英语词汇学笔记整理剖析 下载本文

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neo- means “new” 新的

neo-Nazi(新纳粹党) neo-impressionism(新映像派)

pan- means “all”, “world-wide” pan-Americanism 泛美主义

proto- means “first”, ”original” 原始的,最初的 protohistory(史前人类学) prototype(原型,典型)

tele- means “distant” 远程的 telescope telegram television

Part 2 Suffixation 后缀

1. Noun suffixes

[1] noun + noun suffixes, abstract 由此类词缀构成的名词表示抽象的概念

-age means “measure of” or “collection of”

Baggage luggage percentage(集合名词,百分比,不能和数字直接连用) mileage(里程)

-dom means “the state of being”

kingdom officialdom(官僚) stardom(明星地位)

-ery, -ry

slavery nunnery(尼姑庵) nursery refinery(精炼)

-ful means “the amount contained” handful mouthful spoonful

-hood means “the state” or “time of being something” childhood boyhood brotherhood neighborhood widowhood

-ing means “material of” or “activity connected with” carpeting matting tubing blackerring

-ism means “doctrine of”

Impressionism(映像派) optimism pessism idealism materialism

-ocracy means “government by” democracy(民主)


relationship friendship dictatorship(独裁主义)

[2] noun + noun suffixes, concrete 由此类词缀构成的名词表示具体的概念

-eer means “skilled in”

auctioneer(拍卖师) engineer mountaineer

-er means “having doininant characteristics ” teenager villager Londoner cooker roaster

-ess means “a female” actress hostess lioness tigress 在masculine(阳性)名词后加- ess author : authoress 女作家 heir : heiress 女性继承人 host : hostess 女主人 lion : lioness 雌狮 例外:

actor : actress 女演员

hunter : huntress 女猎人 tiger : tigress 母老虎 negro : negress 女黑人

master : mistress 女主人/情妇(concubine 二奶) prince : princess 公主 murderer : murderess 女杀手 masculine(阳性) 与feminine 完全不同 bachelor 单身汉——maid 少女 bull 公牛——cow 母牛 cock 公鸡——hen 母鸡 dog 狗——bitch 母狗 gentleman 男士——lady 女士 horse 马——mare 母马 king 国王——queen 王后 monk 和尚——nun 尼姑 nephew 外甥——niece 外甥女 在名词前后加上性别名词 man-servant——maid-servant cock-sparrow——hen-sparrow he-goat——she-goat tom-cat——she-cat peacock——peahen

-let means “small” 小 booklet piglet starlet

-ling means “minor” or “off spring of” 小,后代 duckling princeling

-ster means “involved in”

gamester(means a person who plays a game for money) gangster(黑帮)

[3] verb + noun suffix 加在动词后的名词后缀

-ant means “a person or thing”

informant consultant(顾问) inhabitant lubricant(润滑剂)

-ee means “one who is object of the verb” interviewee nominee(被提名者) trainee

-er, -or means “a person or thing” Driver teacher silencer(消音器) computer

-al means “the action on result of” arrival refusal revival

-ation means “the process or state of”

classification(分类) interpretation(分析) explanation globalization(全球化) exploration

Part 3 转类法——词形不变,词性改变

Assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. eg: 1. He designed to be a scientist.

1. He had a desire to be a scientist. Zero derivation 零派生 eg: smoke

The smoke from the chimney. (noun.) —— He smokes a pipe. (verb.)—— Let’s have a smoke. (noun.) 英语词类的转化一般是简单词 补充:breakfast 的来历

在阿拉伯,fasting为斋月,从breakfast的结构看来,意为“打破斋戒”的意思,在晚餐和早餐之间的时间较长,而吃早餐就像打破了一个小型的斋戒。 Conversion to noun

A. 表示一种心理状态或感情 doubt: I doubt that.

She has doubts on her boyfriend behavior. love: I will never love you.

Love is like a red red rose.

补充: smell a rat 发现了蛛丝马迹 B. 表示一件事或行为

search: The policeman searched every corner. The search was in vain.

laugh: We couldn’t stop laughing.

When I mentioned him, he let out a lovely laugh. C. 表示所给动作的受动者