 in accordance with 3 shrugged off 4 be entitled to 5 care about 6 tore at 7 access to 8 out of the question Sentence structure
1 Follow your doctor's advice or your cough will get worse. 2 Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. 3 Watch your step if you go out or you might fall.
1 There is nothing more important than being honest with everyone at school and at work. 2 There is nothing more helpful than using the Internet to improve my English skills.
3 There is nothing more encouraging and stimulating than communicating successfully with your colleagues. Collocation g-h-a-e-b-i-d-c-f
1 financial distress 2 financial trouble 3 financially bankrupt 4 seemingly free 5 suspend desires 6 easily accessible 7 emotionally crippled
8 artificial sense 9 truly autonomous10 completely charmed 11 staggeringly expensive 12 buying decisions
Unit 6 Section A Words in use 3
1 implement 2 rival 3 motivating 4 discarded 5 fluctuating 6 prejudiced 7 restore 8 enlightening 9 profit 10 investigate Word building 4
strategic sympathetic confirmation location reflection provision installation registration quote sympathize criticize industrialize Word building 5
1 sympathize 2 confirmation 3 strategic 4 installation 5 quote 6 sympathetic 7
criticize 8 location 9 reflection 10 industrialize 11 provision 12 registration Banked cloze
1 profits 2 preserve 3 discarded 4 corresponding 5 motivate 6 weakens 7 implement 8 obligations 9 revolve 10 modify Expressions in use
1 was attached to 2 be measured in 3 come in handy 4 clinging to 5 pay a big price 6 are exhausted from 7 imposed on 8 revolve around C B D A D B A D Translation
极简主义是指去掉多余的,仅保留需要的部分。用最简单的话来说,极简的生活方式,就是生活得越简单越好,直到获得心灵的平静,这种简单既是精神上的,也是 身体上的。这样的生活方式会减轻压力,带来更多自由时间,并增强幸福感。极简主义者会说,他们生活得更有意义了,更从容了,极简的生活方式让他们着眼于生 活中更重要的事物:朋友、爱好、旅游和体验。当然,极简主义并不意味着拥有物质财富从本质上来讲有什么不对。现在的问题似乎在于,我们往往太重视所拥有的 东西,而常常抛弃了健康、人与人之间的关系、我们的热情、个人成长,以及帮助他人的愿望。极简主义除了在我们的日常生活中可以得到应用,还存在于很多创意 领域,包括艺术、建筑、设计、舞蹈、电影、戏剧、音乐、时尚、摄影和文学等。
National Happiness Index (NHI) is an index that measures how happy people are. It is also a tool that measures the levels of economic development and people's livelihood and happiness in a country or region. With the fast growth of Chinese economy, the Chinese government has been paying more and more attention to people's living quality and the increase of happiness index. The government stresses improvement of its people's livelihood, striving to improve their economic conditions and meet their growing material and cultural needs. Currently, the Chinese government advocates the unleashing of more reform dividends, with the aim of offering more real benefits to its people. All these measures will combine to effectively increase the NHI of our people. Unit 6 Section B Words in use
1 concerning 2 specified 3 controversy 4 rendered 5 enforced 6 distribute 7 highlighted 8 implication 9 penetrating 10 subtract Expressions in use
1 played a role 2 turned out 3 are depressed about 4 settle for 5 rushed into 6 out of control 7 transferred to 8 rely on Sentence structure
1 The more carefully he thought about it, the clearer it became to him that this was a job for someone with experience.
2 The more exercise you do, the more energetic you will become, and the easier your everyday tasks will seem.
3 The more interesting the plot is, the more appealing the film will become to the audience. 1 but when it comes to sports, he becomes a completely different man
2 When it comes to computers and the Internet, all the students become excited
3 but when it comes to friendship, the French seem to be more cautious than the British Collocation c-e-a-f-b-d
1 rival options 2 painful choices 3 carefully chosen 4 multiple options 5 winning strategy 6 predictably irrational 7 temporary pain 8 complex decision 9 limited choices 10 conscious effort 11 naturally prejudiced 12 accumulating evidence
Unit 7 Section A Words in use 3
1 harness 2 symbolic 3 disposed 4 flourishing 5 violated 6 accommodation 7 infer 8 compose 9 plausible 10 tolerance Word building 4
fatal horizontal mechanical occasional proportional logic denial commerce relativity priority continuity / continual actuality Word building 5
1 actuality 2 mechanical 3 logic 4 denial 5 Occasional 6 fatal 7 continuity 8 relativity 9 priority 10 commerce 11 proportional 12 horizontal Banked cloze
1 flourishing 2 expanded 3 genuine 4 diplomatically 5 comparison 6 administrative 7 jealous 8 dispute 9 valid 10 bystanders Expressions in use
1 comes down to 2 take exception to 3 make concessions to 4 burst into 5 feel at ease with 6 on both counts 7 took over 8 stemmed from D C A C D A B C Translation
婚纱礼服的颜色和款式可取决于婚礼参与者的宗教和文化。例如,在西方文化中新娘通常会选择白色的婚纱,而在中国,传统的结婚礼服是红色的。虽然白色已成为 当今婚纱礼服在世界各地最受青睐的颜色,可是这在维多利亚时期之前并不是一个普遍的潮流。白色在1840年成为了一个受欢迎的选择,那年维多利亚女王在她 的婚礼上穿了一件白色的礼服。官方的婚礼照片被广泛刊登后,很多新娘都仿效女王选择白色。很多人相信白色象征着童贞,尽管这不是她们选择白色的初衷。就款 式而言,婚纱礼服曾一度是前面短短的、后面是长长的裙摆。这种趋势一直持续到20世纪60年代后期,那个时期全长裙边的设计恢复了流行。
China is home to silk, thereby having a variety of arts related to silk, one of which is embroidery. Embroidery, with at least two or three thousand years of history, is one of the Chinese traditional folk arts and crafts. Since most embroiderers are women, it's also called \needlework\Embroidery has been much-loved by the Chinese people. It can be used to beautify clothing and things. For example, clothes, quilts, pillowcases etc. can be embroidered with beautiful designs, or a piece of embroidery can be made for a special ornament. There are four most famous types of embroidery in China: Suxiu from Suzhou, Yuexiu from Guangdong, Xiangxiu from Hunan, and Shuxiu from Sichuan, each having its own style and theme. Among the four, Suzhou embroidery has enjoyed the highest reputation. Unit 7 Section B Words in use
1 bounced 2 tolerate 3 supplement 4 condemn 5 overflowed 6 swear 7 resemble 8 compounded 9 disgusting 10 trim Expressions in use
1 convert to 2 was revolted by 3 was comprised of 4 busied himself with 5 fussed over
6 is unique in 7 exerting themselves 8 substituted for Sentence structure
1 Having no idea about their thoughts and opinions, I would rather give up the attempt to guess what their reaction will be.
2 To avoid making mistakes, I would rather be home alone and not communicate with anybody.
3 The old man would rather be living in the past, for things are much more different today than they were in the past.
1 I couldn't stand bad manners and thought my leaving was anything but rude 2 but in terms of integrity, they are anything but honest
3 many people attended the wedding ceremony, yet it was anything but modern Collocation c-f-e-a-b-d
1 plausible 2 context 3 management 4 pleasantly 5 great 6 strong 7 subtle 8 conflicting 9 personal 10 typically 11 diplomatically 12 vaguely
Unit 8 Section A Words in use 3
1 arresting 2 omits 3 optional 4 transplanted 5 hence 6 twisted 7 stung 8 minute 9 imitate 10 evil Word building 4
interference thriller scarce specific consumption / consumer deception invasion / invader procession Word building 5
1 interference 2 invasion 3 Consumption 4 procession 5 specific 6 deception 7 scarce 8 thrillers Banked cloze
1 hence 2 afforded 3 lobby 4 insists 5 consent 6 omitted 7 awarding 8 compass 9 evil 10 criticism Expressions in use
1 persisted in 2 have relevance to 3 becoming aware of 4 isolated from 5 in the name of 6 make a contribution 7 been occupied with 8 tip the scales D A C C D B D C Translation
世界自然基金会(WWF)是一个致力于有关保护、研究和修复环境议题的国际性非政府组织。该组织最初于1961年被命名为世界野生动物基金会。1986 年,它更名为世界自然基金会,以更好地反映其活动范围。它是世界上最大的、独立的自然保护组织,拥有世界各地超过500万的支持者,在100多个国家开展 工作,并援助约1,300个与自然和环境保护有关的项目。它的任务是阻止破坏地球的生态环境,建立一个能使人类与自然和谐相处的未来。目前,其大部分工作 都集中在对海洋和海岸、森林、淡水的保护。在其他问题上,它也关注濒危物种,污染和气候变化。现在他们最需要的是资金,以履行其使命和处理与自然保护有关 的突发事件。
Since the founding of New China, especially since the economic reform and door-opening to the world, the Chinese government has made considerable efforts in eco-environmental protection and achieved effective progress. The government has taken a series of important measures to protect and