本科毕业论文-浅谈个人所得税的纳税筹划 下载本文

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院系:经济与管理学院 姓 名:阎晓旭 学 号:1529180253 专 业:会计学 年级:2015级 指导老师:尤利平 职 称:副教授


摘 要




With the rapid development of China's economy in recent years, the gradual improvement of living standards and the relative growth of per capita income,China's national revenue from the central income from personal income tax The proportion is rising year by year. Therefore, personal income tax planning has aroused people's attention. China's large gap between rich and poor, low-income people accounted for the vast majority, from the perspective of ordinary taxpayers, how not illegal under the premise of personal income tax planning, as much as possible to reduce the tax revenue to maximize the benefits, It is important, but the personal income tax planning in China is still not universally recognized.

The main content of this paper is to introduce the concept, content and methods of tax planning to study and explore the planning method of personal income tax, including tax planning, tax planning and tax planning. To guide us how to not violate the provisions of the state tax laws and regulations, reasonable, effective and sustained savings in personal income tax costs, to maximize the benefits of the purpose

Keywords:Tax planning;Personal income tax;Salary