英语词汇学笔记整理剖析 下载本文

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CBD central business district 中心商务区 EMS express mail service 邮政快递 SOS save our ship 求救信号 CEO chief executive officer 首席执行官 与电脑网络有关的英文缩写

DVD digital video disk 数字视盘 DOS disc operating system 磁盘操作系统 VCD video compact disc 视频压缩盘片 PK player killing 一对一单挑 IT information technology 信息技术 新闻中的英文缩写

GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值 UFO unidentified flying object 不明飞行物 TMD theater missile defense 战区导弹防御系统 NMD national missile defense 国家导弹防御系统

FBI federal bureau of investigation 联邦调查局(针对美国境内) CIA general intelligence agency 中央情报局(针对美国以外)

Part 5 拼缀法(blending)

一个词失去部分或者各个词都失去部分音节连成的一个新词 1) 新单词由第一个单词的首部 + 第二个单词的尾部

brunch—breakfast + lunch Oxbridge—Oxford + Cambridge

smog—smoke + fog motel—motor + hotel botel—boat + hotel

Chinglish—Chinese + English Japlish—Japanese + English

2) 新单词由第一个单词 + 第二个单词的构成

spaceplane—space + airplane travelogue—travel + catalogue

3) 新单词由第一个词的首部 + 第二个单词构成

medicare—medical + care medicaid—medical + aid Euroasia—European + Asia

4) 新单词由第一个单词首部 + 第二个单词首部构成

Amerind—American + Indian Interpol—international + police Sic-fi—science + fiction

Part 6 类比法(new words by analogy)

marathon—telethon; talkathon sunrise—moonrise; earthrise earthquake—starquake; youthquake chairman—chairwoman; chairperson

housewife—househusband hamburger—cheeseburger

Part 7 特色英语词汇


中文 AA制 爱国者导弹 爱屋及乌 艾滋病 安家费 安乐死 安全第一,预防为主 安慰奖 暗恋 澳门特别行政区 Patriot missile Love me, love my dog. AIDS; acquired immune deficiency syndrome setting-in allowance euthanasia(正式的); mercy killing Safety first, precaution crucial. consolation prize unrequited love the Macao Special Administrative Region 英文 type-B; ultrasonic bar counter Nothing tangible is yet in sight. Eight Diagrams; bagua tug-of-war Buckingham Palace(英国皇宫) Bermuda Triangle white heat shake off poverty Seeing is believing put on air Prince Charming Snow White semi-manufactured award presentation Zebra crossing transport worker Find a sugar daddy; lean on a moneybag new rich expose; make public protectiononism health care products a dark horse bowling 英文 Dutch treatment; go Dutch 中文 B超 吧台 八字还没一撇 八卦 拔河 白金汉宫 百慕大三角 白热化 摆脱贫困 百闻不如一见 摆架子 白马王子 白雪公主 半成品 颁奖大会 斑马线 搬运工人 傍大款 暴发户 曝光 保护主义 保健品 爆冷门 保龄球 保释 保税区 包修、包换、包赔制度 on bail Tariff-free zone System of three guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation of faulty products. 保质期、保修期 包装精美 保安 包二奶 暴利 被动吸烟 背黑锅 笨鸟先飞 被摘牌的公司 本土化 奔小康 蹦迪 蹦极 闭关政策 闭卷 比基尼 闭路电视 闭门羹 避嫌 毕业设计 变相涨价 便衣警察 边远地区 贬值 标准普通话 冰雕 兵马俑 博导 伯乐 薄利多销 博彩(业) 不安全性行为 步步高升 不见不散 不可再生资源 不眠之夜 guarantee period delicately packed securing stuff have a concubine(妃子,小妾) windfall profit passive smoking; second-hand smoking become a scapegoat A slow sparrow should make an early start. delisted-company localization Strive for a relatively comfortable life. disco dancing bungee closed-door policy closed-book exam bikini close-circuit television Given an cold shoulder Avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion. graduation design disguised inflation Police in plain clothes remote areas devalue standard mandarin ice sculpture Tena-cotta army PhD supervisor good judge of talent Small profit, large sale volume lottery industry Unprotected sex Promoting to a higher position Be there or be square non-renewable resources white light 不惹是非 不速之客 不遗余力 不倒翁 Stay out of trouble/let sleeping dog lie gate-rusher Spare no effort tumbler; never-fall doll 裁军 菜鸟,新手 才子佳人 彩信 参拜靖国神社 餐巾纸 餐饮业 餐桌转盘 查封 插嘴 拆东墙补西墙 禅 产假 产业不景气 常规武器 长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强。 水利枢纽工程 唱双簧 长途电话 常驻代表 超编人员 超短波 超负荷运转 超现实主义 车辆购置税 成事在人,谋事在天 成人高考 车牌号 吃饱穿暖 吃干醋 痴迷者 吃小亏占大便宜 充电电池 冲剂 重复建设 disarmament green hand; noob gifted scholars and beautiful ladies multimedia message Visit to the Yasukuni war shrine napkin catering industry lazy Susan close down chip in; interrupt rob Peter by pay Paul dhyana(梵语) maternity leave(paternity) industrial depression conventional weapon The new generation excels the old. The key water projects echo each other long-distance calls permanent representative exceed personnel ultra short wave overloaded operation surrealism vehicle purchase tax Man proposes, god disposes. The national higher education exams for self-taught adults. license plate number have adequate food and clothing be jealous; be green with envy addict take small losses for the sake of big gains rechargeable batteries dissolved medicines redundant project 英文 充值卡 抽样调查 出风头 触摸屏 传媒 传销 春运 此地无银三百两 从众心理 促销 催泪弹 rechargeable card sample survey show off touchscreen media(复数形式,单数:medium) pyramid-selling transport during the Spring Festival A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence. group psychology promotion tear gas