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课题 主备人 Unit7 It’s Not Related to My Major 语言技能 时间 2013.05.22——2013.05.28 1. To learn how to express certainty and uncertainty. 2. To improve the students’ abilities of listening ,speaking, reading and writing. 3. To learn the grammar “Gerunds and Infinitives”. 1. To discuss the difference between a career and a major. 2. To plan future career wisely. 3. To improve study habits. Important Sentences: 1.I can’t stand filing. 2.I think I’m concinced that you should try for this position. 3.I think you should give it a shot. 4.I applied for jobs in film and television. 5.I can have a chance to put what I’ve learned into use. 6.Nor do you have to become a chef because you have a gift with spices. 7.Whether you’re just entering college or preparing for graduation, it’s time to start thinking about your career . 8. You can just have a lot of activities and hobbies on topof it. certificate, relation, nor, vocation, recently, confuse … give it a shot, jot down, on top of it, for the time being, have a try, put…into use, have a chance to do sth... 职业技能 单 元 达 成 任 务 句型 重点词汇 常用短语 课时 安排 Period One Warm-up, Listening and Speaking A (2课时) Period Two Listening and Speaking B (1课时) Period Three Reading and writing (3课时) Period Four Grammar (1课时) Period Five Real Life Skills & Exercises (1课时) 3