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In mainland Europe resumes are also a routine part of a job application, but approaches vary. For example, in Spain and Italy it is usual to attach a photograph. In France people try to people try to limit the resume to just one page, whereas a German resume is much longer.


In an attempt to harmonize practices the European Union has introduced a standard format called “Europass” which anyone can download and use, but so far it doesn’t seem to have been enthusiastically adopted.


Perhaps the most useful guidelines for writing a resume are to remember the “KISS” philosophy – Keep It Simple, Stupid! And tell the truth. But if you’re no good at selling yourself, you can always earn a living selling other people – by writing their resumes for. A growing number of small companies and freelancers, in both Britain and America, offer resume writing services. At around $50 per resume you can make a lot of money fast.


Unit2 Active reading (1) / P24 Danger! Books may change your life

Like Lewis Carroll’s Alice, who falls into a rabbit hole and discovers a mysterious wonderland, when we pick up a book we are about to enter a new world. We become observers of life from the point of view of a person older than ourselves, or through the eyes of a child. We may travel around the globe to countries or cultures we would never dream of visiting in real life. We’ll have experiences which are new, sometimes disconcerting, maybe deeply attractive, possibly unpleasant or painful, but never less than liberating from the real world we come from.

就像刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)的《爱丽丝漫游仙境》(Alice)一样,当我们拿起一本即将进入新世界的书时,她掉进了一个兔子洞,发现了一个神秘的仙境。我们从一个比我们年长的人的角度,或者从一个孩子的角度,成为生活的观察者。我们可以周游世界,去那些我们在现实生活中从未想过要去的国家或文化。我们会有一些全新的体验,有时会让人感到不安,或许极具吸引力,也可能不愉快或痛苦,但至少会让我们从现实世界中解脱出来。

The English poet William Cowper (1731-1800) said “Variety’s the very spice of life, / That gives it all its flavor” although he neglected to say where or how we could find it. But we know he was right. We know we live in a world of variety and difference. We know that people live various different lives, spend their time in various different ways, have different jobs, believe in different things, have different jobs, believe in different things, have different opinions and different customs, and speak different languages. Normally, we don’t know the extent of these differences, yet sometimes when something unusual happens to make us notice, variety and difference appear more as a threat than an opportunity.


Reading books allows us to enjoy and celebrate this variety and difference in safety, and provides

us with an opportunity to grow. To interact with other people’s lives in the peace and quiet of our homes is a privilege which only reading fiction can afford us. We even understand, however fleetingly, that we have more in common with other reader of books in other cultures than we might do with the first person we meet when we step out of our front doors. We learn to look beyond our immediate surroundings to the horizon and a landscape far away from home.


If we ever question the truth of the power of reading books, we should take the trouble to go to our local library or bookshop, or even, if we’re fortunate enough, to the books on our shelves at home. We should wonder at the striking vistas created by the titles of novels ranging from the classics to the most recent: The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, The Fourth Hand by John Irving, Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway, Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene, The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger or Salmon Fishing in the Yemen by Paul Torday. Then we should reflect on the other lives we’ll meet once we begin to read.


Every book will have its own language and dialect, its own vocabulary and grammar. We may not always understand every word or sentence, but whether we’re enchanted or whether we feel excluded, our emotions are nevertheless stimulated. Other people and other cultures are not

always distant because of geography. In a book we may confront people who live in a different climate, have different religious beliefs, or come from a different ethnic group. Even our neighbors down the road may be strangers who we can only meet through books.


As soon as we are able to listen, books are supremely influential in the way we live. From the bedtime story read by a parent all the way through to the sitting room lined with books in our adult homes, books define our lives. The English writer E.M. Forster (1879-1970) even hinted at a more mystical power which books possess over us. He wrote, “I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready, and which have gone a little further down our particular path than we have gone ourselves.” It’s as if the right book comes to seek us out at the right moment, and offers itself to us – it’s not us who seek out the book.


Thomas Merton (1915-1968), the American monk, priest and writer, was once asked a series of seven questions by a journalist: Name the last three books you have read, the three books you are reading now, the books you intend to read, the books that have influenced you, and why, a book that everyone should read, and why. For the books which had influenced him, he cited poetic works of William Blake, various plays by ancient Greek thinkers and writers, and a number of religious writings. When asked why they had influenced him, he replied, “These books and others like them have made it possible for me to get out of the confusion and meaninglessness of an existence